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pH up/down for hydroponics and Ordering questions?


What do hydroponic growers use for pH up/down in Suomi? I couldn't find anything on Head&Nature for adjusting the pH. Is there something you can buy locally from a garden store? I think it's a good idea to use cash for anything local?

Finally, would ordering the Advanced Nutrients all-round package look suspicious because they are liquids (1 liter each.)

Hypothetically someone would order components bit-by-bit (so CFL lights one month, fan/charcoal filter next month, nutrients next, etc.)

Shipping costs a little more but this makes it easier to carry from the post office (or do they deliver to your door?) and it avoids the whole "complete growing kit in a huge box" which would look very suspicious should it get opened by Tulli.

Maybe I'm being paranoid? But better to be extra cautious than get caught, right!

Kiitos! :thank you:
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Sorry to bump an old thread, but I was reminded about this when looking over my shopping list.

I'm a bit skeptical about buying from Finnish stores (we all know that story) so I asked h&n whether they could order pH up/down. They said no (without giving any reason.)

Is there some other online store that people can verify is good and reliable within the EU region (there are lots of hydro stores in the UK, but it's outside of the EU region.)

h&n was recommended to me on this forum and I've had no problems with them, so I'm hoping somebody can vouch for another hydro store in the EU.

:thank you:


Active member
I dont see no reason to order those things at internet if you dont buy also other stuff at the same time.
This is good place to buy little thing imo.

I buy my all stuff at local finnish growshops with cash always,i think that is also bets way to support cannabis culture at finland.
If you live near of growshop i suggest that you buy there.
Shops are in Helsinki,Tampere,Oulu. (Was there others?)

Hope that this helps even little.


New member
There is few shops more actually, one in Äänekoski (vplux) and Hyvinkää (Jolokia). And more to come I think :)

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