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pics of african weed?


Old School Cottonmouth
hey guys. I was wondering if any of you had pics of the local weed you buy is.

only had a few africans but I'd like to try more.


mz, I am guessing from the focus that shit must be strong lol

rockin it with some Afropips Malawi 99 - lightly seeded, and the seeds look like beauties

proper herb

used to get Swazi a few years back - lovely

It was very nice. Had me going a million miles an hour. Seeds are hit and miss with the swazi I get from this bloke. His usual stuff, pictured above is very lightly seeded. As low as 10 seeds per 30 grams. Although the last batch had a lot more.
His premium swazi is grown by his community. Fucking potent. Strongest swazi I have ever smoked. And I've only picked three seeds from all the gear I've bought. Have them wrapped up always nice to have good genetics handy.


i used an old pentax M32 lens, extension tubes and custom made adapter mount for those shots, hence the slight softness in detail. the kit lens give much crisper results but the old pentax glass and tubes combo gives me better macro.
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Old School Cottonmouth
only pic I have saved of any africans is a lil piece of nigerian. and it didn't come out well at all.

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