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Perpetual Pleasure 800 Watts Vertical/Soil



Hey Howdy All!
Back at it again, it's been a very looong time since I had a proper grow diary, due to lots o' stuff. But I decided that I wanted to get back to it in hopes that others can learn from my mistakes and victories.

Previously I have had a couple other grow logs, long story short I had to up and move and start over from scratch, which sucked, but finally I am back to where I was when I had to quit. Actually I am probably in better shape now.


Previously, I have grown in soil, always w/ the 2 400 watt lights, w/ hoods, AC hoods, in a tent, in a room, etc..ran various things, but lost all that work.

Fast forward, in the time that I had off, I decided there had to be a better way to grow. Previously I had always gotten FFOF and FFLW, and used PBP nute line up w/ a few other things here and there, it was a chore. Lugging umpteen gallons of RO water, Ph this, ph that, worrying over this and that, I got results, but it seemed like a huge pain in the ass.

I spent lots of time reading all sorts of stuff, in the end I decided on simple is best, and due to other factors, I wanted to keep everything waste and soil included in a "closed loop" so I didn't need to dump stuff, get rid of soil etc...

What I settled on was what was outlined in the Organics for Beginners thread. I followed the directions to the T, and never looked back. I have to say that I am happy as fuck that I did too.

So what we have is this, I will just list current setup, lemme know if I leave anything out.

2x400 watts, vertical
1x8inch vortex, (something like 743cfm)
1xPhresh filter
2xlittle floor fans(like honeywells)
Lotsa metal racks
Lotsa LC MIX w/ Dry Fert Recipie
Lotsa Plain LC MIX (for seeds and clones)
Lotsa Extra Peat, Perlite, EWC, Bone Blood Kelp Meals, some guano and other organic extras that frankly I have never even used.
Shelves full of PBP nutes, as well as a complete line of some other brand that has never been used, I got them before I made the move thinking that I would use them.
Lotsa old FFOF and FFLW used soil from previous grows that I literally lugged across the country and have yet to use at all.
Temps...80ish, sometimes as low as 75 lights on, lights off usually 65 at the low, usually around 70ish though.
Humidity...fuck if I know, never paid any attention to it.
Water, I use tap. I fill a 50 gallon res, w/ airstones, and just let it bubble till I use it all up. I keep a lid on it.
Flower Room..about..4x8x7 roughly. Yeah, my fan does the trick!
Veg..just some cfls and floros. That's it. 24/7.

After running through most of my gear, I at this time run AK48, I have a mum of that and run clones, along w/ a small variety of seeds from my own crosses of Coastal Collision. I was gifted 10 CC beans, and of those got 2 females, and I collected pollen from the males and pollinated both girls. I got 2 distinct variety from the original beans, a very danky more indica leaning gal, and one that was different, hard to describe, but both were very very good, and until recently the best things I ever grew. (Recently took down a random bag seed that was the fucking bomb, blew everything away.)

All that said, here is what my shit looks like at present, in veg I have my 48 mum in a 7 gallon container, trying to get it into flower, but having issues w/ space in the flower room. Also a whole fuck ton of 48 clones, along w/ a dozen CC crosses, as well as a handful of random bagseed. My CCs are vegging away and just waiting to go into flower, I got one in there now, but the others will have to wait till there is more room. I have brutalized all of them alot, bending and breaking them over etc..they are all doing well.

Currently in flower, I have 9 or so 48s, and a CC clone from last round, and a few misc random bag seed. How long? Well, IDK, honestly I think it's silly to keep track, they are done when they are done, and sometimes they are done when they aren't done if I need the smoke. I know that the 48 will likely run up to 12 weeks, I have taken it earlier, but its FAR BETTER if you can wait. In fact I got one that will be done here in the next few weeks, the others are a little behind that.

What I do?

Basically, I want to keep myself in constant supply and not have to worry about running out and waiting. I am proud to say that I have done this! At this time anyway. I am cutting it close, but I haven't run out! I am just putting plants into flower whereever and whenever I can. I know that it may be easier to really keep track of flowering times, and I do sort of, but no matter what, they are finished when they are finished and me knowing that it is at 10 weeks doesn't make it go any faster.
I water as needed, really just twice a week usually, the girls are in 2.5 and 5 gallon bags, depending, and I have a few in 1 gallon bags that were an experiment. My yield...IDK, never weigh anything and I don't care, it's enough, but I could always use more!
As for the soil, I recycle. Currently I am in my 3rd or 4th round w/ the same mix, I haven't really re-amended anything, but when the time comes I will make some fresh mix and just treat my old soil accordingly and keep it in the mix as well. I love growing this way, just a as good as when I used nutes, but no hassle. I do add the best ever BSMolasses, I got this really good kosher stuff, best of the best. Every watering unless I am being lazy of course.

They will go up, it's a process and takes time. In the past I have posted TONS of pics, I probably won't do that now, just a few so yous get an idea.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Comments and suggestions also welcome. Sit back, enjoy the ride.


Well fuck me running! I got my batteries charged up and computer all set back up so I can post some pictures, now I just gotta take some. I have a batch of 48 finishing now, and a fresh batch of CC, but fuck me sideways, I think I am gonna have to move AGAIN FUCK ME FUCK FUCK FUCK...

It doesn't look like I will be able to finish the CCs, so I took them out of the flower room, 3 of them showed female, 3 male, and a few that haven't shown yet. But I thought it may be better to just toss them back into veg (the females) for now, rather than let them flower and have to maybe move them during late flower, although if anything changes and I can buy myself some extra time hopefully I can get them back in and finished..just fucking pisses me off to no fucking end. Now I got a veg area all backed the fuck up w/ some CCs that should be flowering, 20 something clones, and a couple dozen seeds that I popped...well at least when I move I will be ready to fill a flower room right away...just fucking blows hard though.

In any event, I will try to get some pics up, of the current setup and what not, a little this and that, but god damn it fucking pisses me off. I loved this setup too, ran perfect, great temps now, no fuss no worries. Now I get to do it all over again yeah!@ Oh well. I am glad I didn't get my AK48 mum in the 10 gallon container in there yet, that would have really pissed me off.
Anyone move flowering gals? If I had to my thinking is that I would just do during lights on, but I am wondering if boxing them up and then taking them over and getting them back out would fuctulate anything too much, hell maybe it would be no big deal and I should just toss them bitches back in there, this is really gonna fuck up my timetable/routine, I just got to the point where everything was rolling along really well, it's always gotta be something for FUCKS SAKES..


sucks you have to move. wtf.... i am dreading moving my gear across the country when it comes time....
there are several guys that have been through similar situations on here. most seem to use a suv/van/uhaul - stake the pots, put everything in black garbage bags, and do it to it. best of luck!
also, i run lc with dry ferts in tents, nice to see a similar setup around. ill be looking foward to pics!


Hey there, thanks guys...nothing too amazing, actually the 48 is turning out pretty boring, I was really jacked up about the CC, fuck it, maybe I will just stick them bitches back in and take my chances IDK...I will have to wait a week or so now though damn it, just crushed some stems and bent those bitches over for room in the veg area, maybe by the time they recover I will have a better idea on a time line for moving and be able to get them back in and running...I will post some fucking pictures tonight..

Glad to hear that you are using LC Mix, hear alot of folks do, seems like some people have issues, I haven't. In fact, the 48s look good, just my tolerance is stupid fucking high and if it ain't the tits then I don't get too excited...everyone else thinks it's super duper though, but those same people also smoke brick their whole lives and think my 48 at 8 weeks was killer too, (which it was far from, in fact I gave it all away because it was like smoking a light cigarette to me lol) I called it weed light. Naturally every single damn seed and clone I have started in the last few weeks has just done great, which is about right since I won't be able to keep all of them now it looks like go figure...Oh well, keep those nugs tight guys, I will post pics later tonight, I run the flower room at night so have to wait until then, but I may get some veg pics up sooner. Just took one of my 48s down last week, I started it a bit ahead of these others, it's ok...but the mystery sativa that I took w/ it that wasn't even finished gives it a run for it's money..never fails the best plants I get are just some random shit that I never ever clone or make mums out of, the boring shit I am up to my eyeballs in! Hopefully as these CCs develop I will get some good ones out of them, I did w/ the first seed run anyway, just didn't keep any moms at that time, you can bet your ass I will this time though, had to make seeds the last time so wasn't sure how well they would mum up and re-veg for me...this time will be different.


Well, I have taken down a few gals that are about dry now and ready to jar. I have to say my 48 turned out better than the first seed run, although allowing it to go longer probably didn't hurt! I still have a 48 and a PPP (I think) that I left in the flower room to ripen even more. I really wanted to let them go even longer just to see...

Got the big ol' 48 mum that I had been using in the flower room in 7 gallons, also put in 3 CCs from seed (batch I made w/ my originals), another 3 48 clones, and I have a few dozen CCs from seed on deck in the nursery growing and getting strong. Still got a few dozenish 48 clones on deck as well, I have more than I really need in veg right now, but I plan on just filling up that flower room and stuffing as many as I can in their.

I also have a 48 clone that I started a bit after all the others in a 2 gallon as well as a mystery seed that are maybe halfway through their flower cycles. I will try to post some more shotz sometime, it's kinda a big pain in my ass to do though. Nothing too exciting, just smoking lots'o'weed and watching the grass grow, same ol' same ol'.

Don't have a date on moving, and I don't care, I will deal w/ it when it gets here, but I sure as shit ain't gonna slow down or stop in the mean time, I figure I can always pack the whole show up and get it moved if/when I need to.

My next big thing is to make up a fresh batch of soil, and clean my filter and fan, as well as general clean up. Things are messy at this moment but somehow I manage, must be that 48 I am toking on.:tiphat:


Re: Perpetual Pleasure 800 Watts Vertical/Soil


Last night my brand new 8" 734cjm jet engine fan shot shit on me. Seems the rotor is moving inside and made a terrific sound. Luckily I have a canfan 6" backup. Lucky its winter too! It does the trick for now but a huge pita to swap it out. So that sucks but you get what you pay for now I know why it was so cheap.:mad::banghead:


Re: Perpetual Pleasure 800 Watts Vertical/Soil

Well interestingly enough not much difference between the old and new broke fan. Hmmph? Anyway that's good I guess. Tonight I got out my iguanas old heat mat. Sandwiched between to metal racks and my tray of seedlings on top. Hoping that will help them they all are suffering from low temps too wet too long conditions and they suck now. Hoping they bounce back. My new mum is fucking great! Clones suffering as well from low temps. Flower room is doing fantastic with winter time but veg is suffering oh well if its not one thing then its another. I got a few little clones and very young seedlings into the flower room. I'll just run the seedlings on through no veg, better than nothing I guess..

The old big mum is taking off. I have a couple lil ones finishing and just took down my last decent 48 clone. Wish I could of let it go longer but it was border line retarded the only thing keeping it alive was the fact I staked and tied it and it finally got to the point where it was still flipping over itself even secondary branching despite being tied up so I said fuck it and took it down should be jar ready bout a week or so.

I got 3 CC 2nd generations in there and they look great as well as 3 CC x PPP which are just as nice but the flowers are much bigger right away even..they all look decent though so we'll see how they turn out and how long they take to finish God damn I need something that will finish for fucks sake this 48 clone could go for fucking ever if you can keep it upright. I think this last one was close to 12 weeks and maybe barely 10% amber. Oh well its alright and does the trick I am sure everyone wants something that finishes strong as fuck in 60 days lol. Hopefully I stumble across something closer to that someday....someday!


Re: Perpetual Pleasure 800 Watts Vertical/Soil

Ah shit just burned some 48 that is fresh dry...just cutting and jarring and set aside a bowl. Wow very nice I will have to really let that shit go I am thinking I took it around 12 and the others at 8ish. Even at 12 very low numbers of amber but nearly none at 8. But finally happy with how it turned out for me. The clones going now I am really gonna push a couple more if I can. But even with zero cure it tastes better and boom stoned 2 hits fucking A alrighty! Thanks ak48!


Just made a good amount of qwiso and got it all scraped up today..also treated myself to 1/2 tsp of keef in some hot choc. very mild compared to the first time ever lol, but very warm nice fuzzy feeling. The first time I ever tried this, I put like a gram of hash in and well, that's probably a bit much for one serving..one of those things that was fun once, probably won't do that on purpose again though.

Flower room is awight...my CC are already stinkin and trich'd the fuck out w/ really nice chunky buds...very nice even this early on. Putting the ppp x cc to shame lol. Got a few of them going along, and a few 48 clones that will be runts...and trying to sex a handful of CC too and then I don't know how, but I will figure a way to cram them in there. I really really really want to get a mum from some of these CC and start cloning it. Wouldn't mind putting the 48 up and away, these CC just kill it all day thank you to you know who you are so much..I will never forget and will pay it forward.


Oh my lord, it's a miracle I got anything done this weekend, but I finally cleaned up my grow room, it was in desperate need...I think I am ready to make some more LC Mix and fuck up the grow room now that it's all nice and clean. Got some clones to cut, and some girls to pot up as well. I just realized today that I will probably run out of weed again before the next plants start finishing...SHIT!


Re: Perpetual Pleasure 800 Watts Vertical/Soil

Well well this is neat ...one of my CC is finishing? Wtf ain't used to that I thought the one of the others last round finished at like 8 weeks or so...I am gonna try and figure out but this one is 6 or 7 now and seeing some amber. Maybe a couple more weeks I dunno. I would like to reveg this bitch particularly dense and staaanky. The others look good too just not as far along ...one got a couple nanners I just took them off and one of my ppp x CC must of got some and its got a little prego I took a few off I am just gonna keep an eye on it and pluck them if I need to and harvest the seeds.

The big old 48 got staked up and is looking even more frosty than usual I wonder how being a mum and vegging for a year or so will be...maybe good...too bad this fucking cut I saved takes fucking 14 weeks to really be ready..oh well..

Got 4 potential CC mums in the making in veg can't wait to start cloning them ...I'll keep the best looking one and send the rest into flower as I pull out plants so hopefully I can keep these bitches in line until then. I'm gonna get lotsa practice cloning lol.

Kinda pisses me off I got a few runt clones of 48 in there. Its like you never know sometimes it'll stretch moderately and it's not too bad and sometimes those fucking bitches literally stretch zero and I get these funny ass budsicles that is basically a sog style plant...which is fine I guess but not for my setup. I think its because I rushed them in w/ little veg time just to fill up the space. Now I am stuck with them FOREVER and most of the space is being wasted really. Oh well I will get her figured out eventually.


Well, we'll see if my one CC is ready, I chopped it last night, 2 reasons...
1. Believe it or not, I think that shit was done or damn near, low numbers of amber, but the flowers looked great, swollen and heavy...
2. I want to reveg this bitch, (didn't want to let it go "ALL THE WAY TO DEATH") looking back, it looks like it was just shy of 60 days, actually between 45-60...I could have let it go longer, but I need the smoke...

IF this shit is done, or close, and can finish in 60 days or less I am gonna cum in my pants..I hope it smokes as good as it smells..and I hope that my reveg works, I also took another CC that wasn't as far along, should have been left in there, but again, I need the smoke and it's close enough, I also tired of picking nanners off it, just single nanners here and there, but I didn't feel like baby sitting the bitch so OFF W/ HER HEAD!..

My PPPxCC did not go well, none of those beans look very good, I actually snatched one of them bitches outta there, nanners on that one, but lots, and we can't have that. Flowers don't look very good either, but I still got one in there against my better judgement..

I just put another CC in that's in a 5 gallon bucket, this bitch just took off, really fast and huge face size fan leaves...traditional branching the jewish candle holder look to it. We'll see how she turns out...I have another left that is finishing, not as fast as the one that I chopped, but it looks great, nice dense chunky flowers, trich'd the fuck out to the fans as well. That's the most notable difference, even comparing them to my 48, they are just frosty as fuck, fans, stems, everything...very nice. I do have 4 potential moms in veg of CC also, probably keep one back and send the other two into the flower room, but only after I run some clones off each...

I really need to get some clones going of my 48 again, not that I want to put those 14 week bitches into my flower room, but it's what I got in the mean time. My last couple batches of clones have not gone real well, not sure, tried something different last time but no luck yet, although I may end up w/ a few of them from the last effort..

That's about it...eventually I will get some pictures up..someday.


Well, lately I have been burning some CC that finished in RECORD TIME and although I had doubts, no doubt about it, IT WAS DONE! How fucking awesome is that! Less than 60 days I can handle that, I have always heard of shit like that, but just thought people were talking out their asses..in my very limited experience, primarily all w/ genetics from Europe Seed banks, I just never had anything finish anywhere near that quick, but this particular gal sure fucking did and she is a rip! Great flavor and effect and finish time, now just hurry up and wait and hope that my reveg mum of her takes and I can get to cloning that bitch and fill up the flower room w/ THAT! Hell yeah!

In the mean time, I have a great big ol' ak48 mum chugging away, probably 6 more weeks or so until that bitch is done, I have a handful of smaller 48 clones that will finish just before her, as well as another CC that's days are numbered, different pheno, still looks great just took a little longer to finish, slightly different buds as well.

And I got another CC that's early on in flowering that I put in a 5 gallon bucket, and damn if that didn't make a big noticeable difference, even early on...that gal is a beast, fan leaves as big as my face! Hope it turns out well. Aside from that I have a handful of other CCs that are a little farther along than that bitch in the 5 but only by a couple weeks, they are smaller and single colas...

Reluctantly, I have taken a dozenish more cuts of my 48, and my current donor mum, she is getting a little out of control. Hopefully I get these clones to take at a decent rate and veg a bit before they go in..

I also have 3 CCs in veg that I sexed and am training and growing out..I may try to take clones and make them, or their clones mums, probably their clones, and then put them in 5s and throw them into the flower room as I pull out stuff that is finishing. All in all everything is going well, I thought that I may run out, and in fact am pretty low on my stash, but I didn't run out and don't think I will...just won't have a huge cache of bud like I like...maybe in a few months though, ideally I would like to get a bunch more before summer, and take the summer off and just veg some bitches out. I can run in the summertime, but the plants suffer a little because it's harder to keep my temps under 80. Right now I run between 73-80 lights on, but summertime it's more like 77-87, and it's slight, but noticeable on the end result.

One thing that I had an issue w/ the 48 was that the branches are kind of weak, and eventually would break if they weren't staked up, which is not a huge deal, but annoying now w/ the gal in the 7 gallon container..she's so damn big and branchy that even staked up, I am afraid that I am gonna go in there anytime and it will have ended it's own life. I hope not, I am trying to keep that from happening, but I dunno, I'll be lucky if that bitch doesn't just crumple under her own weight, and it's not like the buds are super heavy or dense, it's that the branches aren't thick enough to support it. Oh well, hopefully this time next year it won't be an issue, as I hope to quit running that shit and be switched over to my CCs which frankly are blowing away anything I have ever run, and are quite honestly some of the best shit I have ever smoked period! Cannot wait to do my part now and pay it forward..I can't say it enough, but to those responsible, THANK YOU. If it weren't for the kind generous nature of a particular member, I would never have ever gotten my hands on anything like this...THANK YOU YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE HOMEBOY!


Well, just finished drying and curing the big ol' mum 48 that was in my 7 gallon container, it's the best my 48 has ever turned out, pretty surprised...didn't do anything different, just alot longer veg obviously since she was a mum...

I have 3 or 4 CCs in now, in 5 gallon buckets, that were also veg'd for a bit, pretty excited to see those finish, they just started though, so it'll be a minute...I have 4 or 5 smaller CCs that will finish ahead of the bigger ones, and I've got a few dozen clones working as well..fingers crossed, lately I can't get a clone to take to save my life, I am hoping the CCs clone easier, of course I have a few dozen 48 clones working as well that I will use a fill in if the CCs don't root...I also got alot of male CCs that are hopefully going to root, which i will use to harvest some pollen, basically I just take smaller male cuts, stick them in a salt shaker w/ water, and put them in a tray and dome in the flower room and wait for them to sploooj..then just pick up the tray, take it out of the room and carefully harvest my pollen, which i will again use to make even more CC seeds..may cross them to my 48 as well, but I just wonder if it's worth it..won't know until i try i guess...the crosses that I made to the PPP turned out kinda crappy, so we'll see...even if, I will still have tons of the CC seeds, which I have yet to be disappointed w/ any that I have popped..all top notch imo.


Omfg! Just tried a little last night from a CC gal in a 1 gallon and GOD DAMN it is fucking FIRE !
When it was growing very low odor....but since I cut it I smell a very distinct very strong bouquet ...very strong almost like Mexican food and taste is very good as well. Effect off the charts...love it! One of these days I need to get some more pics...



So I was looking at my flower room last night, and saw a few nanners that were popping up on all 3 of my youngest CC in there, just a few single ones here and there, but THEN I look at my older 2 CCs, which admittedly are runts, one is especially fuctulated for some reason, something went wrong..anyway, they both had a few clusters of nanners, so I just took them the fuck out, one was near done anyway, and the other was just a pain in the ass....

I suspect a light leak, however, not all the plants are affected, and usually you can kinda tell becuase the nanners seem to form in a consistent way, could be just the plants too...IDK. Hopefully the younger ones in the 5 gallon buckets will be ok, only way to know is let them grow.

I will be taking down my first 5 gallon CC here in a week or two, and it looks and smells terrific, will try to mum her up and reveg her...

Just cracked another dozen homemade second generation CCs, I've got a ton of clones, but apparently I am fucking them up, none of them seem to be taking and are just rotting away...ho hum.....

I am also contemplating doing 1 hempy bucket in my flower room, I actually have a clone in a very tiny modified party cup/mini hempy bucket..and plan to put it into a proper 5 gallon once it actually gets some roots..should be fun and something new..it's an AK48, so I am very familiar w/ it.....

Little by little I am filling up mason jars, faster than I am going through them, so despite all the headaches and hiccups that's a good thing..


Oh I forgot, I just put a tray of males into the flower room last week, they are in a contained environment inside the flower room, and I am just waiting for them to splooooj their struff sos I can scrape it up and keep it and knock up some more CC ladies, get some more of them beans! I have had a couple plants that turned out pretty shitty, but the VAST majority of them ARE FIRE!

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