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Pitfalls and Follies of an Obiden Presidency


Well-known member
20% want their vote back based on the best thing joe Biden has probably done in his entire life?

yeah those people are useful idiots. We spent $300 million dollars per day for like 20 years in Afghanistan. I think that's enough.


Active member
20% want their vote back based on the best thing joe Biden has probably done in his entire life?

yeah those people are useful idiots. We spent $300 million dollars per day for like 20 years in Afghanistan. I think that's enough.

No, based on his complete and utter mental
incompetence...hes cooked....ya'll can deny it
and throw shade on it...but there it is for all to see...honest people who voted for this disaster
are hanging their heads in shame...as well they should


And the cost of the bungled and disastrous pull out from Afghanistan has only started
This sum will be far greater and will impact the world over for decades to come


Well-known member
how was the afghanistan pullout bungled? we evacuated hundreds of thousands in the blink of an eye. the people who stayed behind are dual citizens who had months notice to leave. same goes for the soldiers.


Active member
how was the afghanistan pullout bungled? we evacuated hundreds of thousands in the blink of an eye. the people who stayed behind are dual citizens who had months notice to leave. same goes for the soldiers.

I dont believe you are that misinformed as to
the chaos that took place....or perhaps you are in denial of the facts....even as we speak there are hundreds of Americans stranded and desperate to get out of afghanastan and thousands of green card holders and siv holders that were targeted for evacuation....75% of the people evacuated were none of the above but merely Afghan citizens and perhaps Taliban terrorist...in my country,we dont leave any Americans behind
...80 billion dollars in weapons,military hardware,and aircraft that are now being used and distributed to other hostile nations
13 US servicemen were killed and a botched
Drone strike that reportedly killed a US aid worker and his 7 children...reported "ISIS PLANNERS" by our military generals
as I said the fallout from this chaotic debacle
will prove fatal in the years to come and maybe you will see the full picture then...
most people already do...no amount of spin
Can dilute this blunder



Well-known member
“They chained us like animals. They chained our hands, feet & waist. Once we arrived, they made us stay inside the plane until they unchained us so the journalists don’t see.”




Well-known member
she's well on her way to becoming the next generation's ultimate democratic sellout -- atleast ilhan omar still has some balls. AOC literally changed her vote from No to Present after speaking with i'm assuming was Pelosi. You can see AOC wiping tears from her eyes, likely because Pelosi had just pressured her to break with the progressives. Some kind of Machiavellian power play i'm sure.



Well-known member
she's well on her way to becoming the next generation's ultimate democratic sellout -- atleast ilhan omar still has some balls. AOC literally changed her vote from No to Present after speaking with i'm assuming was Pelosi. You can see AOC wiping tears from her eyes, likely because Pelosi had just pressured her to break with the progressives. Some kind of Machiavellian power play i'm sure.

She's a good actress, but not a great actress.

moose eater

Well-known member
The children are fighting in the back seat f the station wagon as it cruises 70 mph down the highway, and the shrieking parent behind the wheel thinks they'll actually get to it, and get their chores done one day. What a farce we accept as 'leadership' in this Country.

Set them all in the fucking corner, and get the belt out.

Partisanism, party supremacy, and discord have become the primary goals of both parties, to one degree or another. We, as a class-action, ought to back-charge the fuckers for wasting our taxes..


Well-known member

"The President keeps begging her, tell us what you want. Put a proposal forward," says Rep. Ro Khanna of Senator Kyrsten Sinema. "One Senator, Kyrsten Sinema, is holding up the will of the entire Democratic Party."

right wing democrats who aren't up for reelection until 2024 (when it stops mattering) are taking the fall for the democratic party who probably wants to lose on purpose anyways.

Biden can do much more to pressure these Sinema and Machin but he's not willing (or mentally capable) of doing so. Strip Sinema of all her ranking comittee positions within the party and make her powerless. But Joey won't do that....

Democrats will lose 2022 and 2024 without Bernie's reconciliation bill passed.