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Piss Test Advice


New member
Hey everyone sorry to be the billionth person to ask advice on this but I'm going back and forth with some ideas after reading plenty of previous threads about this.

I'm about 6'0 202 lbs, go to the gym to lift weights and do cardio around 4-5 times a week for about 6 months and I eat pretty healthy aside from drinking a couple times a week. I was a very heavy smoker for years and I stopped for about 2 months in January/February but received no job offers so I started smoking again 4-5 times a day up until May 9th when I had some opportunities coming up and I have no problem not smoking as much as I love to if it means getting a better job. I have a couple of job interviews coming up early next week and I know they do a pre-screening drug test.

So here is my dilemma, I'm pretty sure I won't have to piss next week but I need a new job pretty bad and I don't want to fuck this up. I've read a lot of people endorsing QuickFix which seems like my best option, but my buddy is saying to try QCarb to just help speed up the process of detoxing. Basically I'm just worried I won't be able to piss clean in time even though I haven't smoked for almost 30 days. Anyone have some opinions that can get me to go either of those ways?? Thanks in advance


I know a guy who knows a guy who recently had to spend several consecutive weekends in a place he'd really rather have not been and he had to pass a pee test every weekend. I... err, he yeah, he had only quit for about 2 weeks is in worse shape than you, likes his fatty burgers, and was/is chronic. Now I know there are different types of tests but he passed whatever type the county lock-up used after using detox pills and the super-sized quick flush drink (for people over 200lbs.)
they have better instructions on their site than I can write up here.

since you have time to prepare I would rather use my own dong to pee from than a plastic product like whizzanator

only trouble with the detox drink is it requires some planning you have like a 2 hour window when it's most effective

I hope you get the job, it's a bitch out there atm.

they sell a home test kit so you can be sure, at the site I mentioned or in some drugstores


New member
Thanks for the good wishes, I am gonna get a home test some time this week to see how worried I should be. I should be good but I just want to have a decent job at this point in my life, thanks again for everything.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Quik fix will do the trick...I don't think they gonna be watching u that closely right?


weed fiend
Wally World had home tests, last time I checked. I saw them outside the pharmacy counter beside the blood-pressure checkers. Good luck.


easy stuff man.
use clean pee in a testtube use a lighter and put a thermo on it(which would be sweet)


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
As long as I know I won't be watched during the test I will never piss in a cup regardless if I think I am clean or not. I fell better knowing its. Not really my piss and they have nothin on me. Hope you get the Job man...good jobs are hard to come by nowadays. Peace


weed fiend
I took a pee test with someone else' urine, YUK.:)

I microwaved the stuff to warmer than body temp and headed for the test. The tech peeled the label off the can and the temp didn't register. She looked at me like she knew what the f was going on. I thought I was sacked.

But get this, it was an employment service that did the test. The tech touched the temp indicator with her fingertip. The damn thing turned green and I got the job.

The tech was still pissed. I think she wouldn't have passed me but they needed that position filled.

Ethical lapse, anyone? :biglaugh:


you will most likely be watched while you do it, so if you plan on using someone else's piss you need to be real stealth about it.

you have the cardio down already, but this is usually what I recommend -

take a lot of Niacin (the herb/vitamin/metabolizer, get it at wally world for $5 a bottle). For the first two days, go on a fast - drink a lot of water and nothing else. then after that, eat lean protein, run as much as you can, and SWEAT SWEAT SWEAT!

also Disco's idea of testing yourself is spot on. if you're not pissing clean, not worth it to take the test.

good luck man


I'm getting ready to take a whiz quiz too. I'm gonna use someone else's piss and a hand warmer. Not my ideal situation but I need a job.


glass test tube and a lighter, you can do it right in the toilet


New member
Just took a home test and failed, I got accepted for the job and have to go in for some paperwork and to get "set up" for a drug test. I'm hoping I wont have to piss tommorow but luckily there is a head shop and a vitamin shop near where I have to go. So basically I'm gonna see if I can get some quick fix(I don't think they carry it at the headshop) if not I'm gonna try QCarb32 and give it my best shot. Just wish I had another week to dry out a bit. :\


New member
good luck hunkydory, hope all goes well. i'm in the same boat. i was accepted for a job but i still have to book/pass some tests. i plan on using a detox drink from a local headshop to; i've heard they work if used properly. edit: just realized this is a couple months old. did you pass the test?


I've only had to take one test for a job and I wasn't watched at all. They turned the water off in the bathroom and put blue dye in the toilet and sent me in to piss. I used Quick Fix and passed with flying colors. The main thing with Quick Fix is to make sure the temp is right.

The funny thing is I got to the testing place early so I rolled around back and smoked a bowl while I waited. Piss on them I say!


Active member
I've done heaps of piss tests n wat works best for me is just flush ur system with heaps of water so ur piss is like water. But u need to take a shit load of the supplement creatine because thats wat they use to detect for watered down urine samples. If ur body's creatine levels r extremely low the test will come back as a fail. I assume that American tests would b similar to Australias. Good luck all:gday:
it depends what type of test you get.if its the quick 5 instant test, those are very easy to beat, with just water. if the test gets sent in to a lab, then there is a chance they will test the creatine level in the urine. when you drink a lot of water to flush your system out, the creatine level is very low. another thing to consider, sometimes if they think you sample is "odd" (like too clear) they can have the creatine level tested. so that's a few things to consider, the good detox drinks always have creatine in them.
the past few i passed was with water. i had been smoking hash oil everyday for a few weeks. i drank something like 200 ounces of water, and took a multi vitamin a little more than an hour before my test. bought a cvs home test for $16, passed, then went and took it. the urine had a great color to it, not bright yellow like it normally is after a vitamin, but not clear like it was before i took it
my friend passed 2 lab test using the drinks. she was a heavy smoker, quit once for over a week, passed, and then another with less than a week.
one thing i have heard, but dont know the truth, is creatine takes 24 hours to get absorbed in the body. will it still be in the urine within an hour after drinking it. i think this is an important thing to know.

i got some quick fix plus to try out, and the plus is the big size, its 3 ounces. what ize is the normal. the last test i took, they told me they barely need any urine, like an ounce or something. do you think i will be able to keep the remaining urine for my next test. its random tests so it could be months later. i'm not really sure what its made of, but im assuming it wont go bad. it would be great if i could get 3 uses from it. that would make it the cheapest by far, and i don't have to pre-test


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
if its for a job they aint gonna watch tht close a whizzanator will work for you...if its for probation or courts sometimes they know wassup.
for a job id go synthetic urine and a whizzanotor.


30 days clean and you still pissed dirty? Yikes.

It usually takes me 14-20 to get it out of my system completely. (180lbs, average body type, average diet)

For anyone interested and still looking for some advice.

1. Drink lots of water.
2. Take a break from exercise the day before the test. THC attaches to fat cells and the metabolites the tests detect will be present if it is released from those fat cells.
3. Never give the first urine of the day. Try to expel urine at least twice before you go to your test.
4.Drink lots of water, if your urine is clear take some B-12 vitamins.

All else fails, synthetic unisex urine is easy to use when you aren't being watched.