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PH swing.

If I water with a PH of 6.0 in coco will the PH tend to rise or fall in the coco. I know soil likes more acidic to start and then get more base as it dries. I dont let my coco dry out, i also do not do run off, so is the PH factor like hydro or soi? I am new to this coco thing, no problems yet, just wondering. THANKS!l

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hydro. 5.8/6.0 and you're good to go, I would start letting a little run off if you want to be successful in coco, see if this makes sense to you, if you don't use enough water the salts will be pushed to a point near the bottom of your pot, rather like a bunch of sea weed that a gentle tide has washed up the beach to form a line, in your coco that line is salt! and when your roots hit it - burn. you really need a mini tsunami to wash the beach ( your pot) clean, also only feeding 5 of 7 waterings is key I find, the 2 others are just PH'd water that will dilute all those salts making them available by the plant in safe amounts. Coco really is a simple cleann way to grow as long as you follow a few essential rules. Good Luck with your new grow.
Edit, missed a bit, the PH will usually go down, 5.5/6 ish as the salts build up, reading the run off is the best way to judge the conditions inside your pot, if you use an EC, PPM or TDS meter you will see that rises as it gets salty
I can do a little run off but I am not set up for it yet. I have been reading were some do no run off at all. Some of my pot will drip a little. Right now I am in transition to bloom and run only CNS 17 for coco or soil nothing else. I also feed ml recomended on the bottle no more or less and feed with nutes every water so ppm is the same, no swings.




exactly hazy lady. except, i never advocate measuring run-off. more often than not, its inaccurate at best. best way to tell if theres a ph issue? look at the plant...