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Phresh Filter-NFG


Hey all thought I'd shoot every my opinion on the Phresh filters.
I purchased 1 because it was a little cheaper and lighter than the CAN filters but about half way through flower I started smelling it occassionally outside.
When the wind is blowing it's fine, but on a calm day it definatly sucks.
Now my setup isn't 100% sealed outside my tent but it pretty good inside the tent.
It is the 400cfm model with a 6" 400cfm Active Air.
I would not purchase 1 again and will be buying a new filter in the next month or so now, after 61 days use -_- without working. I got the first 4 weeks of flower smell free actually.


Maybe you should try slowing down the speed on your fan.Sometime if your fan is cranked up full blast,it rush the dank air thru the filter so fast,the filter does'nt have time to do it's job.Just my 2 cents.(which might not be worth much)But I feel it's worth a try.To me security is the most important aspect of any garden.If turning the fan down does'nt work I would up grade the filter IMMEDIATELY!Or stop growing until I did.Just my oppinion.Be safe.And good luck Bro.


New member
The 400cfm rating on Phresh filters is for scrubbing (filter recirculating the room air). For single pass filtering the cfm rating is about half of the scrubbing rating. Kind of deceptive to only print the scrubbing rating on the box.
A can50 can scrub at 840cfm and single pass filter at 420cfm.
The 400cfm rating on Phresh filters is for scrubbing (filter recirculating the room air). For single pass filtering the cfm rating is about half of the scrubbing rating. Kind of deceptive to only print the scrubbing rating on the box.
A can50 can scrub at 840cfm and single pass filter at 420cfm.

LOL - the numbers on the box maybe bullshit, but at least it's PHRESH smelling bullshit ;)

Sorry, couldn't resist that. :tiphat:
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Active member
I agree on the Phresh filter, they suck. Mine was good for only a couple of months max. You get what you pay for.


I bought my phresh filter because of size. when it arrived the was a lot of carbon dust in the bag it was wrapped in. I could hear the carbon shift around in the filter if i shook it... It does its job most of the time... If the carbon was full im sure it would be working fine. The price had no influence on my purchase so leave that out. Im sure there are plenty of can filters that have failed also.


Overkill is under-rated.
Interesting, I have four of the 12X39" Phresh filters going strong after 15 months. No smell in the exhaust even in late flower. Sorry you guys had poorer results!

Bud Bug

Shove a light bulb into the filter and see if you can see light passing through. If so then the filters are damaged and have air gaps.

Also all those "light weight" filters are not as good as the original Phat filters were. They have reduced the amount of charcoal in them to make them lighter BUT they don't last no where hear as long as the original Phat filters.

I would personally go with Mountain air or if your set up can handle the weight Can or Can 38 specials.


Active member
Tagh, assume you are using and AC hood. If so, be sure all the gaps on the hood are taped off or you will get odor leak through these gaps. Tape where the class seals to the hood(even if it has gaskets, is never a perfect seal) and also around the flanges and where you power cord inserts into the hood. Anywhere where smelly air can be pulled into the hood and then untreated out into you room.

The Phresh filters use a different form of charcoal is why they are lighter, not just less of the same charcoal used by Can etc.

Give it a go, hope this helps.


Tagh, assume you are using and AC hood. If so, be sure all the gaps on the hood are taped off or you will get odor leak through these gaps. Tape where the class seals to the hood(even if it has gaskets, is never a perfect seal) and also around the flanges and where you power cord inserts into the hood. Anywhere where smelly air can be pulled into the hood and then untreated out into you room.

The Phresh filters use a different form of charcoal is why they are lighter, not just less of the same charcoal used by Can etc.

Give it a go, hope this helps.

exactly... most people that I have seen have a "problem" with phresh are do to not sealing their system 100% or running very high humidity.

Bud Bug

Tagh, assume you are using and AC hood. If so, be sure all the gaps on the hood are taped off or you will get odor leak through these gaps. Tape where the class seals to the hood(even if it has gaskets, is never a perfect seal) and also around the flanges and where you power cord inserts into the hood. Anywhere where smelly air can be pulled into the hood and then untreated out into you room.

The Phresh filters use a different form of charcoal is why they are lighter, not just less of the same charcoal used by Can etc.

Give it a go, hope this helps.

They use the flake charcoal but all the filters with that design are prone to settling and air pockets from shipping. They have a neoprene insert that expands as the filter settles but there still could be gaps.


Hey all thanks for the tips.
My Humidity is low below 40%, so thats fine.
Temps I've seen at 84 once but usuall 70-80F, so that fine.
I was pretty sure the 400cfm was the exhaust rating, 400cfm Inline still may be too fast for my 400cfm filter however.
I do not have an AC hood but should have one in 4-6weeks, then I could slow down my Inline also.
After I get my AC hood and triple check everthing is sealed I'll slow down my Inline. If the problem still persists I'll buy a new filter.
Regardless if it does or not I am pretty sure I'll be going CAN Filter on my next purchase.


Any way to fill it more? Chances are air pockets formed somewhere. You can try to pack more carbon in there.