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Planet X (Nibiru) has been confirmed as real


gets some
Ya know, a year or so ago I was laughed at on this very forum for suggesting pole shift was the cause of the weather anomalies, not CO2. Then when I mentioned the possibility of Nibiru/Planet X as the cause of said pole shift, I was laughed at even more and called crazy. This happened on a couple of the old global warming threads. Yes Im talking about you DiscoBiscuit and ArcticSun, among others. Then what happened? Pole shift turned out to be real and confirmed in the media, as airports have had to redo their runway markers accordingly.

Now, Planet X/Nibiru has been confirmed as real!


Scientists believe they may have found a new planet in the far reaches of the solar system, up to four times the mass of Jupiter.
Its orbit would be thousands of times further from the Sun than the Earth's - which could explain why it has so far remained undiscovered.
Data which could prove the existence of Tyche, a gas giant in the outer Oort Cloud, is set to be released later this year - although some believe proof has already been garnered by Nasa with its pace telescope, Wise, and is waiting to be pored over.
click link to read more

I have a new outlook on things these days. If someone says something is just tinfoil crazy stuff then it's most likely true.
Okay, I don't think I will be able to change your mind, so I will not even try to. I will just share with you. I used to believe in Nibiru Zacharia Sitchen. I read all his books as a teenager, back in the 1990's. I read everything I could get a hold of on UFOs ETs and 2012. Pretty much all conspiracies, but Sitchen's Sumerian stuff was a favorite of mine.

Well, did you know that Zacharia Sitchen, the man who pretty much brought the term, "Nibiru" to the world, was completely mistaken, or misleading when he wrote the Earth Chronicles. The Sumerian texts have now all been transcribed to english, and the term Nibiru means nothing more than what they called a "Great Warrior". Great warriors were called Nibiru, in Sumeria. But what Sitchen calls the 12th planet, there is ZERO evidence for in the Sumerian texts, apparently.

Listen for yourself, to a real archealogist talk with George Noory on Coast to Coast about what is known and real, about the giants, and early civilization, and what is made up imagination of writers. There are several parts to this, but if you are truly interested in Nibiru, you should listen to them all.


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