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Pipeline Gardens '08


ICMag Donor
The jungle weather is here, and the plants are out and growing. Meant to make a thread earlier, but this has been one busy spring for me.... Barely managed to get all the gardens going....

Season lineup:

Deep Chunk
Oguns thunder
Powerhouse (c99x DC)
whores coddle
Danish Passion
BOG Medely x SAGE chunk
Night Hail Ultra
Chunky micks 07
Erocket x Danish passion
Early Durban
Apollo 11 x erdpurt
B3/N7 x erdpurt
Deep Chunk x (erocket x Danish passion)
Teheran devil x erdpurt


This season, seed was germinated indoors, in a warm closet around 80 degrees, after being exposed to direct sun. Seemed to work well... Got a heck of a success rate! Had a few to give away this year.... :yummy:

After emergence and a few days of growing, the plants were transplanted into a near perfect peat and perlite germination mixture in anderson containers (3 inch square by about 6-8 inches), and they just LOVED it! :canabis:

Really worked out having them all come up at about the same time too... Direct light before planting.... Try it! :yes:

Veggie garden updates may be less this season. My gallery is near full and it takes almost a decade to delete a dozen pictures.... :drum:

Had a few males show up already this year... Carpatian had a male and I pulled it thinking that would be it, but the others appear to beginning flowering as well.... An erocket x danish passion has open staminate flowers already! There was a male perun that was pulled too if I remember correctly...

Chosen Black Indy F5 females will be crossed with the eroc x DP if time allows....

Eroc x Danish passion early male foreground, black indy runts to left.

Our little inspiration, Buttercup. :D

Erocket x DP

BOG Medely x sage Chunk

Salad no.1


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ICMag Donor
Oguns thunder and carpatian behind

Deep Chunk

Apollo 11 x erdpurt


Black Indy F5-- 12 for 12! :yes:

Night Hail Ultra

Bull Thistle

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ICMag Donor
Black Indy runts--there were 3

Erocket x Danish passion mutated foliage

Deep Chunk
'Bertha' (Named by my girl because she was a slow grower

Chunky micks--see the mitten like lobed leaves? Is this an afghan trait?

Here its seen on a Black Indy F5 seedling which also contains afghan.




ICMag Donor

Black indy F5

Erocket x Danish passion

BOG Medely x SAGE Chunk

Deep Chunk x (Erocket x Danish Passion)--Not for sale, it was given away. :D

Erocket x Danish Passion male



ICMag Donor
Black Indy rooted

medely x SC, Chunky micks, erocket x DP

The Plots

Whores Coddle

Salad no.1 on right, Oguns thunder on left

3 Ksider--One broke during the move, but she's still rockin!:yes:



(B3xN7) x Erdpurt

Chunky Micks 07

Erocket x Danish Passion



ICMag Donor
Bertha front, 2 Early Durban behind

Apollo 11 x erdpurt

Deep Chunk x (Erocket x Danish passion) behind, Teheran Devil x erdpurt front

Teheran Devil x (erocket x Danish passion)

Flooded plot! :eek:
Night Hail Ultra

Danish passion--look at the soil!

BOG Medely x SAGE Chunk



(B3x N7) x erdpurt

Hope ya enjoyed the update! :smoker:


Right on pipe. you got more strains than a seedbank. Looking really good for this years outdoor.
whats up with "whores coddle"???lol

im in


Wow what a great looking start! I'm deffinatley on board for this one. Wishing you the best of luck this grow season!


That's awesome you have help from ones that love you (your girlfriend and pups). My girl watered today while I was at work. It really does help to have people there who care, who you can trust. I wish you, your girl, and your pups a great season! Looks like fun, live it up. :rasta:
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ICMag Donor
Thanks for the support guys! :wave:

Its great having help.... The older dogs actually came along with me on a few trips out this spring... Very loyal... I feel safer with them... They're very well behaved when we're out, no barking at all, they love the adventure... :bigeye:

Whores coddle is a poly-hybrid. cool name, eh? You may have to ask mossy, don't forget to get the recipe.... Its a type of food I think. Whores Coddle is a cross of Mississippi Mud and (Mazar x Lowrider) I believe.

View of the girls close to home this morning. Getting some branches on them now! Its the sun I tell ya.... :yes:

Hoping to see some ALF emergence here soon.


all looks great bro, despite the rain attacks!

cant stop liking this one!
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ICMag Donor
Thanks you guys!

Darksider is nigerian x (Mazar x Lowrider) :yummy: Ask mossy to find out more....

I love that shot too, esbe. My girlfriend has taken a few shots, definitely has an eye for it! :canabis:

The white containers I'm using are specially designed to prevent root circling . The fiber sides and bottom trap rots that grow around the edge, slowing/stopping the root's growth and promoting lateral branching.... So more root mass can get roots... Probably not as much of an issue with cannabis as it is with trees. :chin:


Darksider is one of Wams girls..I will need to check which..either K-sider or P-sider x maz.
(Both Cowboy crosses I think)

Ogun's Thunder is Nigerian x Maz.

You are spot on with the ALF#3..
Maz x Lownranger IBL @F3 then x WRUSSIAN hybrid.

(m8's initial smoke report on ALF#2 Maz x Lown..says you lose your Brain..
must be good.. :joint:
Then we have added a WR to it too..
Oh My.. :sasmokin: :sasmokin: :sasmokin: )

Whore's Coddle JLP's Mississippi Mud x maz.

Nothing gives a man an excuse for a walk anywhere in the woods like a Dog..great stealth.

Keep on doing what you are doing..I can see them fattening with your sunshine.

Greetings to your lady too... :wave:
those photos say she has an Eye for You... :biglaugh:


ICMag Donor
"Yeah I was just looking for my dog.... Thats a bad dog...." :D

Thanks for refreshing my memory, mossy. I knew it deep down.... Just hadn't thought about it for a little while... I have both K sider x (maz x lowrider) and the p-sider x (maz x LR) then....

Really looking forward to watching ALF no.3.... Sounds like a goodn'... :yummy:

Hey Chuggynugs thanks for stoppin in! :wave: I shoot for mostly females obviously. They're easier to evaluate.... :smoke:

Popped right around 100 beans this season... Can't tell ya the number for sure, threw out that sheet of paper.... I can tell you we had 81 seedlings goin at one point.... :headbange

Planted the ALF 4 days ago and this morning we've got 2 emerging! :woohoo:

An auto-flowering afghan is one step closer. :headbange

Just spent the night out at the veggie garden... We just now got dry conditions so weeds must be pulled and transplants put in... I know its late... :D Woke up this morning to rain a little after 7.... Rats, gotta wait a few days now.... :drum:

Going out to get a bee swarm this afternoon to take out to the garden... A local beekeeper came across one in town. :yes:

Views from last summer.

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Going out to get a bee swarm this afternoon to take out to the garden

I've brought you a spare.... :smoke:

This one was in a pollen frenzy on the big sunflower today.
By the time it finished it had a big yellow mane like a Lion.
It had me mesmerised.

"Yeah I was just looking for my dog.... Thats a bad dog...."
Yup..indeedee.. :headbange

Have a good weekend m8.. :joint: