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Planning an autoflower grow in the treetops...


Good luck man. Love seeing treetop grows.
handpumps.com They have a couple different options.

If you get that ace pump please let us know how it works,. I had my eye on it too.


Active member
they are autos man,done by august and dont grow tall,maybe 4 feet.pick a spot on the ground,up in the trees is a waste of time for the amount of bud you get back,pick a spot in a swamp or something....way too much work for this project bro.i dont know why anyone would ever want to grow in a tree.


figment: I'll definitely let you know about the ace pump. Plannin on picking one up soon

: Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Active member
pretty damn good idea i must say. i think it could totally work well.
id camo a garden hose and cover it with bark, leaves, branches etc and rig it up the side to the top and hang it or split it off to each bucket.

then get a 12v pump and carry a small car battery jump box in a backpack to power it and wallaah


fuck off if all you're gonna do is hate. i'm doing this for a personal stash, not trying to yield 20 lbs so i can sell it to some wannabe thug. and any of you who think climbing a tree is really that much effort need to get off the mcdonalds and start getting some exercise.


Well-known member
the tree growing season is here, i've watched a few of these
they are wild stuff(literally), i like them because it gives another set of locations for LEO to add to their scan list(if they get popular enough)
i will mention that pumping up 40 feet(or so), may not be easy or practical, i think you will have to haul water up by hand or rope
so subbed and good luck


maybe a whisper generator plus an efficient pump will be quicker, and in turn safer, to get the water to the top of the trees. It will cut down on cranking time, and will fill a 15 gal rez almost immediately. how do you plan on securing the rez?

I love tree grows, they are awesome, keep it up!


Okay guys, this is starting to get going. A week ago I put a little runt girl up there for a trial run. She's doing okay now but got burned pretty badly by the sun at first. When I bring a few more up in a couple weeks I need to build a shade of some sort so they don't get burned too. I might try building it with some branches and other foliage.

Here she is:

I decided to keep the watering as simple as possible, so now I'm just carrying up 4 gallon jugs of water and carefully balancing to pour them into the reservoir up top. Its been working quite well.


Got a few more plants up there now and managed to keep them pretty healthy during the transplant outside this time. The only problem I see is a little bug damage, from ants I'm guessing. But I found a spray with pyrethrin, neem oil and insecticidal soap so that should probably take care of that.

The little girl in the back is starting to bud up good. :dance013:


New member
Dude I'm really impressed with this grow so far, I think you've executed it really well too. I'm scouting for a spot for some autos now, and I was thinking of just hauling the water up top in a backpack too. Everyone hates on autos, but I've had good experience with them, 2-3oz per plant, in only a 3 gal pot, which lasts me quite a while. I mean how much bud do people really need for personal use???? Sometimes I think we just get too greedy. I think you're doing it the most inconspicuous way possible. Much respect.


Amazingly it looks like all 4 plants up there are girls! 3 definitely are with pistils but 1 I can't see any pistils on yet. But it looks like the weather and bugs are giving them some problems. There is a lot of wind and the stems are still pretty weak so I think its slowing their growth some. Some of the leaves are all shriveled and yellow and I think its just due to the weather, especially with a lot of storms this past week.

Also some of the plants are getting decent bug damage, with some of the leaves having round holes cut out of them. I'm thinking its ants still? but there are so many damn bugs in this tree that it could probably be anything. I gave them a heavy soaking tonight with the spray that contains neem, soap, and pyrethrin. I really hope that this is sufficient to stop the bugs but is there anything else I should use?


All 4 in the pot are confirmed to be girls. Looking healthy with no more bug damage. My only complaint is they're all still barely 5-6" tall and it doesn't look like they're getting bigger very fast. I'm guessing they wont reach more than a foot tall. I need to find a better way of starting seeds so I don't stunt their growth so much.

In other news, I have a nice spot on the ground prepared in a well-hidden location, but all the plants I put there were immediately destroyed and eaten by bugs. Actually, one was completely ripped out by a deer probably. But the other plants were slowly eaten by bugs and organic sprays didn't help one bit. Anyone have any ideas what kinda bugs I'm dealing with? They kept eating little holes in the leaves until now there are barely any leaves remaining.

I'll upload some pics later if they turn out any good.


Went today to check on the girls and take some pictures after being away from them for a week and a half. I'm really amazed at how well they're growing with the blumat. The only problem is they're still rather small, so it doesn't look like I'll hit a big yield this time around. In round 2 I'll need a better method of starting seeds so I don't stunt their growth so much.

Anyway here are the pics

Biggest girl getting frosty

Group shot, 4 plants in all


That is pretty fucking sweet dude. Now that you have proven the method to yourself, you will be able to confidently upgrade to suit your needs. :)

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