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PH after nutes


New member
Hi! Its my first grow and I was wondering ... My water PH before adding nutes is 6.2, but when I add Canna Terra Flores and Canna Boost water PH drops to 3.6 ;/ And now I dont know is it always like that after adding nutes ? Should I leave it as it is or should I regulate PH after adding nutes ? And also Im sory if this is wrong thread ;/ PLS HELP


you are probably over fertilizing. i've never used canna products but most fertilizing instructions are way too strong causing pH problems. try half strength doses and see if pH stabilizes at that dose. you may need to flush the soil with plain water first to get the pH back in check. good luck.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Quantity of water to nutes would be helpful.
Usually those nutes are auto buffered so that no adjustment is needed.

More details needed.


Had the same problem with canna and soft water before I moved.
Just do PH+ until you reach the range you want


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
you can put the water aside for a day ..Or 2 ,this way the PH will rise quite bit and you won't need to put so much PH + in ;)