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Photoperiod for peppers?

OK, So i planted a TON of pepper seeds and they germinated so I now have about 30 pepper plants of different varieties. I am running out of room in my darkroom, but I have a ton of space in my flower room. My question is this: How does the photo period effect these plants? I have had them under 24 hours light and if I put them in the flower room, they will be getting 12/12. Is this enough to grow them? do they just flower when they get a certain size or are they dependent on the photo period to flower? thanks in advance


Active member
I'm no expert, but have grown some peppers myself. They seem to flower no matter what photoperiod I'm using - tried 18/6, 12/12 and outdoors up to something like 20/4. So can't help with that, but one thing that helps keeping them growing until suitable size for flowering and fruit production is simply to pick off the flowers as they appear.


My thai super chilli is thriving in a 2gal on the outskirts of 2x 600w HPS lamps and it is growing like crazy under 12/12! Ill post pics in a couple days. They like cal-mg once in awhile. Dry room helps too the avrg high is 45% humidity



Shes on 12/12 for 3 weeks now.... Found the seed hiding in the cracks before i tossed the empty pack very lucky result. West Coast Seeds ftw:woohoo: