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Perpetual harvest question


I'm designing a warehouse grow and have a flower room that is 50'x50'. I'm debating between doing one big room with rolling tables or building partition walls and turning the space into four separate flowering rooms. The idea would be to put 8 -40' long tables in the 50'x50' room with 7 1000DE over each 40' run, and perpetually harvest 2 of the 40' tables every 2 weeks or so. Other than not being able to scrub down the room BETWEEN crops an i overlooking anything? Its a lot less material to build out one big room then four smaller environments, and I'm wondering if the cost is worth it.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yes perpetual is the way to go. I have two perpetual, one a 30kw one a 21kw. Split each into 3 gardens, running off one 3 week veg room. Harvest every 3 weeks.

Keep the room undivided so you can take advantage of the light overlap, it's valuable stuff. Just keep the gardens far enough apart that bugs can't crawl across. A foot is fine


Autistic Diplomat in Training
My experience is only with small grows. That being said, I do not use any IPM in flower except personal management and filtered air. I have not had mold during flowering, nor molded flowers during dry/cure in those 15+ years. I started with these methods from the beginning. In the last 10 years of exposure to other growers, mites, aphids and such, I have only had a few infestations reach the flowering area. I attribute this to clean air and clean management.

  • HEPA filtered air removes spores, hair, dander, pollen and more (all indoor grows should be HEPA filtered, in my opinion)
  • Showering and putting on freshly laundered clothing should be a must before entering any growing room, larger facility operators can tell you more on this
  • Pollen, spores, mites and other bugs can and will be picked up by air currents to other plants
  • Sprouting a lot of seeds and selecting for plants with natural resistance to your local pests will help a LOT ;)

I wish you the best. :D

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I would either split in half and run opposite or do the single room. 4 rooms would require a lot of extra equipment and I don't see how it would pay off vs running two rooms on the flip.

Harvest once a month. Twice a month is really constant trimming, cleaning, replanting.

Just my 2 cents. Best of luck whichever way you go.


Thanks for the replies folks, now I have a couple questions.

lazy- how do you deal with different plant sizes being in the same room and still have good overlapping light. My solution was to have rolling tables that bumped one spot down to the end of the room every week. I was planning on having 8 rows of flowering plants, and harvesting once every 8-9 days. When one row gets harvested the other 7 rows would then slide over to the right and the new plants enter the room on the left side, creating a shorter to taller scheme across the room. I wanted to run 10,000k cmh over the last two rows for if stress during the last couple of weeks. Now I'm thinking to scrap the cmh idea and just run 1000de over the entire room.

Douglas- thanks for the input, we plan on using hepa filters, air locks, and an IPM system, the selective breeding can hopefully play a role down the road.

Lester- the benefit would be damage control in the event of an outbreak. Also if I made four rooms then the other 3 rooms wouldn't be entered when one is harvested. I'm trying to keep people out of the rooms except when absolutely necessary. I was planning on running 1000de with attached ballasts, so no option to flip, maybe I should explore the idea.

I was thinking the constant trim and harvest would be better use of the space as have to allocate for said activities, I can use less floor space and keep those areas active as opposed to having big rooms that sit empty most of the time.


How do you guys deal with drainage? I have the building designed so that each table (8) has a floor drain at the end of it that runs to a crock in the mechanical room instead of to the drainfield. Even if I went with one of these bucket systems how are y'all disposing on nutrient rich water