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Pineapple Express Water Farm Tent Scrog


Active member
Hi IC,

Just thought I'd share some of my Pineapple Express shots. I grew this strain at the end of last year and harvested about November time (didn't take any pics that I recall :-( ). A clone was taken which a friend was supposed to have, but to this day hasn't got his grow together. The clone was sat under 2 x 45 watt 6400k cfl's until early this year. Suffice to say it hadn't grown that much, but was kept on an 18-6 cycle. When it became painfully obvious my mate wasn't going to get anything sorted and I felt bad about throwing it, it went into my DR100 tent under a 400 watt MH bulb, in the water farm that it had been sat in since it rooted. It's now into day 49 (week 7). It's looking ok, but I'm sure the first grow I did had much larger buds. I think I may have flipped it too soon once the screen was installed. Oh well, live and learn!

I'll dig some pics out.



Active member
And these were from last Friday (47 days of 12/12)...

I will leave it for at least the 8 weeks I think. The pistils are turning orange, but I've yet to dig my loupe out and check the trichs. I doubt I'll flush (or even need to) as I've run 1.2 ec throughout flower.

The DR100 tent has served well, but I only pulled 11.5oz off the P.E. on my first grow with the same setup. Although that was started under a 400 watt MH bulb then a 600 watt HPS (Change of tent size meant I could get away with the 600 watter).

beautiful plant, definitely let her go the 8 weeks to get even more solid. Yield looks great on that express, I've been dying to try it, and I might just have to buy a pack


Active member
Hi Jungle.Microbes. I think the camera makes it look better than it is to be honest. I wish I had taken some pics of the plant this was cloned from because that did look impressive. Reviews were mixed on the smoke of the mother of this plant. I say one thing, it was VERY sticky! Give it a try :)



Active member
Hi Tvede. Well the magic 56th day rolls round on Sunday. I must admit that I've not check it with the loupe yet. Really should do that. I think the mother of this plant has 9 weeks and that went down really well. The buds have swollen nicely the last week so it's tempting to let it go a little longer. I will post up the harvest pics and dried/weighed buds asap.



Active member
Little update.

Week 8 (day 56) was yesterday. I checked the trichs and they are still pretty much all clear so I will keep checking it every day this week and see what happens. I chucked last years calendar away that had coded details of the mother of this plant so I can't remember when I pulled it, but it was longer than 56 days.



Active member
Nice plant.. gotta love the farms!

got 11 under 1600 watts.. gonna pull the plug any day.. everything is bigger in em

I can never see the water level in the blue hose.. so I pulled it out and dropped the whole thing in an open tote..open ened air hoses in every tote too.

got tired of cleaning clogged rings so I just took em off.. works fine