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~PIFF~ A.K.A. Uptown Haze/Frankies/Church. Preserving a Heritage...

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
thanks for the advice jericho, i will do that. i respect people wanting to get educated, thats fine, the hipocrisy was just too much for me. it took many many post to finally break me down. for the record i dont feel better, i feel weak minded and immature. also ive never smoked any haze from ny, im sure its bubonic. my issue was never with the strain.

Jericho Mile

thanks for the advice jericho, i will do that. i respect people wanting to get educated, thats fine, the hipocrisy was just too much for me. it took many many post to finally break me down. for the record i dont feel better, i feel weak minded and immature. also ive never smoked any haze from ny, im sure its bubonic. my issue was never with the strain.

I'm guilty of snapping on peeps myself....but really...if most of us were in a room...we'd get along. I like bigherb...he's always been decent to me. He's way stoked on his Hazes/history of...don't think he means to cause drama.

Cool dude...good post. I'm out to water veggies....


Well-known member

You must got me confused with someone else only joke is Internet tuff guys like yourself

You must have really taken liken to me i think that post isnt even from this thread if i recall it was in response to motaco in the RUST thread

The comment if you dont understand was i know for a first hand that haze is grown in the tri state in response to the comment of Piff is the Haze from FL , Nothin to do with Frankies .

STill im not sure your point about the Start of the Q for Sams Ohaze thread an my point/post .Never claimed to be an expert or authority ,BUt i have gotten first hand from the originator an spoke with a brother aswell as was gifted a Poster

The article was just a story gifted to me that I wanted to share with the community ,It was Confirmed mostly by Sams in open post below

I read this and have to say it is mostly correct, a few minor points are off. I do not want to nit-pick.
In the past I have read so much crap about the Haze it was nice to see the mostly true facts for a change.
I was in all the greenhouses that G and R.L. used to grow, they were not big or fancy. G's first crop was outdoors in the Santa Cruz mountains, they used greenhouses as soon as they could. In the beginning both lived separately just a block or two from my place, I was a close friend of both.
Remember, I was given permission to use and reproduce the genes and the name the Original Haze back in the 70's. Not that most people care, but I did.
As far as I know maybe the only one with un-hybridized Haze. Only used for breeding it is amazing what happens when you use it to make Haze/Whatever hybrids, amazing.


Some get excited for Warm apple pie an i get a hard on for Incense an catpiss stone me .

Remember Tom isnt here anymore its for a similar situatiion of our beef .You werent here either when he started an it all started in the same fashion your post to me started ,One man angered by another man's passion .LMAO that a feminine trait

I look forward to your contributions ,BUt you need to remind yourself think before you talk always do ya reasearch an than again dont believe evrything you read .

:biggrin: Its amazing how anyone can like your post .How can anyone be angered by another man's happiness is beyond me ,But yet ive seen soo much of this. I have only asked questions an expressed my opinion .I cant imagine why my interest an inquistions upset others well truth hurts an misery loves company

The only one up is my middle finger Or a Fat Haze L

Pic an song for you



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pappy masonjar

Well-known member
i wasnt angered by your passion or happiness, it was your hipocrisy. you basically said people shouldnt speak on piff from second hand info or if theyre not from nyc. yet you wrote an frickin ARTICLE on a CALI strain from a story that was "gifted" to you. sounds second hand to me. and just to be straight, im not into drama, i just hate hypocrites. but after being exposed to a lot of your posts; it seems your more intrested with the bull shit dramatic ass stories surronding the plant, than the plant itself. have good life big herb.
you go that way《----. ill go this way------》


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ive smoked the shit a million times. Fantastic herb. Smells like a basement or something and tastes amazing. Growing up ppl would pay 500 a zip for it. Unforgettable but doesnt look worth a damn to me for growing. Probably takes 11+ weeks and not the biggest yield for that much time. Lots if larfy stuff. Ive had dense piff but never really dense. He def found it though which is awesome. Did anyone ever come up with seeds bx of this?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^ my people in the know say that the Piff does 2.5 per 1k when dialed in promix/ss#4 :biggrin:

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
^^^ that makes a lot of sense. i always thought that it didnt make a lot of sense that it didnt yield well. i dont care how much people like it, if it was a low yielder and took 50% longer than avg. strains, i couldnt really see a commercial syndicate running it.
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pappy masonjar

Well-known member
Yeah,i knew what ya meant. I thought, thats really good. Especially cause i was under the impression that hazes werent supposed to yield all that well. thats apparently wrong though. 2.5 a light is pretty freakin good.


Could be a Haze C (Colombian) pheno of NL5xHaze, Nevil's Haze or SSH, or just some Colombian hybrid.

Looks like haze to me though due to the resin.



Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
The blacks are what I believe to be a super lumbo with a spritz of nl....just an opinion....so +1 2chains...jeje....


Well-known member
Anyone know if matt riot has the real deal piff? He made and is making a few crosses with it. Says he got it passed to him by a member of his site.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Hell na no one online has the piff cut especially mat riot..and if the do they def ain't gonna post it....it would be real easy to locate the leak....and yes it is an easy2+ per in 60 days... I know them dudes very well and most of them went under and are comin home this yr or next... The cut has never leaked or made its way out ... And won't... I can't go into details but if y'all no what I know u would be shocked... I def ain't what ppl think or assume it is genetically..... but to say tightly held is an huge understatement... But it's still growin in the circle... Prob said to much here ima stfu now...


Well-known member
Hell na no one online has the piff cut especially mat riot..and if the do they def ain't gonna post it....it would be real easy to locate the leak....and yes it is an easy2+ per in 60 days... I know them dudes very well and most of them went under and are comin home this yr or next... The cut has never leaked or made its way out ... And won't... I can't go into details but if y'all no what I know u would be shocked... I def ain't what ppl think or assume it is genetically..... but to say tightly held is an huge understatement... But it's still growin in the circle... Prob said to much here ima stfu now...

Appreciate the response stoney. I understand that shit is locked down like no other but he's working something that he's calling piff into his crosses and I for one am curious :) . I was talking to matt on another board asking for pictures of people growing out the uptown crosses he made, but he said people have been sitting on them since they've bought them for the most part.

This is what it says on his site:
Other names for the Uptown Haze are: The Piff, Frankie, Puday, NYC Haze, Church...a nd I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting. Note: this is NOT the Cuban Black Haze in this line, this is the real deal Piff out of NYC collected for us by DoggyStyleD73.


Well-known member

Matt has posted pictures of babies he grew out ,Id say its been almost 2 years since he mentioned the NYC haze seed stock (b4 i left MNS). But he hasnt given a description of any sort to my knowledge ,I imgaine he is very familiar with the traits of all his keepers by now . Im sure many others aside from me would love to hear more details of what he has found in the seeds


IMO you havnt said enough lol

Im itchin to hear what Lineage it is thougt to be

As you kow im sure there are several cuts grown out ,BUt i hope that Frank is still kept in that circle
