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planning max 36 plants, max 5kw, perpetual, bedroom grow


No Jive Productions
hey farmari! i just now found this thread! damn! sorry! but you did a great job and your plants look great!

one of the reasons i dropped coco is the pest problem. with pure turface i hardly ever see any gnats at all. once in a while i'll see one or two and set off a bomb.

with turface or napa 8822 and a saturation type pulse the water drives them out of the medium every time the pump fires.

looking forward to your next grow. could you please let me know when you start?

thank you for trying this extremely atypical device.



hey farmari! i just now found this thread! damn! sorry! but you did a great job and your plants look great!

one of the reasons i dropped coco is the pest problem. with pure turface i hardly ever see any gnats at all. once in a while i'll see one or two and set off a bomb.

with turface or napa 8822 and a saturation type pulse the water drives them out of the medium every time the pump fires.

looking forward to your next grow. could you please let me know when you start?

thank you for trying this extremely atypical device.


d9 I'm not sure why you're apologizing and thanking me... I should be thanking you! All the info you and many others provide on these forums made this possible.

I might have a vert thread coming up (will let you know :) ) as I only have two small plants vegging in 1 gal coco hempy buckets and no clones ready... not enough plants for a horizontal grow, 2 trees maybe coming up. I should transplant them into PPKs ASAP.

I have perlite, could get turface or 8822... one reason I passed on turface previously was the weight. Carrying it, screening/washing it. I'm slightly handicapped, I could have others help me but I get impatient sometimes and overwork myself doing something that I could have waited for assitance with. Am going through old posts ATM on choosing a PPK medium.

Might perlite work well? I think you mentioned it being possible if using a drip feed. Any idea what sort of air gap perlite should have? Perhaps I could get an accurate guess by testing manually.

Again thank you D9 for your massive contribution, your help and expertise is valued by many here.


have you ever tried useing promix bh? i use that and dont have many problems as well and you can add more perlite to it if you want a faster dranage that may help the roots if it is root rot. it is quite heavy to carry but if you get one person to carry it up stairs for you, you should be good to go.


It would be cool to see soil in a PPK. I wonder how well it would do with organics, just plain PH'd water being wicked and pulse fed. Sorry greenbeen I have no experience with soil at all... I should put a plant or two in soil next run just as a learning experience.


im only on my first year of growing but my one buddy who is helping me knows some comercail growers in bc and they told him to use pro mix bh and make a 50 -50% mix of that plus perlight that way your crop is always hungry for water and you dont really have to worry about over watering.... i personally use it straight cause its easyer and i didnt really see a difference only the amount of water i use... im pretty sure that the promixbh is mostly peat moss so you prob could add 50% of the coco, i just suggested this because if you were having problems with over watering the 50-50 mix of perlight would help you could prob stick with coco and just do a 50-50 mix of coco and perlight and see what happenes