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Pigeon poop in tea?


New member
New to this organic thing and am wondering how I would go about using some pigeon crap, with some feathers in it, on my plants. I'm guessing because of the high N the veg cycle might be the best time? Was hoping to incorporate it in a tea. Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated.

Btw, while I'm here, I picked up a bottle of Tiger Bloom recently and now found out the thing might kill my microherd. Do I need to dump the TB or can it be used successfully in an organic grow? Many thanks.



Active member
Definately not for teas. Far too many undesirables tea may accelerate the production of.

I'd feed it to worms if i had it, and use their castings on the garden.

CT Guy

Don't make a tea out of the pigeon poop. Like Mr. Fista said, there's probably a bunch of pathogens in there. You could compost it in theory, but you'd want to find out how much nitrogen is in it first. Personally, I probably wouldn't bother with it, as I seem to think of pigeon poop as being very messy (at least the stuff that hits my car is)!


**AWD** Aficianado
Pigeons are the rats of the sky so it's at your own risk.
There is a world of difference between fosilized seabird guano ond fresh pigeon poop.
Diet is high up on that list :p.

Tiger Bloom is small doses will be fine for an organic grow.



New member
The "poop" I have is from hand-fed birds, very stable diet - believe it or not they only eat at home. I did a quick search which netted me these results, among others(can't seem to add the links? 1 is from garden services dot c0m/fertanal dot h t m l and the other is from a forum located @ Homesteading Today > Country Living Forums > Gardening & Plant Propagation > Pigeon guano as a fertilizer? - a little detective work necessary :( ). My interest was/is of course to see how this specific community utilizes this stuff. Possibly adding it when soil is originally mixed and leaving it for a few weeks, mixing and wetting the soil as needed, so the microherds could break it down? Just thinking out loud.
Thank you for the replies

The Tiger Bloom, in maybe 1/3rd or so does mixed in with a tea or just plain water? Thanks again.

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