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Petition to Remove Marijuana from the Schedule 1 list of drugs



Remove Marijuana from the Schedule 1 list of drugs in the Controlled Substances Act


Please sign this petition. The white house will officially respond to any petition that gets 5,000 signatures within 30 days of creation. When creating an account on the petition site, use accurate info. Only your first name and the first initial of your last name will visible on the "signature" of petitions. For privacy reasons, you can prevent your city and state from being visible on the signature by removing the city, state, and zip entries in your profile after your account has been created. (to change your profile info go to https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/user and click on the "personal information" tab)


we petition the obama administration to:
Remove Marijuana from the Schedule 1 list of drugs in the Controlled Substances Act

Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule 1 drug in the Controlled Substances Act, a category reserved for drugs which have "no currently accepted medical use". Marijuana has known medical uses and therefore should not be classified as a Schedule 1 substance. The federal government should "accept" marijuana's known medical uses and remove it from the Schedule 1 list of drugs.


come on peeps...no love for the petition? 150 sigs and it will show up in the petition search...got to start somewhere. marijuana should not be in schedule 1 and i would like to hear Obama explain why it's still there... please take a moment to sign it. thanks.

Remove Marijuana from the Schedule 1 list of drugs in the Controlled Substances Act


Active member
links like that make people very paranoid, maybe don't use a url shortening service and post the full thing

in the meantime, this one's on top right now, i feel the rescheduling needs to happen too though... :


Legalize and Regulate Marijuana in a Manner Similar to Alcohol.



here is a thread on icmag about the petitions as well:



Active member
Me personally, I never click on outside links. But I suppose I can copy and paste it into my browser.

I am just absolutely dismayed over groups like NORML and MPP. After over 50 fucking years or whatever it's still Schedule I. Creepers!

Also, my last name is unique given just the initial it wouldn't be hard at all given my small town and address to track me down. Given the fucking AG in Michigan provided the list of MMJ pateints to the feds so now anyone that is a MMJ patient and happens to have a gun is a felon and they have this nice list, and so many other just absolutely stupid things happening, I've just decided the best thing for me is to just lay low, and let the assholes sort it out. Again, that's just me.


i know what you mean dddaver...in order for marijuana laws to improve in the usa marijuana needs to be removed from schedule 1 and it's a shame that norml, mpp, etc haven't been able to accomplish this. when you sign your first name and the first initial of your last name is all that shows up. and if you read my first post you can remove your city state and zip so they don't appear on the petitions either.

this petition is already up to 1,137 signatures in a day. keep signing people!


according to the site, those that signed will be emailed the response


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