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Photo of the month nominations - April 2008

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Active member
User: PrebKlok
Strain: Euforia (fem)
Thread: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=87880



"Unsharp Mask.">>>>hmmmmmm i need to know how thats done...big difference=)
thanks SIR>>>


Domesticator of Cannabis
joeshmoe said:
"Unsharp Mask.">>>>hmmmmmm i need to know how thats done...big difference=)
thanks SIR>>>
Joe you're up against some highly skilled photographers & growers. That's my tip for the month. I don't have a winning photo yet myself but I'm gonna keep trying. I'll PM you for the lowdown. Good Luck


Active member
If we could just get Joe Shmoe's pic of "The White" in slightly more focus, it could seriously contend with his Bubba pic.....

But really, i have to agree with that seedling pic.....i mean, it is so dramatic and it really has an emotional effect on me.....something about how life can be so delicately beautiful and yet so stubborn, absolutely driven to succeed in the face of great odds, all at the same time......

Anyone else read that sentiment into the pic? I don't mean to pic one shot over another one, because honestly they are all so amazing, but that one pic somehow stirrs some very profound emotions within my soul.....

Remember, it all starts with a seed!!!! :abduct:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Domesticator of Cannabis
Hey thanks Buffalo. A few people have been asking about the photo fix.

You need a software program something like 'Paint Shop Pro 7' you can get these for free download online.

In that program you'd go to the Effects & look for Sharpening it's a sub folder - also to bring the trics out more on macro pictures use the Sharpen effect. Looks like crap if you go overboard!

For Joe's first picture I used only the 'Unsharp Mask' <<< look that up in Wikipedia for a better understanding. The image may further be improved by adjusting contrast & white balance etc. I also used some sharpening & contrasting in the second. It looked really good with some saturation but I personally like a more natural look. Again that can be camera specific like say Sony is naturally heavy on the saturation so I would turn it down from the camera or desaturated post processing. I'm just a hack having some fun & trying to achieve better photos myself.

Some of these processes like sharpness, saturation & contrast can be adjusted from your camera, but I prefer to do them later.

It's great to play around with I like 7 better than 9.


Have fun first & foremost. The final results are indeed personal preference but todays digitals come with software for a reason.
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to me joes white pic is exelent as it is.

prebklok is a great photo artist aswell. check out all his work!


Wow thx for the nomination :wave:

There's some VERY nice pics in this thread, so just being part of it is a win in my book. :jump:
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