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Phantom's 2012 outdoor, partly swamp


Alright bro! these are nice plants they look like they are just roaring to grow some more, good job!

In the swamp, do you find you have to 'raise' the sites a little?


Yes I grow in 20cm raised beds. I dug the holes 1 weak before filling them to see how high the water raises. The only concern I have is about the sweet tooth because it is growing in an only 10cm raised bed that I haven't let sit before filling, but we had a lot of rain and the plant is doing great. For more info you can check out page 3 of the thread.


Thanks Phantomx, that's what I should have done in the first place, read the thread. Yeah , you know about the water table, I think they are able to live in more water than we think sometimes maybe all they need is a small space in between the surface and the water table, who knows, i'll learn more about it as the season progresses, I am sure.

Nice going bro, i'll be watching!


Bogatin: Yes it has an mms function, but it doesn't work, I don't know where the problem is, but when I bought the sim cards I had massive problems with them, so it think they are the problem. I' try to do what I can this weekend if I find the time, because I brought it home to recharge the batteries.

I'm thinking about buying a couple of those cameras myself but personally would never use MMS function. You never know what are "they" trying out. Triangulation and shit. Having a static GSM signal deep in the bush for months is weird.
I would love to have some sort of wireless technology built in though. Something like bluetooth or wifi would be great. You come to camera proximity, "wake it up" with a "wake up on lan" signal and download pics.

Anyway ... I love watching your plants. They will be Huuuuuuge. hahahaha. Can't wait for the fall. I'll open my OD thread when there's something to show. Nothing but eaten plants so far with a few bright exceptions.

I don't know why but mice stay away from Ciskey Bushman for some reason. Also ... Purpurea T. is doing ok. You can tell those were bred for outdoor.

:thank you:


Hmm just wondering wont the raised beds pose a problem when the dry season kicks in and the water level drops, I know it`s just a little bit but the water level can drop a few feet.


July: Thanks!

Bogatin: They can't triangulate the deer cam, they could find my phone this way, but I have a special sim card only for the deer cam, that isn't in my phone, I put it there only to check pics and there is no way that they could triangulate me. So if you have your plants in an area with phone signal (GPRS) and buy 2 sim cards, one for the deer cam and one for checking the images, than you don't need to worry. If you grow on a spot that has only one tail to it and you can hide a deer cam well, than you don't need a mms function, because whoever is going to go to your spot will be caught.

Perolito: I don't think they will be a problem for many reasons:
1) I will mulch them next time
2) The soil around is clay that holds water very well
3) The plants will shade the holes
4) The soil changes where the water level starts, so I think it's pretty much all the time on the same level.

I don't think that they will lose water any faster than normal holes, after all the beds are raised only 20cm, so 20cm are still under "soil level" and the beds are made out of clay.


Ahh true that, forgot to look at the previous pics where you show the soil your dealing with, yeah with clay you wont have water problems. I dont know why, but i always thought you had a spot in the bog(barje) where clay is deeper. Glad we cleared that up!


Sorry to hear about your spot bro, that's totally something I am dreading too! Good that you have more than one spot. That seems to be a practice amongst us that we don,t tend to put all of our eggs in the same basket and that's a good exemple why!

The swamp site looks great, man that soil look amazing, good job bro.


New member
edit: I think the english word is fire salamander. BTW, how it comes that you have 0 posts?

I don't know! That was my first post.. I have an issue with the PM service too, it won't let me send/receive PM's, and tells me my mail box is full even though there is nothing it! I sent you a message and see from my private email that you tried to reply. Strange things afoot at the icmag this night lol.

Having more luck solving the Riemann hypothesis tbh!:woohoo:


Aeroguerilla: Lets hope so :biggrin:

niceeven: I've put all my eggs in one basket too often. I don't think that I will ever again grow on only one spot.

edit: You can send/recive only 1 pm until you have 50 posts. So if you send a pm you have to delete it before you can get one back. I've checked my PMs and I see that I haven't replayed you, probably because I couldn't.


Hi guys!

Just a quick update.

I visited the backup spot yesterday. All in one the plants look good, only some bottom branches were eaten, but not a big deal. My buddy's plants suffered a little more but are still ok. I also brought the last plant there, a White widow.

So here are the pictures

White widow

Sweet tooth


Northern lights - this one pulled the stick out of the soil to wich it was LST-ed to, so I had to re-lst her

And a buddys Juicy fruit


I talked to a guy who is selling his camera today, so if I'll have the time and the cam is good than tomorrow, when I will visit the hillside spot, I'll take the pictures with a new camera.


Hey, hey, weed is growing bigger every day! (swamp update)

Hi guys, I've visited the swamp this morning. The plants are growing, rain is falling and sometimes we also see some sun :laughing:

I threw something against ants to the plants and again not mulched my plants, because everything was wet and I had no desire to do it.

I also finally brought the MMS function of the deer cam to work. According to my PMs many users are interested in the deer cam, so if anyone decides to buy one and has problems with it, he can contact me.

I don't think there is much more to say.

Sweet tooth



Frisian dew


And my sprayer for foliar feeding

Does anybody knows what could this be, It looks like leaf spot fungus, but IME the spots should be darker. Well I hope it's not LSF and if it is, It's just on maybe 1 leaf on 3 plants from 6 and even this on older ones.

Oh, yes and I bought a new camera, so from now on there will be better pictures.

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Awesome Phantom! Plants looking happy to me! I can't wait to check on my spot, I hope my girls look something like the ones you have there ;)

How tall are the bigger ones? 4'?

Best wishes bro! Keep it rockin!