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Phylos Bioscience sparks outrage after announcing their beginning their own breeding

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It doesn't matter much to me who they have connections to, as soon as they mentioned they were trying to get picked up by Big Agro at all I stopped trusting them. Everything they say and every promise they make now can be wiped off the table the second they are bought up. Not stealing donated genetics now, but when the city slickers come in with the money and lawyers they will kick that door down like the house is on fire.

That is one of the biggest reasons why I don't trust them. Anyone with even a modicum of business sense can tell that these folks can't see a foot in front of their face, or they indeed can and are just placating the inquiring minds with BS. I love cannabis science, I've thought The Galaxy is a wonderful and interesting step in understanding, but there are now a million ways they could fuck everyone in the near future and they seem to have a conspicuous intention to BS until they can.


Well-known member


ICMag Donor
All i sees that lately there is no much Sam or Chimera around to explain a things
a bit wider and deeper to icmag canna community... ;D LOL

Also have feel for some posters that they awake a bit day by day.. thats a good news..
we finaly go in right direction..

What you think are people still sending samples to Phylos.. or a voice traveled already
long enough and people stopped to send????

That will be interesting to know..

It’s estimated that about 10% of cannabis growers are using cannabis forums. The # may be off but the % is rather low.

It seems inevitable that a lot of folks are completely unaware about the operations of seed companies in general and phylos specifically.

To that end, there are many folks on this forum that seem uninterested in the debacle.


Seed Whore
To whom are you referring as a clown?

Was it this guy? :biggrin:


I wood

Well-known member
All i sees that lately there is no much Sam or Chimera around to explain a things
a bit wider and deeper to icmag canna community... ;D LOL

Also have feel for some posters that they awake a bit day by day.. thats a good news..
we finaly go in right direction..

What you think are people still sending samples to Phylos.. or a voice traveled already
long enough and people stopped to send????

That will be interesting to know..

I had been considering sending in some samples but was skeptical/had a bad feeling about the whole thing. Mostly based on their dumbass categories at the time, I thought.
Another hunch followed that served me well.

I’m just glad to be a recovering seed junkie with several lifetimes worth of seeds to work with. Fuck patented plants, they won’t ever effect/infect my grow.
Kudos to the person who outed this scam.


Active member
Sorry about my ambiguity there the thcvhunter, I was referring to Stdane and his unsubstantiated comment that I am either or both, speaking psychotically due to being a novice concentrate consumer or ranting.

If one refuses to look at empirical evidence and then proceeds to dismiss it as unsubstantiated than I do not know what else to label them as other than IGNORant.

If at any time people want to look into another more heavily respected trove of publications than I encourage people to delve into Wikileaks and extrapolate more intellect from its material that is straight from the horses mouth.

The cannabis loving "individuals" not "community" need to realize that Corporations are not people. Corporations are composed of "PEOPLE" whom have "collectivized" themselves into a group in order to exploit other "PEOPLE" for personal gain. WHOM ARE THESE PEOPLE? I care not what flag they wave but simply, Who "THEY" are?!

Focus on who THEY are, no matter the industry and you will know who is to blame for exploiting you.

Board of Directors, Trustees, Treasurers, ect. The CEO is the face of an inanimate organization, whom gets hired and fired by someone more powerful than them.

s(he) who has the GOLD makes the rules.

To whom are you referring as a clown?


Active member
Here is some basic links for you to "newb" out on or better yet... Toke and choke. Stop being a useful idiot naysayer and read up before you clown.



https://www.gutenberg.org/files/44881/44881-h/44881-h.htm (confessions of a thug)


So exactly how do those dots connect to Phylos Bioscience going corporate?


Active member
SunGrownMids will be interviewed on our podcast 'Growing With Fishes' tonight at 6:30 (west coast time). He's the guy who exposed the Phylos scam, so you'll hear it straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. If you have questions, just get in the youtube chat and one of us will ask it. Link;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6sYTxKkcCA

Thanks for the heads up on the podcast. Watched the entire thing and found it both inspiring and disheartening. In the end, the consumer holds the power. Continue to educate the consumers and save our way of life.

Dog Star

Active member
I had been considering sending in some samples but was skeptical/had a bad feeling about the whole thing. Mostly based on their dumbass categories at the time, I thought.
Another hunch followed that served me well.

I’m just glad to be a recovering seed junkie with several lifetimes worth of seeds to work with. Fuck patented plants, they won’t ever effect/infect my grow.
Kudos to the person who outed this scam.

Am didnt send any strain or sample but i am pissed cause of others
and how was lied to people..

specialy angry on breeders from our community that helps them in
their plans while in same time acted its for common good..


Active member
I’m just glad to be a recovering seed junkie with several lifetimes worth of seeds to work with. Fuck patented plants, they won’t ever effect/infect my grow.

Totally agree, it won't affect me personally; I've made enough hybrids to grow out that I'll be exploring them for 50+ years. I'm also going to snap up some landraces soon for even more projects. Then I'm closing my doors permanently to new genetics.

My main concern is for the public gene pool. That, and it sucks to be flat out lied to by Mowgli. Pretty slimey.

I'll say it again: that galaxy looks like somebody fed a unicorn 50 pounds of skittles and some ex-lax. It is an unreadable clusterfuck. I sure wouldn't be bragging about it. That, and half of the 'data' is based upon whatever random name somebody gave any particular strain.


Active member
Thanks for the heads up on the podcast. Watched the entire thing and found it both inspiring and disheartening. In the end, the consumer holds the power. Continue to educate the consumers and save our way of life.
I tuned in for the last hour. Gonna have to go back and watch the first half but glad to see there are good people still fighting in the community. Very disheartening, nonetheless. Thanks, greengene. The cherry bomb is the fire. It will NOT make it to phylos.


Active member

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
WTF is even going on in this story?
Is Phylos using the knowledge they've gained from studying thousands of genetic samples sent in to them from around the world to start a relatively conventional breeding program which has a hype advantage and possibly also a legitimate technical advantage? Or is they stealing directly from the DNA samples and snagging everyones best shit that way somehow?
I haven't been following that stuff too close because Phylos always seemed like a vanity publishing operation to me. Not a bad service to pay for if you're selling seeds and want to show potential customers the equivalent of proof of pedigree, tho.


Seed Whore

The 1st time I saw a video with Kevin Jodrey I didn't like the guy. Something was off.
Now after viewing this video I find he's coming across a total sellout and my judgement
stands about him. Kevin Jodrey makes it sounds like if you don't grow patented Cannabis
later on that they'll shut you down,etc., etc. I like when he says if you have only 6 plants
you won't be able to breed. I'm sorry but most strains today were created by small breeders
and not in greenhouses run by huge companies.

Another thing, home gardeners grow heirloom vegetables and aren't shut down by Monsanto
types. Kevin is like trying to make people believe Phylos's bullshit and to just to give in while
joining their Merrymen bandwagon.

They a can all blow me.


Well-known member
The 1st time I saw a video with Kevin Jodrey I didn't like the guy. Something was off.
Now after viewing this video I find he's coming across a total sellout and my judgement
stands about him. Kevin Jodrey makes it sounds like if you don't grow patented Cannabis
later on that they'll shut you down,etc., etc. I like when he says if you have only 6 plants
you won't be able to breed. I'm sorry but most strains today were created by small breeders
and not in greenhouses run by huge companies.

Another thing, home gardeners grow heirloom vegetables and aren't shut down by Monsanto
types. Kevin is like trying to make people believe Phylos's bullshit and to just to give in while
joining their Merrymen bandwagon.

They a can all blow me.

Its evident you never met Kev.

He’s not Chimera 2.0.
He’s actually a good guy.

I trusted him with my entire seed vault and I got it back intact.
He and Capt. America are the only two people to pass that test.
Ive lost several friends and several jobs because people couldnt keep out of the vault.

Kevin is very transparent about how the industry works and his part in it.

I know you like to find enemies, but he’s not one of them.

Are you aware that Kev did the State-side selection of CBD genetics from Spain and most of the CBD cuts going around are thanks to Kev’s generosity.

Saying Kev is the next Chimera is like saying Bodhi is the next Subcool. Its wrong and offensive to the good people in our community.

Kev is adapting to the new Canna-Ag industry and is doing so without fucking anyone over. Further, he helps others adapt to the indistry.
Sorry that you can’t accept that the industry is now an agriculture industry and no longer our backyard blackmarket Industry.

I think you’ll do fine since you work with seedstock and not clones. Breeders like you have no worries.
Its breeders who use the same hype clones that are gonna shit the bed when faced with Utility Patents.


Active member
Now here is a rant...

Simply, if Sam Selezny/Dave Watson/skunkman sam, gets busted by the US gov't and then gets smuggled out of the country by his 'weather underground' TERRORIST connections (check out "Hawkwind - Hashashin"... Referring to Black September... I.e. 9/11 and the rest of radical Islamic terrorism attack cycles or even better the movie 'The Deceivers' with Peirce Brosnan... Or terrorist Ayers).. only to resurface in the Netherlands with a (unconstitutional DEA) sanctioned permit to grow these heisted beans from the super sativa seed collective...

Then to go about breeding out scattamene (sp?) from the publicly released, by him, Skunk strain that is an ever so potent variety of terpenoids/flavonoids/cannabinoid profiles with a great deal of thc-v...

And then he is responsible along with Rob Connell Clarke (both of whom Marcus Richardson strokes the ego of heavily along with phylos co-conspirator chimera) with participating in the creation of MARINOL that is created by GW pharmaceuticals (sanctioned to operate in England with organic chemistry guru Lester grinspoon) whom all are proprietors of...

All players on the Phylos team... Than Phylos is a British government controlled/sponsored corporation to begin with. ---also isn't or wasn't the staple chemist on HashChurch a chemist at Du Pont?????? Scaldone or w.e.. Shitty guitar player to say the least.

The only reason that this is possible in the USA is because of the 1943 BRUSA agreement that consolidates the 'Special Relationship' that these countries have with each other. This allows foreign operatives/entities operating with impunity by the British Crown to operate on USA soil without violating the various clauses that prohibit the US Military from operating on US soil or against US citizens.

Similarly to how the CIA got away with mkultra and mockingbird and northwood, ect ect... Bill Donovan is quoted as saying he was aware and complicit in recruiting COMMUNIST entities to join the CIA (which I call the Communist Integration Agency) Lester grinspoon, Leary, Virginia Wolff...

If you check out camp-x in Canada which was the training ground of the OSS that became the CIA you will find people like William Fairbanks training the spooks. Whom was a BRITISH "peace keeper" in the boxer rebellion controlled China Guangzhou region. Opium epidemic anyone? Isn't opium grown in Rajastan and Afghanistan mostly? Whom had access to those cultivars???

From which country did the most of the 'Hippy / Free love' artists hail?? Ohhhhh yaaaa England. So who actually engaged in social non-symmetric warfare against the US populace? Hmmm England. Where is Chimera located? The British commonwealth of ... Canada...

Who did the USA state they wanted independence from again? Who did they fight a protracted war against during the alleged "revolution of 1776"? Which foreign flag is hosted on the HI state flag? Who did czar Alexander II sell Alaska to and why? Did he want England to have it? Whom did czar Alexander ask for refugee status during the communist revolution sponsored by Kuhn Loeb, Rothschild, Warburg Otto Herman khan/ Bruiningk factions from... His cousin... The king of England... Who denied him? Why?


Who in 'Hidden Treasures' 2timed the British stock market during the Wellington-Napoleon conflict and owned Israel?Rothschild... Sykes-picot treaty anyone?? Check out their estates in France and Spain..

The thing the USA use to grant its citizens was an independent opportunity no matter if you were a Prince or Pauper... Now you must apply to non-constitutional entities if you want a license to grow, brew, distill, manufacture firearms, be a CPA, Doctor, or even drive a vehicle... Non-constitutional non-profit organizations. I.e. The federal reserve, IRS, EPA, DMV (no matter the validity of the process, the functions can be performed by constitutionally designated bodies).

Hong Kong was owned by the British until '99 until turning it over to COMMUNIST China. The League of Nations promoted by Churchill/ England and was denied by the US house of reps AND congress which was the second attempt to entangle the USA with foreign powers and that failed, the first was the OAS which succeeded.

Then Alger Hiss an alleged "soviet spy" signed the USA up for the United Nations the fractional equivalent of the League of Nations while working for the state dept. they are trying ever so efficiently to strip away USA citizens rights one by one by encouraging and facilitating more and more third/second world aliens to illegally immigrate there because... Ya know... Diversity.

2nd amendment. intellectual property, private property, god-given inalienable rights, freedom of speech, not honored anywhere else other than the USA. How about owning Air, water, mineral, and property rights? USA. Everywhere else-- 99 year lease at max. No GOD given rights because the Monarchs are the gods, not the Creator.

If you actually pay attention to the material, hash church explains a lot about Phylos' motive and how they coach you into what to think. They hate the pope and Catholic Church, they boast socialism and communism (which are one and the same).

If you want independence and freedom... DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY SAY. Civil Disobedience works both ways. Give them nothing.

As bubble man said a few years ago... Every speaker is a microphone and every microphone is a speaker. Pull their proverbial plug.

P.S. Adam Dunn is in on it too.... Check out who his mom is...


Active member
Kevin Jodrey was a DEA agent! Drug interdiction agent in the Caribbean region among other places (he admits this). As are A great deal of CA dispensary owners btw.


Active member
Also check out these peoples involvement with SRI and the Esalen Institute, Adam Dunn grew up around the corner. Human development movement anyone??? Spoken about on hash church! They are globalist commies to say the least with insane ties to the United Nations. UNICEF, COUDENHOVE-KALERGI, AGENDA 2020.... Their agenda is to make themselves be placed on top of the pyramid so you have to pay them despite having your own ability to cultivate or succeed.

when in doubt, ask yourself, "how do they have the political cover to be so flagrant when the every day Joe shmoe gets 5-10 for intent to distribute?" Who is their families, who are their lawyers, who do they bank with, and most importantly, HOW MANY BELONG TO NON-PROFIT organizations? All that means is they pass the tax burden onto you, the labor.
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