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Permanent weed breath!



Tell her she kisses like a fish anyway and she wont want to kiss you again resolving the problem and saving you money and time. 2 birds, one stone!

Failing that, suck a stainless steel ball. rubbing steel on your hands gets rid of onion and garlic smells and works orally too.


donut engineer
I have the same problem too now that I've harvested and smoke at least a phat fucking joint each day. My girl is like "you smell like weed" and then promptly calls me a "marijuanaro"

I do the following:
- Drink coffee during the smoke (my routine)
- Brush teeth following smoke
- This is important (but weird), take big breaths after the brushing to clear out your lungs. The stinky should be replaced by sweet smelling breath
- Altoids all day

Those are my tips.


My girl gets sad cause my breath always reeks of weed. I don't like to drink sodas because herb has made me more aware of my body, so I drink water and some fruit juices without artificial sugars. I brush my teeth when I wake up and before I go to bed. I have weed breath all day long!! What do you guys do to get rid of your weed breath? Don't tell me chewing gum either cause that is really bad for your teeth putting sugar or cancer causing artificials right on your teeth. Plus there is the need to smoke every few hrs to keep medicated. Personally I don't care I kinda like my mouth tasting sour like the Sour Diesel I just smoked mmm and blueberries,lemon:joint: I think if we could get weedflavored tooth paste into the mainstream that could be an excuse for an officer. "Officer haven't you heard of the weed toothpaste. Check it out, BlueWidow flavor!" We could flood the highways with elementary to adults with weed breath from BlueWidow marijuana toothpaste. There would be no active ingredients though just the flavor. This would at least help get marijuana in the household without it being about someone going to prison somewhat in a postive light!

Tea Tree Sticks. (tooth picks) http://www.evitamins.com/product.asp?pid=4263 Trust me these are intense. 1 does the trick for hours. Hope this helps.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
Are you sure you dont have the gingivitis??

I read somewhere (i dont have the link, i know i know, bad form) that there is a direct link between "daily cannabis consumption" and tooth and gum decay. I dont know if its actually the weed's fault, or the fact that the people they polled/studied in this research were just lazy potheads with no sense of hygeine...

But yeah, go to the dentist? brush more than twice a day? FLOSS? MOUTHWASH!!?


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
It was his 'ganja breath' that clinched the case against Jah`Cure and that was in Jamaica


Active member
My girl gets sad cause my breath always reeks of weed. I don't like to drink sodas because herb has made me more aware of my body, so I drink water and some fruit juices without artificial sugars. I brush my teeth when I wake up and before I go to bed. I have weed breath all day long!! What do you guys do to get rid of your weed breath? Don't tell me chewing gum either cause that is really bad for your teeth putting sugar or cancer causing artificials right on your teeth. Plus there is the need to smoke every few hrs to keep medicated. Personally I don't care I kinda like my mouth tasting sour like the Sour Diesel I just smoked mmm and blueberries,lemon:joint: I think if we could get weedflavored tooth paste into the mainstream that could be an excuse for an officer. "Officer haven't you heard of the weed toothpaste. Check it out, BlueWidow flavor!" We could flood the highways with elementary to adults with weed breath from BlueWidow marijuana toothpaste. There would be no active ingredients though just the flavor. This would at least help get marijuana in the household without it being about someone going to prison somewhat in a postive light!

Change girlfriends. The smell of weed on your breath is such a non-issue that it's ridiculous. You obviously have other issues with this girl than just weed breath.
Now, if she's autistic I can understand the oversensitivity to the smell. If that's the case, she would benefit from smoking it as well which would also clear up the issue.

Or, you could just make pills and smoke when you're not going to be around her. (Yeah right.)

I'm not a big fan of breath fresheners as most of the active ingredients end up causing worse breath later than when I started.


Hey guys thanks for all the tips! My girl is preg right now so she isn't smoking. 8 more weeks and she will be smoking, celebrating the birth of our baby girl! She never said anything about my breath before she was preg but she has a very keen since of smell right now.


Active member
Hey guys thanks for all the tips! My girl is preg right now so she isn't smoking. 8 more weeks and she will be smoking, celebrating the birth of our baby girl! She never said anything about my breath before she was preg but she has a very keen since of smell right now.

That would explain it. :)

If she's pregnant, the only thing I would change is to vape it for her. It's not going to hurt the kid.

People are weird about that though. Worst case scenario you only have to put up with it for a little while longer. Hormones change everything. LOL


Active member
look up "Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine"

that is a clue! its a bad clue! but a clue!

(hint hint) aspartame is converted into arsenic (or is it formahdahide?)

edit: ahh here it is good old wikipedia

Upon ingestion, aspartame breaks down into natural residual components, including aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol, and further breakdown products including formaldehyde,[not good] formic acid [probably not good either], and a diketopiperazine.[that just sounds bad!]

The end result is that your breath ends up smelling WORSE than it started. Breath fresheners of today are just stupid and unhealthy. Try that stuff from the 1800's. ;)