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ph up and down.....

i have been using gh ph up and down to adjust my ph after nutes. i grow in soil and now in hempy buckets. im told its for hydro only and does bad things to the dirt. what can i use in the dirt for ph up? preferably something fast absorbtion.


Active member
What pH is your tap water?
Why would you have to add both?
My tap comes out at 8.0 mostly.. so I just need pH down... if I get the mix too sour I just add more tap water.

And who told you your pH up was for hydro only?... They hydro store dude who was trying to sell you another $20 bottle?
Hydrated Lime
dont you add hydrated lime to the dirt? im lookin to adjust the ph of the water after adding nutes.i saw something about lemon juice or vinegar or somethin like that..are you familar with that sort of thing? i have added garden lime to soil a while back but now i need to keep ph of the water good when i water/feed......
anima, i use ro water and ph is about seven. i read it in a thread somewhere on these threads, ill try to find it,and the guy says that ph down is for hydro and eats at some of the good things the roots need so i wanted to inquire about it just in case. i had a lot of problems with my first grow and when i saw that thread it made me think cuz i was using spring water with a ph of 8-8.5 and floranova grow one step nutes and allways had to adjust down. i also was using an eccess amount of silica blast which gave me a lock out and more problems. since then i have gone to hempy buckets and it all seems to be workin good as im using the gh three part flora nutes,grow,micro,bloom.problem is, i have to adjust up some as the nutes bring ph down just a bit too much. they say that gh flora three part nutes are ph stable but it aint workrd that way for me. unless im misinformed as to what ph stable means. any thoughts are welcome! maybe i could just add a little tap water instead of ph up. that sounded like a good idea! thanx......peep
p.s. my tap water has a ppm of over six hundred and is no good that is why i went to ro water
Earth Juice makes and organic ph up and down... it might work better for you, and if you are having ph issues try some humic acid... It helps to balance out the ph and helps the plants absorb the nutes better


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Standard PH UP & PH DOWN is what you need, GH makes them both those are a good choice with the little plastic test vial and indicator solution. For soil you want it yellow/green range (6.5 works great). Use them both as needed they work great regardless of what media you are growing in. I have never heard of them not working good in soil for any reason unless maybe you were trying to go "all organic" which does'nt seem to be the case, they adjust the nutrient PH to an acceptable range for plant uptake, soil or hydro.


european ganja growers
whats the ph of your soil??(whats it say on the bag)...if your water& nutes are close to the ph range of your soil you should be cool,,,,,the buffer in the soil will sort it.....unless your water/nutes ph is well of...

keep it green
Humic acid is one of the major components of humic substances[1] which are dark brown and major constituents of soil organic matter humus that contributes to soil chemical and physical quality and are also precursors of some fossil fuels. They can also be found in peat, coal, many upland streams, dystrophic lakes and ocean water.

HA is whats in the soil that help to buffer the ph to a level the plants can absorb nutes at. You can buy it very cheap off ebay and mix your own concentrate.
whats the ph of your soil??(whats it say on the bag)...if your water& nutes are close to the ph range of your soil you should be cool,,,,,the buffer in the soil will sort it.....unless your water/nutes ph is well of...

keep it green
i havent checked the ph of the soil for this grow but being new soil i would say its good. what im trying to do is adjust my water with a ph down that wont hurt the soil. i now am getting mixed oppinions on this gen. hydroponics ph down. one guy says its for hydro only and others say its ok for soil. i had a lot og ph problems with the soil last timje basicaly from being a newbie and did EVERYTHING wrong. with this grow i am asking different questions.like this one.
now on the bottles it says...use only to raise/lower ph of hydroponic nutrient solution and plant fertlizers.... the very first problem i EVER had was when i used GH PH DOWN in just my water to bring ph down to 6.5 which is where i keep my ph. 2 days later my girls (all 7 of them) started to get yellow with brown crispy spots all over them! now after many inquirys i found there were many factors..bad water(650-900ppm) depending on witch faucet i used,believe it or not...over feeding,overwatering,ect. now im in new dirt,well not yet, i got two new clones that i put into hempy buckets, one of which will be used to clone more,and then they will be in the new dirt. i want to get my info str8 b 4 i start in the dirt again. if there is somthing im missing or have wrong ,someone,please let me know! the hempys,by the way, are doing pretty good. this may be a good way to go. anyone try these before?


White vinegar also works great as a ph down..but yes you can use the regular (GH) up or down in soil or any medium....ST
Standard PH UP & PH DOWN is what you need, GH makes them both those are a good choice with the little plastic test vial and indicator solution. For soil you want it yellow/green range (6.5 works great). Use them both as needed they work great regardless of what media you are growing in. I have never heard of them not working good in soil for any reason unless maybe you were trying to go "all organic" which does'nt seem to be the case, they adjust the nutrient PH to an acceptable range for plant uptake, soil or hydro.
this may be what im lookin for! i dont know how i missed this post of yours befor i just responded to another.stoned i guess! i was not aware that gh made two different kinds. i'll check with my hydro store guy. is there a dif. in the bottles. u know, like standard looks dif. than the other kind?
Humic acid is one of the major components of humic substances[1] which are dark brown and major constituents of soil organic matter humus that contributes to soil chemical and physical quality and are also precursors of some fossil fuels. They can also be found in peat, coal, many upland streams, dystrophic lakes and ocean water.

HA is whats in the soil that help to buffer the ph to a level the plants can absorb nutes at. You can buy it very cheap off ebay and mix your own concentrate.
now this is good info!! so if i go into the soil with nutes at say 7.5,the buffers in the soil bring it to a level of 6.5? or threr about?

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