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Planning an autoflower grow in the treetops...


Hey all, this is gonna be my first outdoor grow and I'm starting to get really excited because I've wanted to do this for a long time.

I've been trying to find a decent location to plant for a couple years now and I think I've finally found a couple spots. Obviously, one of those spots is in the treetops. Its a pretty out of the way tract of public land next to a lake that used to be a campground but has been abandoned by the parks service. It would be a great spot to grow, but quite a few people still go out there to hike and camp. This is a problem with every decent spot I run across...hikers make trails everywhere around here. But a while ago I saw a thread on here about growing in the trees, so why not try it out there?

My plan so far is to find a few big trees, strap some 5 gallon pots up there along with a 5 gallon water reservoir, and set up an auto-watering system like the blumat. I'll be growing himalaya blue diesel autoflowers.

My biggest concern with this plan is watering. It gets very hot and humid around here during the summer, so these plants will get thirsty. I'm hoping that with a 5 gal reservoir I'll be able to go at least a week between visits. And this is where you guys come in. :wave: Could I please get some soil recommendations that retain moisture well? Also, are there any dry ferts I could use that would feed the plants throughout the cycle from seed to harvest?

All feedback is appreciated :joint:


Bad idea bro

look harder for a spot to grow--as in, in the ground
I dont see how it can be a bad idea if I make sure the plants are extremely hard to find. Have you ever hiked through a forest and been looking up into the treetops? Probably not because you'd trip and bust ass if your eyes stray too high. Hard to smell too if its at least 30 ft up and mixed in with other forest aromas. Also the trees I'm going to use have limbs that angle upward so they allow for full sun penetration while blocking most view from the ground. It all sounds good to me. :) And I don't think theres much traffic anyway, its rare to see someone there at the same time

And I actually do have some spots on the ground too. Not too worried about those because they're used only for deer hunting and I doubt anyone will be around till late in the fall, and by that time I'll be gone.


what about helicopters? Other than that sounds like a good idea to me.

then again I'm a newb when it comes to outdoor growing so, what do I know.

TB Gardens

Active member
thats too funny, i just had a weird similar thought earlier today. has anyone ever built a Tree-Green-House? meaning you build a normal tree house, but use plastic green house sheeting for the roofing. obviously you would have to have to correct setup.. good amount of land, no children in the neighborhood or anything, and no helicopters. i dont see how a tree house could draw too much attention, especially if its kinda hidden along your wood-line or back corner of your property.
I dont see how it can be a bad idea if I make sure the plants are extremely hard to find. Have you ever hiked through a forest and been looking up into the treetops? Probably not because you'd trip and bust ass if your eyes stray too high. Hard to smell too if its at least 30 ft up and mixed in with other forest aromas. Also the trees I'm going to use have limbs that angle upward so they allow for full sun penetration while blocking most view from the ground. It all sounds good to me. :) And I don't think theres much traffic anyway, its rare to see someone there at the same time

And I actually do have some spots on the ground too. Not too worried about those because they're used only for deer hunting and I doubt anyone will be around till late in the fall, and by that time I'll be gone.

I my self will try tree grows this year :jump: i suggest you try talk with Bom tha crazy Norweigian he made some great tree grows and inspire me very much :wave: Go for it


Just do it buddy. Lots of work with getting soil and pots up there, but once that is taken care of, all you have to do is water. Many advantages with growing up there. here are some:

No animals
No slugs
No budrot or anything cause its so windy up there.
Very stealth if you find the right tree. Ive been talking to someone that flies alot, and he says they would be real hard to spot.

Check my sig for my treegrow. I had 4 pots. 17 females and 200 grams pluss of weed at the end of the season.

Good luck.


Thanks for stopping in Bom! Your grow definitely gave me some inspiration to pursue this idea.

So can anyone give me suggestions for soil and dry ferts that I can throw in the buckets and never have to worry about again? I'm thinking I'll just pick up a couple bales of promix or something similar and mix in a lot of water crystals, but what about dry ferts?
I would put some rice in the soil cuz then it will suck water when soil is wet and release when its dry ...when the rice cant do it anymore it turn into soil :) Then u dont need to climp so often with water


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sounds good. In a dense tree, almost no chance of detection. I doubt choppers look for tree grows anyways. About the water, you will know the first week by trial and error.

Wish I had some big trees nearby that I could climb....


Holy shit I came up with a great plan...I'll post it later. But there's one little kink..the smell. Any of you guys who've grown in trees able to smell your grows from the ground? I'm gonna be growin some stinkers, maybe 40-50 ft up, right above some hiking trails. It might not matter how well its hidden if hikers walking by can easily smell em lol.


I would think some sort of a pully system would be good...You could even rig it to go up and over into a good spot... I've spent many hours pondering tree growing... Could hang mothball bags 10-15ft below the plants to help with smell and bugs too..


Ok guys here is my "great" plan. So I was out getting a better look at things today and I noticed that each tree only had enough room for 1 bucket each if I wanted to keep things well-hidden...which leaves no more room for additional pots and a water reservoir.

So to still be able to use a water reservoir and automatic watering, I came up with this idea. I can put a big reservoir in one tree at the top of the hill, I think I found a tree that can hide a huge tank, and run a water line down the hill across the tree canopy. The line should be fairly difficult to see from the ground, as its only a bit over 1/4 inch diameter and black. I'm slightly worried that it will look obvious in some places, where there are gaps of multiple feet between trees. But I'm hoping that the vegetation fills in a lot better in the spring and summer to block anything up there from sight...do evergreens grow new leaves every year?


If I get this set up, I should be able to throw quite a few buckets up there, but I'm really worried about too much smell so I'll just be doing a few for a trial run. The seeds I've got have a couple phenotypes...one with a strong blueberry smell and another with a strong diesel smell. As I said, the place gets moderate use by hikers, I think. There are established trails that run right by the base of some of the trees I'm thinking of growing in, so people will probably be walking within 40-50 ft of them...might wind at the top disperse the smell away?

Anyway, I'm hoping for some great results from this with very little work once it's set up. Blumats seem like a perfect application for tree grows. :dance013:


Pullin up a chair. This is almost exactly what I plan to do this year. First time tree grower. Don't mind the haters. I've seen a few threads where people were saying 'you're wasting your time' 'Too much work' 'It'll never work', and in the end it worked a charm.

When are you going to be planting them?

My plan is to get at least 2 if not 3 harvests this year. 2 rounds of autos and one of regular. Blumats seem a treat for this style. I'm not sure either about soil, but I do plan to get a large bladder to hang in each tree at the top and then let that water the plants below it.

A bladder is great because you can see how full it is and then with a hand pump you can fill it from below. Then you'll only have to climb when you want to get a closer look at things.

It's a great idea man keep this thread going to the end. Too many threads like this stop half way through. But I've seen it work enough times to know it is very doable. Good luck buddy I'll be watching.


Hey MasterKhufu, its always awesome to hear from another potential treegrower! It's such a brilliant idea yet so simple. :dance013: It only starts to get complicated when you're too lazy to climb up and water all the time. I'll be putting my plants out around mid-late april I hope. Last frost isn't till the beginning of may but i have seeds to spare if the first ones get killed early. I wanna get an early harvest in too, mostly i just wanna see how many of these himalaya blue diesels i can get away with growing without making the surrounding 3 miles reek like a blueberry diesel factory. :yummy: If i remember right they put out a really nice fruity smell, so maybe people wont even recognize the smell as weed.

Your bladder idea sounds pretty damn awesome, I'm interested in hearing some more about it. Whats the hand pump you're using? How many trees are you doing and what size/how many pots?

And don't worry I'll keep this thread up. There are definitely not enough growlogs for this awesome idea.

By the way, if you're doing blumats you should make sure that all your nutes are in the soil and not in the water. Seems guys have problems with clogging if anything but pure water is going thru the blumats. I'm mixing an all organic soil with guano for ferts....all the plants are gonna need is some pure h2o from seed to harvest.


Active member
ill be joining you guys,but mine arnt going way up, just enough to keep them away from deer. my strains are blue streak f2's ,SLS x blue streak and masterlow x bluestreak.
i havnt found a place yet but i have a few ideas,anyway im gonna get 2 gal. growbags,camo them up w/ hunting burlap and then im gonna use digicamo duct tape and strap them to a tree. im also gonna see how noticable a chickenfence cage would look.
i hope to find a erea with alot of dead canopy,and ideally a water source nearby.


The green fabric bags that grocery stores have are supposed to work well for soil-I have been told :)

This might be a good DIY to mod a super soaker with a bag like in the URL - you could rig a length of 1/4" or even 3/8" plastic rigid pipe to(with a j bend at the end) so it feeds up and then back down to the bag-break down the pipe joints for carrying
