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Ph problem? Also, over\under watering..?


New member

this is my first grow so everything is dificult for me, so i could use some help... :)

well i start my grow with 4 S.A.D and 1 Jack47, both from Sweet Seeds.
they are now with about 3 weeks since seed (i think, not sure).
and i've transplanted them yesterday for 5 liters pots due to all the bad things i've thone to them(plants)... :whistling:

the facts,
first waterings was with just water

-ph: 5.9 (not sure)
-ec: 0,02(4)

then i check ph.
last and 'before last'(?) waterings was with water, and the last i give some 'biorhizotonic'.

-ph: 6.7(.9)
-ec: 0,02 and 0,12 (with rhizotonic)

first i think i water the plants with wrong ph water.
second think i over water, then i may under water them!
and after i may have give excess of nuts because in the first and second week, before i check ph, i water the plants with some 'BioVega' (veg fert.). and as they are from seed they shoudn't need ferts so soon. and probabably what i'm seeing was just ph problem...

(i get this conclusions while reading some really nice posts here!)

with all this i just want some opinions about my plants.
what do you think this is?
and, if possible, how to 'fixed it'?

here are some pics of the girls,

after transplant, with ligth on,

plant 1 (S.A.D.),

leaf plant 1,

plant 1,

plant 3,

plant 4,

plant 5 (Jack 47, older than the others)


after transplant,



Dont spray water on the leafes.. doesnt do anything good. Better get the RH to 70%.
Soil looks too wet. Let it dry out before watering again..
Not sure about nuts(better give to few then to much) but that doesnt look like a ph related prob to me. On soil with ph 6,7 ... is still in range.


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New member
thanks for the answer!

i usualy don't spray leaf...
the soil looks wet because i've water that day or the day before...

as for ph, 6.7 is what i have now, but in the begining i water the plants with 5.9 (maybe less) and thats too low...doesnt it?

i don't know if you can see it but the leafs are all twisted and pointing down. also you can see some weird yellow spots.
that's why i think is ph problem...

i will try to take some pic friday to show the diferences.
i'm now watering with right ph water and will let the soil dry before water again.

so far, and only a day after, i think the plants really like to be transplanted to new soil!
they seem a litle happier... :)

but in general what do you think about my plants health?
should i do something?

thanks again for the post!
hope i get some more opinions... :watchplant:


you r on the verge of getting major lockout. what kind of soil mix is that? looks like you did not add much perlite. my guess with out the perlite that that is a heavy mix(meaning not good aeration and drainage). I would not give them water again for 7-10 days. In fact, I would let them wilt from lack of water so you know what dry really is. that pot should feel light as a feather. remember roots need air as well as water. when u have a mix that heavy a ball of moisture forms right under the root ball and the roots suffocate. it looks like a ph problem but it is lockout from the roots drowning and not being able to uptake anything properly.


you r on the verge of getting major lockout. [...] my guess with out the perlite that that is a heavy mix(meaning not good aeration and drainage). I would not give them water again for 7-10 days. In fact, I would let them wilt from lack of water so you know what dry really is. that pot should feel light as a feather. remember roots need air as well as water. [...]

Excatly what I ment to say.. but im not that good in soil related stuff.


New member
thanks all for replies! :tiphat:

i let the soil get dry and it seems to help!
now i think they are with some problems due to low ph of water, and can't absorve the nuts properly...
also i've been watering them with distiled water, so maybe it is Mg and Ca problems...
(The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! ULTRA helpful thread!!!)

now i just need to find the best water for my plants, i'm thinking of use bottled water (don't trust on my tap water!)...

what do you think of my ladies now?


Jack 47


(my soil is 'Terra Canna Professional')


Active member
I'd say let em dry out good (so containers are lightweight) and then give a feeding of veg nutes at 1/2 advertised strength + a ph around 6.

Look familiar?



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That Bio Boost is a waste of Money(very expensive). Get some Molasses will do the same thing for allot less.


New member
thanks all!

from now on i will water only once a week...it should be enough!
as for the bioboost I've already buy it so now i have to use..

now i will just wait for the ladies to recover a bit and then will start slowly reduce the time with light on...hope they grow nice from now on...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I did the same thing but I got the big bottle 80$.. After reading the ingredients "sugar cane" I wont make that mistake again..


New member
again with problems...

my jack 47 is yellowing!
i think this should be Ca e Mg deficiency...what do you think???

remember first waterings was with distilled water!

someone said it could be N deficiency...i don't think so because the newest leaf are already yellowing...if it was N def the older leafs will yellow and fall first...correct thinking or not???

lost in a sea

yeah that probably is a nute lock out due to the ph,, id maybe test the ph of the run off from that plant to see if it differs from the others,,,


New member

maybe it is ph...
the soil bag says it haves a 5.5 to 6.5 ph (i think), and i'm watering with ph 6.5\.8 water...

there's just one thing, i don't want to over water my plants agian...they are just recovering from last over waterings...
anyway i will let the soil dry well and then will try to measure the ph of run off..

again thanks!
you are being a REALLY help to a noob like me!


prince kali

hey cristo.

DONT let the soil dry up to the "weight of a feather" !
who gave this silly advise?? cant believe that.

in fact you should let them get dry, but never bonedry, or roothairs will die, soil will build clusters, symptoms of nuteburn may appear.. etc..

when the pot is light, and the upper 3 cm of the surface feel dry to the finger water them, first a little bit (what size of pots, 5l?) maybe a medium glass full, plain water!

and after a minute another glass full (and after for sure one more).

i guess with around 1 liter of water per pot u will be definitely ok, that should even give a little drain.

and no other nutrients for the moment, your girls are really small, and as it is professional soil it will be ferted enough for the first 3 weeks.
whats the ph of your tap water??
distilled water no good!!

do yourself a favor and before you water take a pic of the roots.. this will tell more for now than the leaves..

good luck

edit: soil buffers the ph, as long as the ph you water is not over 8 -> dont adjust anything, the soil buffer will do that. if you want you can use vinegar or what you prefer to bring it down to somewhere between 6.5 and 7.. but it is NOT necessary.. cheers


Active member
I highly recommend you look in to reading up on "Hempy Buckets".

I know you're in soil for this grow but by the time you finish it you should know enough about Hempy to give it a try.

You'll see much faster growth, quicker response to errors you make and quicker response to feeding your plants correctly.... All things you'll enjoy as a grower.

Read the K.I.S.S. thread.... get yourself a bag of MaxiBloom and end all the worries of "am I feeding correctly??".

Heavy yields await you. :D

Stay Safe!

prince kali

I highly recommend you look in to reading up on "Hempy Buckets".

I know you're in soil for this grow but by the time you finish it you should know enough about Hempy to give it a try.

You'll see much faster growth, quicker response to errors you make and quicker response to feeding your plants correctly.... All things you'll enjoy as a grower.

Read the K.I.S.S. thread.... get yourself a bag of MaxiBloom and end all the worries of "am I feeding correctly??".

Heavy yields await you. :D

Stay Safe!

:chin: darth vader, is it you? :dueling: organic soil rules...

edit: considered a career as a salesman??