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Pics of spots on AK-47.... tried everything.... need your help...


I have years and years of experience with AK but never had this problem. I will include pics at the end.

It is a male that I plan to harvest pollen from if I can figure this problem. It is about 2 months old. EC of 1100--1350, pH 5.7-6.2 adjusted daily, distilled water with Flora GH 3 part in aggressive mix. Use a small amount of TopMax for the Humic acid and tried adding Cal-Mg but no changes...usually don't need until into flowering. Res temps 66-70. RH 30-55%. Temps in the upper 70s and low 80s with CO2 supplement. Spots started on lower leaves then progress to further necrosis of leaf. Pics are typical. It is out growing it but can't figure it out and is bugging me. No pests present in room. Oh, Hydroguard in res and roots look excellent.

Any ideas or input. Here are the pics.
Whole plant:

Under leaf side:

Upper leaf side:

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her dankness
Looks like the damage from mites, especially under the leaves. Look closely at the undersides of the spotty leaves- any tiny webs? Any bugs or pearl-looking eggs? Does anything move when you touch it? You might need a magnifying glass.

The weird thing is, usually they hang out on the UPPER leaves! And tend to like a lot more warmth. But if you have a fan blowing on the warmest part of the plant, they WILL move to a more still location to breed. I was shocked to find a couple infested leaves deep under my canopy last week in a room that is windy and actually quite cold! So look carefully and report back.

Your plant looks great but here's a couple hints:
-Res temp is a LITTLE on the chilly side- try to stabilize it up over 70'F.
-I'd add calmag to your source water. That isn't the problem, but you should have more minerals than ferts and DI alone will give you.


New member
Gonna agree with Stinkyattic on this one. Looks like spidermite damage to me. Spray the leaves with neem oil (underside as well) couldnt hurt.
From expierence these appear to be spider mites. They usually start at the bottom of the plant and BREED their way up. Try some Neem oil immediatley, and clean the grow area thoroughly because thems mothertruckers will take over you crop without hesitation. Neem oil will keep them down, and a really good cleaning of your grow spot will help stop them. Kill the lil bastards now or you will be sorry.


bad old spider mite. Try Safer brand insect killing soap, works well but don't over spray it. It gonna be a tough battle son.


that definitely looks like spider mites.

Make sure you clean EVERYTHING when you do.

those little shits come back like you wouldn't believe

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Just to play devils advocate...could that be calcium deficiency? Check my own personal version

You might want to consider continuing to use Cal mag...if it is a calcium issue, you can keep the new growth healthy. The old stuff will never look good again.

Very possibly its mites but if you dont see any crawling bastards...this could be the issue.

You know after seeing the spots like that I immediatley thought spider mites. But on second thought it could be a calcium deficiency. Do you have anymore pics to show??? All I know is that if it is mites you need to act fast to get rid of them soon. They will take over your crop fo sho. Post some more pics if you can.

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