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Phony in-law crashing the party

wow what a great thread to vent. I sympathize with your situation totally. To point my freind has this buddy (I like to call him 'The Bum') that he can't seem to shake. They grew up together in the same neighborhood and go waay back. My freind has a total weakness for this loser!! Well this man (40'ish) comes down from Oregon every spring and literally plops his fat butt down next to the tele for 6 months with a death grip on the remote and a cocky attitude. You know the type can't miss any of the old Mayberry re runs haha... he's guzzling 12'ers of nasty Keystone while he eats my good generous freind out of house and home. I say we ship all the 'convenient bums' in the world to a 'Bums' Island' including your Bum in law...see how long they last and who cares anyway haha

Lord Doobie

Finally, some good news...BIL's daughter can't make it...they may call whole trip off
Bum in law..ha ha...Keystone? yikes...I'm afraid it's too late for him

A buddy just called me from Hawaii...he lives in Puna
He says it's not all that bad...you just have to know where not to go...and how not to be caught exposed and alone...of course tourists and single travellers don't know this
He hardly goes out at night...


If everyone else's advice fails...

Allot of problems are buried in the desert. Or you could take him to Hawaii and on the first night, "drop" him off some-where.

ON a serious note, dude's a full grown loser, if you talk to him and he's not going to comply with what your trying to lay down, maybe talk to the family about cutting him off for good.

Or offer to get him a passport, heavily sedate him, put him in a wheel chair, and send him off to either Siberia, Somalia, Pakistan, or maybe even Iraq, I hear its nice this time of year. Though pretty expensive to solve this dilemma. I am sure you'll be able to work something out with the family about his lude behavior; Is anyone else on his side of the family disgusted by his behavior ?

Lord Doobie

ha ha
yes...the family loves him to death...not sure why considering all he's done to them...I guess blood is truly thicker than water...they're forgiven mr dood

Lord Doobie

Well, this is getting weirder. The mother-in-law was asked to go with him (his mom) and she refused...too hot. Then, believe it or not, I've been asked to go...and I refused on principle. I think he's just going to keep the money for himself...The only thing "Al Bundy" is missing is a huge cigar...


Hey, I've got a single sister in law and her three deadbeat adult kids who would be just perfect for your BIL.

Lord Doobie

ha ha ha ha!
I wouldn't even wish him on your SIL
hey...the guy already reproduced...that's scarey enough
now a cousin is moving in with the MIL...it gets worse...hes single and 60
I'm beginning to see a pattern here...

I think they should all appear together on the Jerry Springer Show
Jer-ry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry!


ICMag Donor
In my house we're in harmony with everything. It takes years of work and everyone has to be on the same page and moving forward. Make your stand, don't back down. Point out that you're all not 'moving forward' and that it's time that changed and that you'd really like to do it together.

If that doesn't work give him a swirly.
Or two.

Lord Doobie

It's kinda of foo nee...

The BIL comes over and tells us he's going out to see yet another movie. It just dawned on me that he always sees these movies totally alone...and he never seems to miss any companionship in the form of a woman.


I guess he keeps busy cancelling his auto insurance these days...


Overkill is under-rated.
Man, I hate havin that kind of drama around my place, I like it quiet, cool and mellow.

Pot Pimp

MOVE to another state!! I know exactly the type of creep this guy is and he will never change. He thinks the world revolves around him and that the world (family) owes him a living. He's delusional, insecure and probably has a very small penis. He is like a leech that sucks the life out of everything and everyone he comes in contact with. The reason he can't get a woman is that he sends out shitty vibes like shockwaves and every woman within 100 yards instantly knows that this guys is a total looser. Trust me, you're not going to change him and he's not going to change himself; he's a pathological liar, fake and perpetual leech. Moving to another state would be your best bet in my opinion. ...although the blunt object to the back of the head was a great idea!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

buy him a one way ticket to Vegas & give him a prepaid Visa card with $5,500
bucks on it, while he's in the air empty the card except for $7.11.......



It's kinda of foo nee...

The BIL comes over and tells us he's going out to see yet another movie. It just dawned on me that he always sees these movies totally alone...and he never seems to miss any companionship in the form of a woman.


I guess he keeps busy cancelling his auto insurance these days...

i really hated him up until this post here ^^^, now i just feel really bad.
is he addict, family members can become the worst enablers and unconditionally love them no matter how bad it gets. its sad. dont answer the addict question. good luck

Lord Doobie

he's all excited about seeing g.i.joe...alone no doubt
I overheard him bragging the other day about his computer savvy. I remember when I had to show him the "on" switch
He's probably very lonely...I wonder why?


Invertebrata Inebriata
I've always had the feeling that Hawaiins are EXTREMELY racist. Supposedly "beat whitey day"...rumors like that.
I want to go to Hawaii though.

FWIW, There are more Japanese tourists in Hawaii than Americans, white or otherwise.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
If everyone else's advice fails...

Allot of problems are buried in the desert. Or you could take him to Hawaii and on the first night, "drop" him off some-where.

ON a serious note, dude's a full grown loser, if you talk to him and he's not going to comply with what your trying to lay down, maybe talk to the family about cutting him off for good.

Or offer to get him a passport, heavily sedate him, put him in a wheel chair, and send him off to either Siberia, Somalia, Pakistan, or maybe even Iraq, I hear its nice this time of year. Though pretty expensive to solve this dilemma. I am sure you'll be able to work something out with the family about his lude behavior; Is anyone else on his side of the family disgusted by his behavior ?

What a perfect answer, offer the freeloading shitbag a nice free holiday in Hawaii, then just loose him somewhere dangerous. If this fails to work as desired, repeat the trick till it does, no matter how blatantly you have to loose him..... Sitting on a nice beach getting stoned with a bunch of semi naked beauties wondering "how he is doing" should help you get over all the hassles he has caused you.

Lord Doobie

Things have blown over for a while...I'm not quite sure what's keeping him busy...He not around as much these days...Something must be up...He's always thinking up schemes but one step ahead of the law...I wonder what it could be now? Maybe he's starting to think big like a bank heist or rich girlfriend...I already know he's tried the latter...It didn't work...She saw right through him like a plate glass window

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