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Pet Peeves - Let's Hear 'Em


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
i hate when you borrow something and they say ok now dont break it...
sure you can borrow my car... just dont crash it.

thanks dumbass! until you told me not to crash it i thought it was ok to break your shit.

fuuuuuuuuck that annoys the hell out of me
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People that can't spell easy words correctly OR in the correct context (there, their, they're, to, too, two) while they are trying to school someone (don't look like a retarded douche).

When my wife doesn't rinse her plate off (and it has curry/ketchup/mustard/anything that dries up).

When my wife uses the towel I've been using all week once then throws it on the floor.

People who say, "Fuck reading!" and spend their free time watching shows like Jersey Shore or Real Housewives of XYZ.

Homework that accounts for 50% of your grade.


healthy people or someone you hardly know or dont like that dont want to take the effort & time to grow their own plant & ask you to grow them one so they can smoke it & enjoy it all for themselves & take the credit without helping or even offering to help.
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-top 40 radio. Spineless lil' dipshits, no talent cokehead assholes and plastic whores...I might tolerate them if the music didn't suck on top of it all.

-people who ALWAYS get TOO drunk. You know the kind...almost every group has one.

-Moochers.The guy you don't hear from except when he's dry/broke.

-Weed fiends. Don't treat weed like its crack or H,its degrading to yourself and the plant.

-People who treat their kids badly. Sometimes you see people that seem to genuinely dislike their kids. Why the fuck did you get/keep them?

-Really bad graffiti.

-Shit streaks in the toilet bowl,the brush isn't there for decoration,ya know?

-People who talk LOUDLY on their phones in public places. Hey,asshole? The rest of us don't care!

-People who drunkenly play and sing classic tunes badly at afterparties.To this day I can't listen to Stairway to Heaven,Layla or Tamburine man without cringing, because of a particularly dismal performance by a drunk hipster.

-Coke heads.They just annoy me.... probably cause I don't do coke.

Damn,I have some pent up anger...should probably take up yoga or something...


punctuality is my main one, if you say a time be there 5mins before
or on the dot at the latest.
and all them on phones that say yeah a half hour,and that was a half hour ago.

another one is fussy people-just deal with it ok!


Active member
people who don't wash their hands before eating or handling food
people who bogart joints
people who have personal conversations on the phone while in public
people who make commitments but don't follow through...
people who consider traffic lights an excuse to start looking for shit in their car...pay attention fool! the light will be green shortly!
people who slam on their brakes and/or put on blinkers AS they're turning (if even at all)
people who hit their kids...
guys who hit women...that's just not right...
people who try to produce as many children as humanly possible just to maximize their welfare checks...you know the ones...
people who drive drunk and think they're an exception to the rule...bunch of assholes.
I will think of 5
1.People that call their children pieces of shit.
2.Ones who never double-bag my everclear and drops and busts as I'm probably already hammered.
3.Fucknuts that bring up bad memories of someone that has passed.
4.A one night stand doesn't mean forever.
5.And last but not least if I roll one and when it comes back there is slobber on it geeezle weezle!

Cookie monster

Roma Gypsy's, Irish Travelers and Pikeys in general.......stealing, begging and screwing the welfare system for a living.

Parents who swear at their kids in public...

Anybody who drops litter, for some reason that flips the crazy switch.

Grumpy bastards like me :)


Tropical Outcast
Jehova's Witnesses waking me up @ 9am Sunday morning.

Thank God they now would need a boat to come knocking @ my door.

Cookie monster

Reversing into the garbage can in the driveway....damm it there goes another indicator lens.


I dislike:

People who tie garbage bags inside the garbage can and leave them there instead of taking them outside for pickup...

People who bitch about twist-ties on bread...fuck you i spin and tuck..

People who park in front of my house.

People who let their dogs outside in the morning to bark for hours constantly waking up everyone within a block radius.


anything that relates to lying & propaganda to keep cannabis illegal

ignorant idiots that think cannabis is the gateway drug & think it will destroy your brain cells etc..

people that have absolutly no knowlegde of cannabis but think they do know all about it & spread their ignorance & fear unto others

snakes,spiders,rats,mice, big mean dogs & their owners

piss left on the toilet seat

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