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Photon Pro LEDhydroponics


New member
Hi all ok Im really intrigued by Led lights since wanting to grow a personal stash n be as stealth as possible, I been looking around and reading on here, theres no good in me even trying to make my own light, its just not my bag, lol, I grow plants n slay bitches :biggrin:
so for me its going to have to be a ready made unit, I'm only going small, I have a space of 2ft x 3 ft, with hight space enough to make a separate light proof section for my T5 200 wt at the bottom for cloning and first stage of veg.
I found a site called LEDhydroponics and the lights seem ok I like the look of Photon pro, but before I shell out any monies I though Id ask if anyone had any feed back/experience with this company, if the lights are good etc ??? as I cant see the company that sell them saying anything other that they are the best lol
Cheers fellow growers


That Photon Pro is just another Knock off Hydro Grow Light...

When I read on these knock off product listings I can always find at least one short coming of the light, and believe me when its a knock off there is ALWAYS a short coming.

Right on there own page they say: " Quality 3watt LED diodes available, produced by Bridgelux "

See that word "available", that means it don't come with it...

Also unless your in UK there not going to make it easy if you have an issue'

When you see a company only using one brand of led's well it's a safe bet they do not know what they are doing or there simply not researching anything they do..

Each LED diode manufacture is typically only good at 1 color range,so while one company may make a great blue, the red will suck. The next has a great red but no blue.

This led hydroponics has not only made a cheap light that "looks" like a hydro grow light they duplicated all the hand written copy from they hydro grow site and put it on there's... Nice'

These companies know hydro grow has the best product, they will do all they can to get consumers to believe there's is "just as good" but waaay cheaper ;)

If you like that light you would really like a Hydro Grow light' PM me if you want to work out a deal for one I can help.


New member
Thanks for that I see on their site that they say there is scaremongering n lies spread about them, I have no idea whats true and what isnt, but thanks for yr info, you may well have saved me being ripped off, Ill pm you when I can work out how (new member lol ) I am in the Uk if that makes a difference? Thanks again


New member
Hi I reallY cant see where it says avaliable as you say Im not wanting any dispute all I want is the best for me, I see thy have a section talking about Hydro's dirty trick campaign on their site n this is what they say about the Photon Pro 126 led's

Each cluster has 21 High output 3W leds.Uses new Lens(penetration convex style), increase 30%. 126 x 3W High-Power LED's from Bridgelux, Epistar, 5 Band Spectrum:
440nm, 460nm, 525nm, 630nm,660nm, Isolated power supply Driver protects the LED's from receiving too much electric ..... all very confusing to me, damn it I just want the best for my buck

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