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Plant dying in DWC. Need fast help


Active member
Alright this is my first DWC run and everything is running perfect with all of them except one. I'm flowering one of my moms from seed and she is the one giving me the problem. Her clones are doing perfect. The problem is I noticed that she is not drinking water and her leaves are starting to yellow and wilt. pH is at 5.5 and nutes are at 1400. These plants eat a lot and I've been working with this strain for over 10 years so I'm very familiar with it. Plant is 6 feet tall and topped a lot of times. She is in a 5 gal bucket in a net pot with hydroton and a 4" rockwool cube. She's 5 weeks into flowering and needs 3 more weeks but she is starting to look bad. I don't have a camera at the moment but does anyone know what I can do? I felt the roots and they didn't feel slimy to me but I'm thinking that I could have root rot but now sure. What can I do?

This is a picture of the last one that I had of her, she's in the back to the right:


Active member
i have a feeling imma need some help with this down the road too! anyone out there? BUMP!

Yeah I feel that, I just want to just through my computer screen and tap some people.

Here's a little more info: I changed the rez last night when I saw the problem. According to my TDS meter, she ate 60 ppm somehow but she used to drink a gallon of water a day and she hasn't really been drinking lately but her clone drinks all day long. I noticed that the PH on the seed continues to go down and it takes a couple of days to get to 5.0 and then I changed the REZ instead of PH up because I already PH'd down to begin with to 5.5.


Active member
back the light off, and lessen the nutes. Is your Air stone pooping out?

My air stone is doing just great. Can you tell me your reasoning behind this she has never really been directly under the 1000 and I did lowered the nutes yesterday. Her sister can handle over 2000 PPM with no burn at all. But maybe you're suggesting this because she is from seed.


It sounds like she is stunned. I think after you put it under the 1000 the top of the plant grew faster than the roots could. then the plant got stunned because the roots simply couldent supply enough nutes for the boost in light/ plant growth above ground..
Are the roots so thick that they are smothering the airstone? That was my fear wit the 5 gallon buckets. Just a thought cuz she's a monster so I'm sure that root system is big


I think after you put it under the 1000 the top of the plant grew faster than the roots could.
I thought plants always kept roots & foliage in balance, unless you went and pruned your roots (whereby then it would focus on growing roots until they caught up). That wouldn't kill your plant.

Got pics of roots?


Active member
I just tried to take a picture with a camera phone but the quality was so bad that it was useless. As I was taking a picture the plant fell over by itself. Somewhere right below the stem is very week for some reason so I'm thinking i have some sort of rot. Anyone know anything? Can it be fixed or do I salvage what I can and chop tonight?


Active member
Another observation that I've noticed with this strain that I'm doing (Shiva Skunk from Sensi which is trash and nothing like the old Shiva they had), All of the ones from seed in DWC had that same topplinng over cause something was wrong and all of the ones from seed ended up dying but that was months ago. Does this mean anything to anyone?


Sounds like your hydro balls are causeing root rot. thats why it's not sucking water. if the plant is rotted right around where it goes into the hydro balls couls be a sulfer build up or something...

Id maybe put them in plain water for a but maybe get some other opinins too!


Active member
Sounds like your hydro balls are causeing root rot. thats why it's not sucking water. if the plant is rotted right around where it goes into the hydro balls couls be a sulfer build up or something...

Id maybe put them in plain water for a but maybe get some other opinins too!

When it rains it pours. I lost my vision in my right eye from accidently staring into my 1000 the other day, I also had 3 flat tires this week, my basement flooded today with the storm we got, my girl left me, and now this. WTF! Hopefully things start turning around cause I've been dealing with drama the past 2 years. Yeah I'm just going to put her in some plain pH'd water and hope for the best.


Active member
Sometimes it's a good thing the girl leaves... 3 flat tires, better than one transmission.

Yeah I know what you mean. My plants are the most important thing in my life. But anyway this is what I get for switching to DWC. Should have just stuck to what was working for me. Glad that I got another 3 rooms that are still ebb and flow and soil. Got to re-think this whole DWC switch. The ones that make it yield so much more but I have to learn more about this. I think my main problem is they are not recirculating because I was too scared i'd flood the place but i'll probably try that out next and see what happens. Thanks for your help MeanBean! Nice to know there's people out there.


NO prob, I aint sayin yout doomed but from my experiance that's what I think it is. Also if the roots are looking not soo white they could be dying. put it in fresh water for a while and change it as often as you can every 2 days or so. That may get her through, and if you see new root growth then you can slowy bring on nutes if there's any time left...


I ripped a vegging plant out of hydro and transplanted into coco. It grew back a lot stronger. Wouldn't do it past week 1

You should really start stockin up physan 20. Once the roots decline they start sliming up BAD in my experience which kills the ones that were otherwise healthy.


Active member
I dunno sounds like a root problem.

If you can isolate that one bucket from your rez.

Dump bucket, fill with plain water and h2o2. 1/2 bottle of 3%H202 per 5 gallon.

Or dump bucket and only fill the bucket 1/4. let the roots dry out for a couple of days. 3% H202 could be added.

Just a thought.


Active member
I dunno sounds like a root problem.

If you can isolate that one bucket from your rez.

Dump bucket, fill with plain water and h2o2. 1/2 bottle of 3%H202 per 5 gallon.

Or dump bucket and only fill the bucket 1/4. let the roots dry out for a couple of days. 3% H202 could be added.

Just a thought.

I was thinking someone was going to tell me about H2O2. For now I just put plain ph'd water and I just changed out all my buckets. Also transplanted one of my strawberries to a 5 gallon bucket in soil. We'll just have to see what is going to happen. I'm trying not to think about it. It's been a very long day. Today I had to get some flats fixed, pump all the water out of my basement, snake 5x 10-2 electrical wire down to my boxes (and it was a pain in the ass), drain 5 x 40 gallon rez's and fill them back up, change all my DWC rez's, and now i'm going to finally smoke a joint and relax then I have to deal with one of my Veg rooms. And another long day tomorrow taking apart my electrical boxes and adding 5 more breakers with all the wiring, then slap up some sheet rock and deal with a couple more Veg rooms. I won't lie, this used to be a lot of fun but it's getting really difficult handling all this by myself. But I'd rather be doing this than working a real job 40 hours a week.

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