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Peroxide foliar app.

Hey ic

Thought. I would start a thread about hydrogen peroxide for foliar applications. Don't think it should be needed in organic soil because it can kill beneficial microbes where. Letting the soil dry out maybe do it better. But, perhaps plants are partially adapted to hydrogen peroxide sine it is in rain. I am also thinking it can be useful towards the end of a bud cycle to move the I p m from biological controls toward chemical/ inert ones.

And thought to post back here with any articles or othèr useful data regarding this matter

Peace cw
Has any one sprayed their plants with h202 and are satisfied with the product? I am seeing many pieces of colorful contaminate on stalks, thinking it will benefit if h2o2 attacks organic material


Yes ive used H2O2 on PM late in flowering it is effective and leaves no residue. I also feel that it might be effective to some extent against broad mite or russet mites but i wouldn't dare mention that in the broad mite sticky because i would promptly get my head ripped off by some avid spraying maniac.

here are some dilution rate from the article in the link below.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (hp) is a contact fungicide that leaves no residue. It is an oxidized product of water and has an extra oxygen atom that is slightly negatively charged. When it comes in contact with the fungi the oxygen atoms attach to molecules on the cell walls, oxidizing or “burning” them.

Household hp sold in drug stores has a concentration of 3%. Garden shops sell 10% hp. Zerotol® contains 27% hydrogen peroxide and an unstated amount of peroxyacetic acid. Together they have a more potent chemistry than hp, with an activity of about 40% hp. It is considered hazardous because it can cause skin burn similar to that caused by concentrated acids.

To treat plants with drug store grade 3% hp use 4 1/2 tablespoons and fill to make a pint of solution, or a quart of hp to 3 quarts of water. With horticultural grade 10% hp use about 4 teaspoons per pint, 5 ounces per gallon. With Zerotol® use about 1 teaspoon per pint, 2 1/2 tablespoons per gallon.



New member
Yo canna woop!
This is your cajun buddy from the market. I would have to say... h202 isn't such a bad thing... you can spray it straight if PM is really bad... some people even soak their moldy budz in it to clean em up before sale... kinda gross.
Anyways.... cannawhoop hit me up... got plenty of stuff to talk about... i tried pm'ing you but the system won't allow at the moment.
Hey AC, you need to hit the golden 25 posts before sending Pm. Took me forever to get there lol. Yea I must have missed you back than, i had to run and didn't see ya on the way out

Glad you joined ic. There's a lot of good content on the site and the organic section, could take some digging up maybe, still par the course of the discussions

The contaminate I am looking at aree many small particles ranging from cotton t rayon, and what the hell not eh

Any way I am leaning toward a good hosing down and maybe compost tea spray if I can. Manage this luxury
