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Pipeline Gardens--2007



Cows.. :headbange
Magnificent pumpkins...
saw a guy growing Giant Squashes, for show..he put an old tyre around the plant when it went in the ground..
swore blind the black rubber absorbed the heat..and kept the night temps up.
'fraid I only have cucumbers..no competition there.
I have my first germ on my Mud#1/maz f1's...
but you are going to be the first to germ the other Muds.


ICMag Donor
That would work for sure depending on how cold it got and how much direct sun the site recieves. Black definately absorbs light, aint no doubting that.... Water jugs inside a little tarp would work too....

Cucumbers can grow pretty big, you just wait.... But I've never done a pumpkin before.... They're growing at lightening speed! It would be cool to stick a cannabis out next to them to see whos quicker.... My money's on the canna.... :canabis:



I pinned the cucumbers up yesterday..and today the lead shoots are all 4-6 inches longer..
can you imagine how big the pumpkins are now.. :yoinks:
It will be interesting to watch..


pipeline man, have you ever thought about compiling a photo album of your works? You have some great photographer skills! I'd call it "cannabis and nature" or something like that...

Cheers :joint:


nice bunch of plants and pics pipeline..

just keep mother nature happy with you .and you should have a great harvest...


ICMag Donor
Morning fellas! Got some good news and some bad news..... Bad news.... we're in a drought and may find some dead/wilted seedlings on the next trip.....

The good news..... Planted 3 more Skunk IBL and 4 more Sunshine IBL! :yummy:

Preparing for the worst....... Always room for a couple more though....

Yeah the pumpkins are haulin, mossy! They grow a foot or 2 a day! I watered them a little yesterday with the sprinkler so they're really gonna get moving soon! They don't have near enough room, so we're spiraling them around their mounds..... working so far.... we'll see once they break the 40-50 ft. in length. Be sure to give those cucumbers plenty of room!

Thanks relik! I have thought about an album.... Outkastt has already suggested it a couple times.... I have a good printer.... might do that come the end of the season....

Thanks mole! I like your method this year! Indian style! Sunlight and water seem to be the most important when you've got the great soil of this region.

Lookin forward to a good harvest this year for once! Yesterday evening, I was trying to decide if I should plant more seed or not.....

By the way 3 Sunshine are up and 1 skunk! Will get some shots later..... :woohoo:

Well I was walkin around doing an odd garden job thinking about it, and all a sudden a big waft of strong real skunk odor comes through the air. Got me thinkin harvest real quick....... Plant 'em up! :canabis:

Got some new shots to show but haven't sorted them yet..... In due time, in due time.....

Got some cottonseed meal. (6-1-1) Will be trialing it on the veggies before attempting it on the canna if at all..... May just wait for the late summer guano application.....

Have a good weekend!



Putting up a little album is a good idea..you have some brilliant photos.
You have an eye for it.

Fingers crossed for your seedlings...

I am taking the cucumbers..up and around the top brick on the patio..so they don't have far to go for training level.
Have a Good weekend M8.. :joint: :joint:


ICMag Donor
Hey guys! Sorry I've been away so much, been enjoyin my summer! Fatigued and sore, just how I like it...... :D

Took the first round of sunshine and skunks out and snapped some shots.... Some would say I'm crazy planting now because of how dry the ground is..... But hybrid cannabis is tough.... plant them deep in a depressed hole, press down well and drench..... Rain is on the way too! :woohoo:

Just 1 or 2 deaths due to the drought..... no more than expected.....

How about a few views.... :smoke:

Sunshine front.... Skunk in back..... :canabis:



Bubba Chunks

SAGE Chunk

ECSD Chunk

Cheese Chunk

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Well done M8...
they are looking damn good.
I will keep my fingers crossed for light refreshing rain for your plantings.
:woohoo: :woohoo:


ICMag Donor
Thank you mossy! Should be just a couple hours and we'll be nice and fixed up! :woohoo:

You up already? I'm just gettin ready to have a puff, a shower and go to bed! :D


ICMag Donor
A friend of mine dropped my one toker in the lake this weekend so I've got a new one to try out! Its better I think.... The wood kind with a brass tip and inside..... :smoke:
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Damn pipe...looks like you got critters chowing down on a few of your plants. Time for a few shots of insecticide?



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
^^^Yeah, maybe some Neem oil protection. ^^^

Love the stump carving! Always a pleasure to see where your lens falls.

Peace, HL


Man your mj babies all look good! My real qualm is that your sunflowers are blooming before mine... You bastard:D


ICMag Donor
Yeah I know, the insects love the succulent new growth that comes in the spring.... Japanese beetles are out for sure now! I guess they came out one week before they've ever been seen in this area!

I probably should get some neem, but these are low maintence plots.... These guys got some growing to do still.... They'll tough it out... :canabis:

Planted 9 more beans this evening, can't remember exactly what they are.... I know some are Mississippi mud offspring.... Will post when I find out.... :smoke:

That carving was done by a local I guess.... Those oaks are about 200-300 years old.... Wise creatures......

Hey eugene, don't feel too bad, these sunflower were started back around February! They're boquet hybrid mix so I guess they don't get that tall.....

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ICMag Donor
Thanks for stoppin in guys! No trips out this weekend..... 2nd round of skunk and sunshine are still not up as of yesterday.... Still have more time before worrying....

I'll get ya a pumpkin shot..... They're growing a foot or so a day!