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Active member
Are these for real?

I mean, I know about them from movies and stories and stuff, right?

But I never hear anyone say, "Yea, they got me from the stuff I said on the phone, they had it right there in court."

Does anybody know about this?

My best guess is that its used like FLIR. Its a precursor to warrant but not really evidence in court.


Trying to have a good day
Yes they do it.And they do it illigally too.They just dont mention it in court when they arent authorized.


they do it with a warrant and a lot of info stating how they cant bust you through other means. Cost a lot of money, so to justify it you have to be a big fish with some assets

The patriot act thing has nothing to do with local police getting a wire tap, most local police would need to barrow equipment just to do it, so they dont have the means to do it illegally. I still wouldnt talk over the phone thou


For sure they are real, Not used so much on the small timers though its just too damn easy for them to get warrents with other information. To feel safe use a burner-replace often..its only 20 bucks.
here is over 700 page affidavit that goes into detail all the tapped conversations and the officers giving their interpretation of what the code talking meant.

This all started off with just one guy that was just movin only a small amount.

This shows how they go about getting probable cause and just what lengths leo will go to.

very interesting stuff.

as time went on some of the smarter individuals started using burners. but they used the real names to register/activate the burner so it did no good at all.


I hear ya millitant,
Thanks for the read

I have found it very easy to register burners..I recomend activating them via online.
Once I registered one with the Name PizzaHut. When I would call landlines PizzaHut would show up on the caller id..
MidgetHorse-big fan of pre paids


there was just a story posted of a hacker with 1500.00 in equipment could listen to just about anyone on their new phones. I know a few years back there were sites that would listen into cell calls and post them live to the net... heard all kinds of things... some scanners can be tuned to listen to your 900 mhz phones and higher.. if its so easy for the average person you know the guys with the keys can listen any time they like.. legal or not


True trip,,as far as the old scanners picking up phone calls I know it was a more random thing..hard to target a specific call...
And if im not mistaking that hacker with 1500 bucks worth of equip. was also random with his teq.
I could be wrong on that...But I thought thats what I read. .


The cat that loves cannabis
I was just reading as part of Roger Christies case, the Hawaiian pot minister guy, they tapped 3 of his phones, including his cell.


Active member
if the feds want u they will tap ur phones; but they have to want u bad

locals not so much; most locals rn't smart enough to jump through all the hoops to get a successful tap hence their reliance on "informants" for most of their busts

but piss off the wrong cop and anything is possible; if you're not medical i'd be using burners registered online via proxy while running tor if i was moving any sort of weight but just growing personals it's probably not that big of a deal
if the feds want u they will tap ur phones; but they have to want u bad

locals not so much; most locals rn't smart enough to jump through all the hoops to get a successful tap hence their reliance on "informants" for most of their busts

but piss off the wrong cop and anything is possible; if you're not medical i'd be using burners registered online via proxy while running tor if i was moving any sort of weight but just growing personals it's probably not that big of a deal

If it was me I wouldn't trust tor or a proxy /ip adress blocker.

activate that burner via payphone.


New member
If it was me I wouldn't trust tor

Trust or distrust Tor? makes a difference. Tor is by far the most advanced method of accessing the Internet and its functions to best insure privacy.

The number of Tor users who have been compromised using Tor is such a relatively minuscule percentage that it isn't worth considering.

Nest to Tor, I would next trust The Church Of the Swimming Elephant as a IP replacement proxy. Excellent reputation for privacy of clientèle.


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
here is over 700 page affidavit that goes into detail all the tapped conversations and the officers giving their interpretation of what the code talking meant.

This all started off with just one guy that was just movin only a small amount.

This shows how they go about getting probable cause and just what lengths leo will go to.

very interesting stuff.


It's funny the cops couldn't figure out the suspects were saying POG not POD. Even tho they were talking about pot of gold in the next sentence. I'd like to believe a lawyer could get this case thrown out for that. But I live in la la land. :blowbubbles:


Trying to have a good day
they do it with a warrant and a lot of info stating how they cant bust you through other means. Cost a lot of money, so to justify it you have to be a big fish with some assets

The patriot act thing has nothing to do with local police getting a wire tap, most local police would need to barrow equipment just to do it, so they dont have the means to do it illegally. I still wouldnt talk over the phone thou

Im not trying to argue but you dont have to do anything big to get your phone tapped.


mrbomdiggitty, i have been through this in the distant past but it is as you suspect. warrants for wiretaps where the conversations are actually listened to are rare and very very few are granted at a fed level each year. i was shocked how few, but there is some legal question that must be met in order to get this warrant. however, the pen register or pintail as it is more commonly called also requires the warrant, but is way easier for a leo to acquire. and it only needs the sig of a magistrate rather than judge. purportedly, the pintail allows leo to register the name, address, phone#, time&date of everyone you call or whom calls you. (and i think i am missing one or two more items they gather?) but a problem arises as mrleo will take this permission one step further and listen in on those calls he is interested in. yes, it is against the law and violates the wording of the warrant but it is done as a common practise. and yes again, been there and done that. peace-biteme


9/11 changed everything -- assume you're bugged,

9/11 changed everything -- assume you're bugged,

because you are. let me lay it out for you.

after 9/11, and especially after the patriot act, the jack-booted police state went into high gear. generous federal funding at both the state and local level for new equipment: flir, phone & cell phone bugs, warrant-less access to bank records, utility bills, movie rentals, public library access, and more. generous federal funding for more LEOs, including especially undercover.

hells bells, local and state LEOs have been frequently used to bug, and infiltrate even non-violent anti-war groups. almost every arrest of alleged domestic terrorist groups since 9/11/2001 have involved undercover LEO informants, who were also frequently instigators as well.

the best advice i could give is to keep a low profile, stay off the phones and internet for anything illegal, especially if you are also politically active. if you must be connected electronically, use coded phrases -- and know who you are trusting on the other end -- it's your future at stake.


LOL activate the phone with a pay phone. I havent seen a pay phone in years. If the pay phone gets broken then instead of repairing it they are taking them out of service. I didnt think there was any left in service.
This just caught me funny
Take care and be safe
Signed kava (@ O U 812 )LOL