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Petrolia Headstash Pure IBL..


Active member
Yeah, I'm pretty sure those are the real petrolia headstash. We grew some out and really we weren't impressed. We only grew out a few as well and didn't find anything to keep. They aren't very stable and we got some sativa looking phenos as well.

C-ray (formerly lucifer) told me that with the PH, you might find one great one if you grow out a whole bunch. He said that the main use for PH is for breeding (apparently it's a parent of Herijuana). I still have a shitload of these beans and I'll only use them for breeding if I find a special one. All I have to say is try breederbrad's Godzilla if you wanna try a dank indica that grows vigorously, yields great and gets you mad high...


Great thread buddy. Put all the cards on the table and everybody can help you/know the real story. I had about 20 herijuana that looked identical to your pics and that pheno wasn't as good as the others. It looked pretty being dark purple but the lighter/bushier pheno's were much better on taste/high. There is a pine/cedar tree smell to it and the high is wicked. I call it the juicy fruit pheno and it is some of my most requested medicine. I would look at the other parent IMVHO. I don't have any pics and I killed all my mothers when the chopper landed but in time I will post some pics of my favorite pheno. Milly BLunt


great report, it's always a disappointment when a strain underperforms but it's still valid information for the community, particularly like when you say the beans are way up there in the upper price region.

as far as poor afghans go there seems to be a various reports of excessive inbreeding depressing some afghan populations in their native conditions. i had a stoned thought that perhaps due to the large variety of micro climates high in the mountains what we know as afghan has acclimatised to like to outcross periodically and as these populations become fewer and further between (boo the WoD) perhaps the outcrossing (delibrate and not) happens less.

another potential stoned thought i had was if the pool these lines comes from has been heavily worked towards land/garden race and subsistance farming goals (reasonable yield under low to medium input cultivation systems even in a harsh season) perhaps the change in breeding goals by western breeders to (probably) potency and typical ghani structure has lost the variation necessary to ensure vigorous, hardy, disease resistant plants.

but i also drew a doodle of a tree that looks like a sheep doing a headstand so don't pay any heed to my stoned thoughts.


Active member
thanks everyone for the replies, i agree that honest threads only make it easier for people to spend their $ wisely..

Let me make this clear tho ('70s pothead), i don't care about the $, or getting replacements, or whatever.. I could care less, i have mountains of excellent stuff i have yet to try/grow, no shortage here..

I care about Petrolia Headstash, the real deal goods.. The stuff that this was supposed to be.. The $ is not important, I would pay 1k+ for real deal PH, a very high quality afghani that was true breeding and a decent yeilder (compared to DC)..

We (the whole community) need to know where this stuff went, or where it's avaliable (or where it's not) so that we can have as many pure/true breeding lines as possible.. These things are very valuable and worth of a thread and some questions..

there's no need to sweep Petrolia Headstash under the rug and forget about it.. lets try to find out what happened to it, etc.. jus like Road Kill Skunk..

I think I've been very fair and would jus like a lil more info..

Greens, thanks for the info.. if you need to grow out more than a pack to find 1 winner I would have to say it's definately overpriced.. and I would def have to say it's not an IBL, jus using common sense and the fact I got like 4 phenos in 6 plants..

sounds like it needs more work and a price drop if what i got was indeed PH.. thanks again for the info..

Milly, nice to see ya stop by..

Dark Green I hear ya, that might be a good way to get yourself some nice afghani dom mums, but I'm looking to high quality true breeding afghani lines that yeild a bit better than DC and ones that perhaps are a lil less dom.. I will still work with DC, and it's a wicked tool, no doubt.. I would jus like another great afghani, maybe even cross it with a less dom DC fem.. as far as keeper mums I am blessed with alot of the headiest clones around so i'm fairly set for smoke.. the problem is there's very few high quality males to use that will guarantee the same greatness..

LOL AN, I know i'll find another nice afghani sooner or later, likely something original and unhyped.. I've tried a few now and will jus wait until the cards fall into place to find something else.. it's out there, surely.

thanks for keepin' it positive folks, we're all here for the same reason, to grow the best marijuana possible..


I had 12 PH seeds that I bought from RM. They were also some of the very last of the stock. They were packed by Shipperke right before he went on his own and started his Burma Seeds. Anyways I got my 12 seeds and 6 free Kodiak Gold. I added them to my extremely large arsenal of "elite" strains from every breeder I could find. Yes I'm a seed whore. But I'm a real cool seed whore. You will see why.

At the time I was stricktly an outdoor grower. It was fall and harvest was near. One night I got to thinking about how to do some networking over the web and came up with a brilliant idea. I would send some of my packs of elites to various indoor guys I got to know on the sites. They could grow them out, find the good phenos and make some seeds. They were to send me some seeds and female clones of the best phenos and I would grow them outdoors. Save me a bunch of work by having females to just stick out (I cloned the clones too) and I would still have seeds and some were IBLs.

Anyways the plan worked like a charm. Now I grow indoors too. I sent 10 PH to a very well respected grower and 2 seeds to another great grower. The guy with the 10 seeds had the same trouble as beancounter. Now that guy gave me some fantastic genetics he had so I was already OK. However, I emailed ReeferMan and explained all. He took real good care of me. They were out of PH so he sent me 18 Love Potion #1 (my request I could pick anything) and 12 Bonus Mix seeds (they are a mix of anything, seeds off the floor, super cool mystery grow). I was totally satisfied how he took care of me.

Then about a month ago the other guy said he finally sexed the 2 PH seeds I sent him. He got 1 male and 1 female. I have a clone of each. I have been cloning the female. The male has been slow to start but he is finally coming around. I will get some pics up.

To anybody holding seeds they will be lucky to get to. Let someone else grow them out and clone you back. It is a great idea.

Beancounter use your photo edit and lighten the pictures guy.
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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Thx beancounter and everyone else for your honest assessments.
I believe RM got the PH when he bought out Steve Tuck's stock, then used another afghani crossed w/ the PH to produce his "Headstash".
Hillbilly Dreams was always under scrutiny, what w/ seed mix-ups and authenticity issues. Not to pass the blame, cause Reef worked those strains before releasing them commercially, but the seeds of doubt was planted within the community some time back.
Humbolt no doubt still has the original floating about.


Here are the pictures of my Petrolia Headstash.

This is the female that I have been taking cuttings from.

Here is the male.

I think they both have a strong Indica look to them and they both look kinda uniform. Maybe these will be what we all were expecting. I think they have a DC or Blockhead kinda look to them and that can only be good. Right?

I think that the plants in Beancounter's pics all look similar to each other. My only concerns would be that at the end the plants look too big for their pots and look stressed. This could have changed the outcome greatly. I have read that some landraces and landrace cross IBLs do not tolerate being pot bound at will not only not reach full potential but could severly underperform in yield and potency.

Let me say I know beancounter can grow like a mother fecker. However, sometimes he does like to see how small a pot he can use. Also sometimes even the mighty Casey strikes out.

This might not be your finest grow moment beancounter. You need to try these again someday.
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Active member
hello there tarzan...

yes the original plan was dif with these seeds as discussed in PMs, unfortunately it doesn't always work out like it should when growing.. I wish I found these worthy of F2ing so I could spread them around for others to apreciate another great afghani IBL, and return many to you rather than jus havign 12 for your outdoor season.. I would have likely given you 50 or more F2s, and honestly, I wouldn't want to see any friends growing 25 fems like this.. I mean, why make more seed if the bud isn't even worth smoking?? seriously? sure, DC yeilds like hell and it's slow as a mofo, but it's all worth it when u smoke it..

I'm no professional breeder (so maybe i'm missing something here), i'm jus a hobbiest seedmaker looking for some nice combinations to test and work further, and I personaly don't see much use for this line.. I mean whatever I have here if crossed with another IBL couldn't be called a true F1, jus look at the variations in the line.. it already looks like a poly.. you can't honestly say those plants look similar.. and don't blame it on my pics.. i know they're not the best, but they're good enough and i simply don't have the time to feck with every single pic i take.. they look good enough on my moniter..

As for my small pots.. actualy, I grew the PH in a size bigger than I always use jus to negate that factor.. and i did give them more light, space, love, everything..

I've heard the same, that some landraces/IBL prefer more rootspace.. but that has more to do with yeild IME than the actualy finished quality, i'm seen it myself, not jus read about it..

If you look at PH#2 you can clearly see it's a great yeilder, and got the perfect SOG structure.. except it took well over a month to get to that size, and the cola was so airy i think the final weight was maybe 20 g from a gallon pot..

Yeah, a 1 gallon isn't a big pot for a seedplant, but the plant it self dictated it's final pot size by it's rate of growth.. it was never rootbound once in it's life, in fact, none of them were rootbound at any point in their growth..

And honestly, landrace, IBL or polyhybrid..... pot size isnt' gonna turn headstash into hemp.. it'll effect yeild/growth/size, that's for sure.. but yer still gonna get some idea of smell/taste/potency..

I babied these plants bro.. I hyped up this seedline alot in threads, in convos with friends, etc etc.. not overhyped, but jus stating how excited I was and how much i was looking forwards to it.. I kept an open mind until I smoked it... I also kept all 6 mother/father clones until I smoked it.. I have nothing against reeferman, you, anyone involved in this or these seeds..

I jus want to know if it's the real PH and where the real PH is if this isn't it..

It is too bad our thing didn't work out well, but I'm sure your garden will be fulll of some great stuff this yr..

About your PH plants.. a while ago, back when i told u the my PH plants weren't workin' out too well, u told me that the other 2 seeds had been grown and turned out exactly like dogsnob's plants.. looks to me like they're still in early early veg stage??? :chin:

This may have not been a perfect grow, and I'm sure as hell not the best grower in the world... but I can tell what's grower error and what's genetic.. also, did you not see the other posters above who said they experienced pretty much the same results? Not to mention the 3-4 other people who have repped/PMed me as they didn't want backlash or they were testers for RM and don't feel the right to complain..

And yes, I will be growing it out again, originaly sourced from RM aswell.. dogsnob's been kind enough to gift me 20 of the F2s he made from his PH grow..

I started this thread jus to learn more about other's experiences, get feedback driectly from RM, show others who may be interested in buyin' the line what they may get.. etc etc.. so don't turn it into a thread about grow styles..

My only motives are to find and smoke the best afghans avaliable.. there you have it.. gasp, the truth is out there...

thanks for stoppin' in Highlighter, I'm sure you're correct and somone from that area will come up with the goods for us one day.. It's jus too bad that Reeferman's Petrolia Headstash pure IBL wasn't it.. I had high hopes..


Everything worked out. I do the same with you in a heartbeat beancounter.

I had a legit question about the looks of the plant. It is very difficult to see the pics.

I understand you defending your grow. I didn't mean to inspire that though. I want to know about Petrolia Headstash. Maybe more than you because I spent $200 to get the seeds. Come on man I have been waiting a long time for this thread and to see these plants.

You wrote all that and never even commented on my examples of Petrolia Headstash. How they compared to yours, etc.

I know I flew off the handle that time but you disappeared man. We worked it out. In the end you helped me way more than I helped you.

We don't mix well any more I guess.

Yes I was reading that particular info. However, I have been growing cannabis a lot longer than you beancounter. I admit it's all been outdoor until the beginning of this year. Guess what? I got the same greenthumb indoors as outdoors.

Let's see what I can do with the EXACT same Petrolia Headstash. 12 seeds...you had 10 and I have 2 (2 clones from the other 2 seeds).

As far as Petrolia Headstash goes Reeferman needs to investigate this. Something is messed up real bad.


RMs Petrolia Headstash Pure is good

RMs Petrolia Headstash Pure is good

I need to jump in here and tell you people about my experience with the Petrolia Headstash Pure. I grew mine out from seed. They do take a while to fully establish from seed and clon, which is typical of IBLs. I found 2 phenos, which isn’t surprising to me. I’ve grown out many IBL plants and I understand that it is not uncommon to find phenotypic variation amongst them. I did make more PH IBL seeds and kept the phenos separate, so I’m curious to see how those seeds perform.

The first pheno is a short, squat, kush plant. It smells and tastes like fresh flowers. The buds where rock solid. The high is a heavy body type stone. The yield of this pheno is in the light-medium range.

The second pheno is a massive bush. The smell is the stinkiest, rankest skunk I have ever experienced. I’ve grown out skunk1, super skunk, shiva skunk, various skunk hybrids, and nothing even comes close to this plant. The odor is so strong that it completely dominates the bloom room and entire house if I’m not careful. The bud structure of this pheno is a looser, huge 6-12 inch spear. The high is a knockout body stone. This is strong heavy meds. I just puffed some 3-month jar cure and I completely nodded off from it. When I opened the jar the skunk was overwhelming and mouthwatering.

I don’t remember the exact flower times but the kush pheno was about 2-3 weeks quicker than the skunky bush pheno.

I’ve found this to be an amazing strain and I finally have my olskool skunk. Good luck with your future grows.

These pics are of the skunky bush pheno.
This is one plant grown in soil!

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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
How is the high compared to the BCSC Afi?
Did you like the PH better or no....


Active member
it's ok Tarzan, I don't hold grudges over seeds.. it jus seemed like you were atacking small things that really had nothin' to do with the outcome.. and takin' it a bit personal..

sure, my grow of them wasn't perfect, and i'm not the best or more experienced grower around... But i'm experienced enough to know the dif between grower fault and genetics issues.. I may not have been growing for a decade, but I've been growing perpetual every since i started, and I've probly gone thru more plants, strains and grow techs than many growers who's been at it for 20-30 yrs.. But I'm also realistic enough to know i can fuck up, and humble enought to admit when i do.. too bad u deleted yer account..

myst, thanks for yer run down on yer PH experience.. I sure wish I found something with some skunk in the trunk, but unfortunaly there was nothin' but bunk.. I can't stress how unimpressive it truly was.. a literal chore to smoke..

the last sat dom plant was better, mostly citrius, and somethin' dank in there that u'd smell on ocaision.. it was the best plant of the 3 fems I was able to grow, but i'm not looking for a sativa dom citrius flavor in my pure Indica IBLs.. not at all.. But, it was sellable weed, and peeps would take samples of this plant for free.. so obviously much better than the other 2 indica doms..

I'm glad to see there are a few nice phenos to find but I think the IBL moniker should be removed if it takes more than one pack to find something good.. I too have seen variation in IBLs, essentialy all IBLs will have some variation.. but nothing like 4 phenos from 6 plants.. and not phenos that were SO different from the others..

Cpt... lol.. not even a challenge.. I'd honestly prefer to grow something from Nirvana than this batch of PH.. the Afghab Dream is not even in the same league.. it's much better, and has some phenos that rival some elites.. It seems completely backwards.. i was expecting PH to be some of the best seed i had ever grown..

thanks again for stoppin by everyone.. sometimes it's really not very fun to be honest, and have yer skillz questioned, or your motives questioned.. and I can see why people are hesitant to be 100% honest.. but honestly I don't care anymore.. I jus want people out there smoking the best marijuana possible.. we've all smoked enough hype to last a life time.. it's time to cut thru the bullshit...

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