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PH Problem?



These girls are all 9 days since beans popped.
5 different strains, planted in cheap potting mix

I will be transplanting into 10 gallon smart pots, 40% perlite, 40% 3 year old composted horse manure, 20% worm castings very soon.

4x4 tent, 1000 DE Gavita. Vegging with MH bulb at 1100 watts which is 36 inches above now. Leaf temps never above 80 degrees F.

How do they look? The twisty one has been like that since the day she first showed leaves, not sure if its genetics or PH issue.

I have not been PH'ng water until i tested it tonight and its 7.8

Are these gals healthy enough?




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Its a meat thermometer heh. For curiosity. It dips down to about 65f lights off, and up to 80f lights on. Since running 1000 gavita i keep a LOT of airflow. Cups dry out daily, and i imagine smart pots wont go too long without needing water.

Like mentioned earlier, i was too lazy to check the PH of my tap water. Just let it set so chlorine off gassed. Finally checked and its super high, so now PHng water. Im naming that plant twisty


Active member
I hope that grow medium isn't too rich.

About the pH just get it below 7.0 and you'll be fine.

If you can do try to get it in the 6.2-6.6 range.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
You are feeding 7.8??? You are fucked if so. Should be 5.8 to 6.2, and run off should be damn close to that.

Also if those are current plants, you want container root bound or damn close before re-potting, and would need several containers before 10 gallon. With coco (which I hate) smaller containers, needing multiple feeds a day is optimum. I think it was DJM that has "Coco tree's" thread in coco forum. Most soil growers I know are outdoor. I am no expert on soil, so let others chime in. I have moved to RDWC, for instant control on conditions.

Best of luck!!!



Yes i have been giving them regular off gassed tap water with 7.8 PH Since day 1. My bad, because i didnt have a PH test kit or meter. From now on i will PH down to below 7. Hopefully havnt caused too much damage in the mean time

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Yes i have been giving them regular off gassed tap water with 7.8 PH Since day 1. My bad, because i didnt have a PH test kit or meter. From now on i will PH down to below 7. Hopefully havnt caused too much damage in the mean time

I have never grown in dirt, but for coco and hydro, 5.8 to 6.2 is only acceptable range.

Read this when you have a chance -



Dirt is good between 6.8 and 7.2. I used to swing down to about the 6.5 mark as the pH will rise as plants uptake nutrients.

Either way... 7.8 is bad.


PH will definitely be lowered from here on out. I plan to water/feed these girls with worm casting tea a while after transplant. Should PH of water/feed in be adjusted according to what the runoff water tests at?


How you cool this gavita 1000 de in 4x4. Is height will be enough in flower?

Im having a harder time keeping temps high enough when lights are off than dealing with temps being too high with lights on... due to winter in Michigan... Keeping a thermostat controlled electric heater with thermostat on timer, keeping tent in the 60s during lights off time

Plan is to top them and bush them out for scrog, as low as possible, and start flower early enough they dont get too high