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I'm sick of reading posts by people with very little experience that are obviously articles or answers that they got from Google and then cut and pasted into their replies. These posts are usually good information but in my opinion should be cited and given credit. Anyone can receive good reputation by doing this but shouldn't because it's not their knowledge.


Active member
If they took the time to find and share said info people should be grateful if it helped them. If you Really have a problem (remember you've been here just over a month so be tactful) start calling the offending individuals Out on it.

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
I'm sick of reading posts by people with very little experience that are obviously articles or answers that they got from Google and then cut and pasted into their replies. These posts are usually good information but in my opinion should be cited and given credit. Anyone can receive good reputation by doing this but shouldn't because it's not their knowledge.

Delete your account. Don't come back to the site.

Problem solved.


*EDIT*: Anyone who suggests this solution going forward regarding helping people with recycled or plagiarized information will need to cite my post! (sarcasm)


The Voice of Reason
while i agree it is a small morality issue, and people should not present other's knowledge as their own... seeing plagiarism on site does not bother me, seeing bad information or misinformation posted up as advice is what I'm sick of... If the advise is sound and helpful, who cares ultimately about the source of the advice?


Active member
If the advise is sound and helpful, who cares ultimately about the source of the advice?
I'm sure in most instances the true source does. But if they cared enough to share said info in the first place I'm guessing not many will mind others sharing the info again and again. Unless of course someone a long that chain generated cash and prizes for said "sharing". This is why Freddy and David sued Rob. But sharing info about growing weed on the Net is a little different than swiping 7 notes from Under Pressure.

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
Anyone can receive good reputation by doing this but shouldn't because it's not their knowledge.

Crap, where is the bloody plagiarism police when you need 'em?

Are there any other rules about giving reputation that you want us to consider?

Besides, isn't most shared information "plagiarized"?

For example: If I tell a person on this site that fish emulsion is high in nitrogen and good for the vegitative phase of growing, do I need to cite the Native American tribes who would place a dead fish next to seeds they planted?


What if I am part Native American? Do I still have to cite this?


Good points guys. I wasn't trying to piss anyone off though. Sometimes you have to look at things in a different perspective. If someone is cutting and pasting a bunch of info from another source it's nice to know where they are getting this information. Not everything on the internet is credible. Thanks for your input.


True facts are not work of art. But your right from now on we should keep what we've learned on this site for ourselves and refer every question with a "use the search button".
I do think the need for facts for medical users is paramount

To be able to give advice and where you got that advice from helps to get the myths filtered out

Sort off trying to explain things with the scientific method, linking the source helps to back it up, do not care if plaigurised as long as it is fact


I'm sick of reading posts by people with very little experience that are obviously articles or answers that they got from Google and then cut and pasted into their replies. These posts are usually good information but in my opinion should be cited and given credit. Anyone can receive good reputation by doing this but shouldn't because it's not their knowledge.

look at high times then. many of their informative articles are from stuff ripped directly from this site. And their contributors are actually making money off of it too - a few grand per article


Active member
Its pretty ez to tell the cut n pasters apart from the ones with actual knowledge I think.:dunno:


with all the information thats at our fingertips, nothing truly ever is an original idea...something is always borrowed from someone else.. sometimes ppl site their source, other times not, but its not a requirement on this site.
Im sorry that this bothers you, but it really is a losing battle because nothing is going to change just because you notice it.


The Voice of Reason
I'm sure in most instances the true source does. But if they cared enough to share said info in the first place I'm guessing not many will mind others sharing the info again and again. Unless of course someone a long that chain generated cash and prizes for said "sharing". This is why Freddy and David sued Rob. But sharing info about growing weed on the Net is a little different than swiping 7 notes from Under Pressure.

People have posted things I've said to them as if it were their own idea... what do I care... should education be proprietary?


The Voice of Reason
Good points guys. I wasn't trying to piss anyone off though. Sometimes you have to look at things in a different perspective. If someone is cutting and pasting a bunch of info from another source it's nice to know where they are getting this information. Not everything on the internet is credible. Thanks for your input.

It is very easy to find the source of any cut-n-paste...
google the pasted text, the most likely source will be top hit...

you can also get a good idea of a poster's credibility by using the 'find more posts by' feature...

It is damn near impossible to get people to cite sources in a debate thread, i don't think it'll ever happen in an advice thread...


Lammen Gorthaur
The 21st century economy is about knowledge. How we access it, how we process it and how we assess its value in the market creates the impetus for innovations in technology, the uses of technology relative to production and the benefits of these innovations to society as a whole. Every user has to interpret the information through their own filter and decide what is important, what is relevant, what is profitable and what is not. This is what makes our economy work. We each react to changes in our world in a way that we believe will ultimately create the best outcomes for each of us - this is called Rational Choice Theory.

Some information has an extraordinarily high value as it allows others to do things that create profitable outcomes that would not be possible without this information. It is still just information and judging it as right, wrong or anything else is what we do with everything. In the end, you have to decide what it means to you and the source of it is only of secondary importance. If you believe that your questions should be answered by carefully researched opinion papers and memorandums (as opposed to things ripped off Google searches) then you pay a consultant like me to do the work and you take the result.

When it is free you don't have a right to bitch; only accept it and move on or reject it and move on.
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Thank you all

Thank you all

The good people on this site has taught me so much, and it's more or less peer reviewed with knowleadgeble and intelligent people getting to share their experiences.

I Wiki pretty much every new consept I come across, and with cross searching it is possible to split the shit from Da Shiiit :biggrin:

Icmag-forums rule!! :biggrin:


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
if someone writes text, they should know it is open to public, if they don't like that then they should not share information..

whats wrong with sharing information? isn't that why someone wrote it?

I have not once come across someone pretending they wrote it. can you show us an example of someone who tried to pass off info as there's that wasn't ?