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pH question

Hey guys,

So I planted some bagseeds just to get more practice growing...

They were doing just fine in the soil they were in UNTIL I watered them.
I watered them with RO water and Cal/Mag. The pH was 6.9 and the ppm about 150.

The next day the leaves looked all crinkled so I decided to water them again and test the runoff. The runoff came out to 5.8!!!! Now how can watering with a ph of 6.9 do that to the soil. It is not my TDS meter, I just calibrated it.

Any thoughts on this matter???? I just cannot make any sense out of it.

Space Ghost

how much cal-mag did you use? any pics? what's in your dirt?


What kinda soil , or is it all peat moss crap ?
Did you add any hydrated lime to the soil mix ?



Did you ever fed them ? Crystallized salts could be the problem...

Another point is that all soil mixes have a pH betwen 5.8-6.5 for an example, and this is indicated on the bag. Maybe you are on the lower side...

If your substrate is recent, it makes buffer for the pH but with the waterings it will take pH of the water so continue at 6.5.
Hey thanks a lot for your replies.

Sorry, I don't have the connector cord for my camera so I can't upload pics ATM, but i only added half the recommended dosage of cal/mag.

As for the soil it's called 10-3-1 growers mix (I think it's peat, compost, and perlite) with extra perlite and no there is no lime in there. Do you guys add dolomite lime in all your soil?

And no, I have yet to feed them. Could there just be salts in the soil? Maybe adding the cal/mag caused a chemical reaction to make the salts crystalize...this is starting to get pretty complex, I think the answer might be on the simpler side but i just don't know.


I don't think that the cal/mag add cause somme trouble, in excess sure but not in your case.

And about my other remark ?

For how many time are your plants in this soil ?

What is the pH value indicated on the soil bag ?

Nothing alarming IMO and as I said the soil's pH will raise at the water value.
Hello again,

Yes, the soil is very new...and as for the pH, it does'nt say on the bag, it is made by a local company but i've used this soil before without any problems. Maybe this is just a bad batch.

You use hydrated lime? Not dolomite??

And if the soil will raise to the water value, why is it when i water with a pH of 6.9 did it lower the ph??? i just dont get it!


MJ, when you initially mix with that local stuff, yes use a fine-grade/powdered "dolomite" lime @ rate of appx 1 cup : 6 gal of soil. Since you don't know the pH of the soil, it's tough to dial it in, but you may want to mix 3/4 cup powdered dolomite lime : 1/4 cup "hydrated" lime for every 6 gal. If you use the 50L bags, then just think 2 cups.

The hydrated lime will act very, very fast... I use it for emergency/radical adjustments in coir (top feeding it through solution). I don't bother premixing, but for your soil it is an absolute must.

Switch to one of the many popular, fast-draining varieties where you can count on consistency... and they give the necessary info to properly adjust/use the product. These will usually already be premixed with DL & you can find one pH'd to the desired range. Regardless, you will better be able to fine-tune your DL-HL mix. Best.


BTW (forgot) the HL acts immediately & will throw a mixed solution over 10.0 in a hurry (tsp:5gal should get this effect). So, be careful with this stuff- use sparingly @ first until you get idea of how it works.

The DL is very slow acting- breaks down over time. This is why you will want it in a fine, powderized form or you simply won't get the desired effect- we are talking about a short-term plant here (3mo +/-). If you get coarse, or worse yet pelletized, it may never break down before you throw it out for the next run... Also, it will be tough for you to over-apply this stuff- max's out around pH7.

SN, DL will have both Ca & Mg. The HL will primarily only have Ca (minute levels of Mg).