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Phylos Galaxy - Landrace discussion


See the world through a puff of smoke
Gathering the Ganja Crop", Naogaon, India - February 16, 1894 - (Photo from the British 'Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1894-1895')


Storm Shadow

Well-known member

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
@Elmer Bud

don't have time to respond in detail, but I seriously doubt any of that is relevant to any genetic connections there may be between Nepali and Thai cannabis, or to the history of domesticated cannabis in SE Asia

G `day ngakpa

I agree with you re Thai - Nepal .

You seem to not understand when people are being facetious ?

Interested why you say the largest empire in the region for 500 years had nothing to do with ganja cultivation . ?

The Mekong runs right through the middle of their territory ?
Comes on down from regions where cannabis is indigenous . Why were they not involved with cannabis ?

Khmers were Hindus , later buddhists . Did ganja not come with the Hindu influence ?

Cultivation happened in the last 600 years ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
well, back in Vavilov's day this was the assumption, but it's been known not to be the case for decades

eg. bananas originate around SE Asia but their centre of greatest biodiversity is West Africa

G `day ngakpa

You know of this guy ?


The pseudo-scientific ideas of Lysenkoism assumed the heritability of acquired characteristics (Lamarckism).[1] Lysenko's theory rejected Mendelian inheritance and the concept of the "gene"; it departed from Darwinian evolutionary theory by rejecting natural selection.[2] Proponents falsely claimed to have discovered, among many other things, that rye could transform into wheat and wheat into barley, that weeds could spontaneously transmute into food grains, and that "natural cooperation" was observed in nature as opposed to "natural selection".[2] Lysenkoism promised extraordinary advances in breeding and in agriculture that never came about.

Joseph Stalin supported the campaign. More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were fired or even sent to prison,[3] and numerous scientists were executed as part of a campaign instigated by Lysenko to suppress his scientific opponents.[4][5][6][7] The president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, was sent to prison and died there, while scientific research in the field of genetics was effectively destroyed until the death of Stalin in 1953.[2] Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines was also negatively affected or banned.[8]

Lysenkoism abounds on canna forums . lol .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
Interested why you say the largest empire in the region for 500 years had nothing to do with ganja cultivation . ?

The Mekong runs right through the middle of their territory ?
Comes on down from regions where cannabis is indigenous . Why were they not involved with cannabis ?

Khmers were Hindus , later buddhists . Did ganja not come with the Hindu influence ?

Cultivation happened in the last 600 years ?

among Westerners there's an Orientalist assumption that

1. Cannabis has strong and ancient links to Brahminism (so-called Hinduism) and Buddhism

2. Cannabis culture is always ancient

Both assumptions are wrong

Cannabis has little at all to do with Brahminism; the whole 'Soma is cannabis' thing is bollocks; all the myths about Shiva and cannabis are very late creations in the scheme of things

As for Buddhism, that has next to no connection to cannabis use; it was likely a reaction against it in early days; what little involvement there is entails only very marginal use in Tantra

About the history in Indochina:

It's pretty clear that ganja cultivation and consumption in Indochina post-date the Khmer Empire. All the indications I see are that ganja smoking only became a common popular habit on the back of the spread of tobacco. That applies to the Coromandel and Malabar, plus all Southeast Asia


Active member
About Lysenko:

Yes, what happened to Vavilov at the hands of Stalin is a lesson people such as Schultes should have learned:

Bending science to political ends is a dangerous game, even with the best intentions


Active member
Only people dumb enough to buy seeds from these guys would believe any of this... some shwag on a local currency ,,, a picture of a plant in a garden...and some random photos of Iran lol

Cant hate,,,scam artists always out to make an extra buck...

Dear Lord some people bro

ironically, what's in the IG photo is clearly hybrid

This isn't aimed at you, but I'm not sure who's dafter:

The people who can't tell a hybrid from a landrace

Or the people who dismiss landraces as 'schwag'

In so far as these guys are making authentic landraces available, they're doing something worthwhile...

People should read Mel Frank's interviews on what the original landrace plants he worked with in the 60s and 70s were like to begin with

When it comes to landraces, the lack of understanding from all sides is pretty mindblowing


among Westerners there's an Orientalist assumption that

1. Cannabis has strong and ancient links to Brahminism (so-called Hinduism) and Buddhism

2. Cannabis culture is always ancient

Both assumptions are wrong

Cannabis has little at all to do with Brahminism; the whole 'Soma is cannabis' thing is bollocks; all the myths about Shiva and cannabis are very late creations in the scheme of things

As for Buddhism, that has next to no connection to cannabis use; it was likely a reaction against it in early days; what little involvement there is entails only very marginal use in Tantra

About the history in Indochina:

It's pretty clear that ganja cultivation and consumption in Indochina post-date the Khmer Empire. All the indications I see are that ganja smoking only became a common popular habit on the back of the spread of tobacco. That applies to the Coromandel and Malabar, plus all Southeast Asia

You need to cite or link where you get your information from about Indian culture and history if you want to be taken seriously as the authority on Cannabis that you attempt to present yourself as.

I dont see why anyone should believe you, if you can not back up your claims with research.

You can call me crazy all you want for disagreeing with you, it only reveals your insecurity,
but to have an intellectual debate with educated people than you need to provide evidence for your claims, otherwise its just talk
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
You need to site or link where you get your information from about Indian culture and history if you want to be taken seriously as the authority on Cannabis that you attempt to present yourself as.

I dont see why anyone should believe you, if you can not back up your claims with research.

You can call me crazy all you want for disagreeing with you, it only reveals your insecurity,
but to have an intellectual debate with educated people than you need to provide evidence for your claims, otherwise its just talk

G `day ngakpa

Are you a student of anthropology ?

Where are you getting all this info ?

While I won`t be as aggressive as water , I would like some references and information to read and better inform myself .

You have much information to share. Your delivery and admonishment of people might be tempered if you offered education as well as criticism .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
You need to site or link where you get your information from about Indian culture and history if you want to be taken seriously as the authority on Cannabis that you attempt to present yourself as.

I dont see why anyone should believe you, if you can not back up your claims with research.

You can call me crazy all you want for disagreeing with you, it only reveals your insecurity,
but to have an intellectual debate with educated people than you need to provide evidence for your claims, otherwise its just talk

there's a ton of primary and secondary literature, most of which is available for free through the Internet

That goes for cannabis, Brahminism, and Buddhism

For cannabis, imo the best stuff is the 19th and early 20th century colonial material

There's no 'disagreement' here, mate:

I'm giving opinions based on research, whereas you're throwing out toxic spite and hate because, by all appearances, you're seriously unwell...

As I've said already, it looks to me like the best thing you could do for yourself is take a total break from the Internet and cannabis


Active member
G `day ngakpa

Are you a student of anthropology ?

Where are you getting all this info ?

While I won`t be as aggressive as water , I would like some references and information to read and better inform myself .

You have much information to share. Your delivery and admonishment of people might be tempered if you offered education as well as criticism .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

as said already, if you want good primary material you can start by reading the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission

It's not like there isn't a load of material on cannabis - there's been extensive writing on it since way back, and a ton of popular and academic work since the 60s, and anyone familiar with it will know where I'm getting the info from

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
as said already, if you want good primary material you can start by reading the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission

It's not like there isn't a load of material on cannabis - there's been extensive writing on it since way back, and a ton of popular and academic work since the 60s, and anyone familiar with it will know where I'm getting the info from

G `day ngakpa

Lets play the I know something you don`t game shall we ?

I`ve already read some Indian Hemp drugs Commission papers .

But that has nothing to do with the knowledge of anthropology and cultures you like to lord over us ignorant folks .

Its not like I haven`t tried to educate myself ...

I asked to be enlightened . You sneer ...

I`ll google popular and academic work since the 60s see how I go eh ?

Another question are you familiar with Aspergers syndrome ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
Great thread guys. I admire your contribuation Elmer and ngakpa both a tons of knowlegde and doing great work for us and the plant. I think you should bring forth the peace pipe, and take easy lads, let´s keep the discussion in a more friendly manner. :)

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Great thread guys. I admire your contribuation Elmer and ngakpa both a tons of knowlegde and doing great work for us and the plant. I think you should bring forth the peace pipe, and take easy lads, let´s keep the discussion in a more friendly manner. :)

G `day 420 E

I`m like a mirror .

Be passive aggressive with me . You`ll get it right on back .

Have some compassion and generosity and I will shout your name from the hilltops .

ngakpa has a history of friction with folks on forums . Me included .

I put up with his holier than thou attitude because he does know a lot of interesting information . But ,, trying to tease that info out of him is tedious .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dog Star

Active member
Think Elmer that you have some virtual psychosis issues... mine sincere diagnosis..

you imagine too much..,while there is a clear you are reactive in this imaging a persons
or relationships.. too much ego and non-kindness while you expect people treat
you with high respect..

Now you are "mirror".. while goal is to imagine to be proper person that doesnt troll
other people.. think if you will be kinder on folks you get much better information
if that is your final goal..

Thanx for sharin bro and vaya con dios... ;D LOL


G `day ngakpa

Are you a student of anthropology ?

Where are you getting all this info ?

While I won`t be as aggressive as water , I would like some references and information to read and better inform myself .

You have much information to share. Your delivery and admonishment of people might be tempered if you offered education as well as criticism .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Yes, I have an Anthropology degree.

I read and travel extesively finding seeds and do constant research into different things that apply to what we discuss here.

I had fortunate a somewhat unsual experience of having grown up listening to many of the stories in the Thai Stick/Surfers book first hand from the people who were in the book. They taught me a lot.

I dont claim to be an expert or authority on anything, just a history/anthropology enthuisiast who has lived an unusual life.

I will try harder to site my source of info in the future.
I usually try to but have no problem being called out and being asked to provide it.

and of course I will attempt to be less harsh


Active member
Short story by narrated by Green:

Three Sadhus stoned out their mind, stare at a cannabis plant blowing in the wind.

1st sadhu says “ The leaves move in the wind”

2nd sadhu says “ No, the wind is what moves”

3rd sadhu says “ You are both wrong, it is the mind that moves”

But as your humble narrator I tell you that all three are incorrect and at the same time, correct.

Grooveth on!

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Think Elmer that you have some virtual psychosis issues... mine sincere diagnosis..

you imagine too much..,while there is a clear you are reactive in this imaging a persons
or relationships.. too much ego and non-kindness while you expect people treat
you with high respect..

Now you are "mirror".. while goal is to imagine to be proper person that doesnt troll
other people.. think if you will be kinder on folks you get much better information
if that is your final goal..

Thanx for sharin bro and vaya con dios... ;D LOL

G `day DS

Mentally ill person , diagnosing mental fitness
And doing personality profiling via the internets ..

OK ...

Once upon I defended your psychotic ass . Look at where it got me ?

Might be better if you just stick to your lane eh ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dog Star

Active member
We have here one wise saying.."You can fuck advice if there is no experience behind it.." :) LOL

Now who will be better to diagnose your "ass" than me who reads
and learn a lot about mental health issues..??

Am have "experience" with you bro and try to help ya... :biggrin:

Thanx for sharin... :dance013:

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
We have here one wise saying.."You can fuck advice if there is no experience behind it.." :) LOL

Now who will be better to diagnose your "ass" than me who reads
and learn a lot about mental health issues..??

Am have "experience" with you bro and try to help ya... :biggrin:

Thanx for sharin... :dance013:

G `day DS

Thanks for the diagnosis Dr Doggie .
Just wonderin what medical school you attended ?

Surely it was that respected institution ; Trollingston Park College of Ineptitude and Confusion ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .