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Some suggest using just blue and 660 red, some say two blues, reds, bit of white, ir and uv, some say use one blue, one red and white with best efficiencies. Some have 37 different spectrums (not really, but I'll think you understand :) ). Many different ways seem to be working. I think that we just don't know yet.


Just keep in mind you pretty much need to keep the colors into arrays onto themselves... You can't really run a mixed string of red/whites/blues; without risking burnouts...

I don't see the reason for doing a bunch of blues; especially if you're running whites in the mix...

Good to see we've got some more DIY'ers here :) Personally I'm playing with luxeon rebel tri-stars. Did the cree and regular stars previously with the aquariums... But these rebels are friggin amazing.

Right now playing with a driver circuit so I can have my arduino drive them; burned up 80 crees a while back had a transformer that would suddenly jump in output once it got hot (about 110F) - took out my arrays twice before I figured it out. Got it mostly done now so the arduino can be set with the current, voltage, and monitor and adjust accordingly...


the ghs ww i grew did very well with single cola or double colas, so im sure your in for a decent yeild here