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Perennial strains are here


Active member
To say that a plant such as this is impossible is idiotic.
To say it is improbable, just an opinion.
To say I want to see this deciduous herbaceous perennial marijuana plant is an understatement.

I would love for a strain such as this to exist.... The pandora's box of possibilities opens for me, and for many others.


Active member
why dont you get some purple afghan or hindu kush something used to the cold leave the males and beleive it or not 1 or 2 plants will re-emerge next season lol


I have heard stories from old timers about plants that lived many years through relatively harsh winters that grew to monsterous proportions. As to how true or false those claims are I can not say. Just passing on a story I was told many moons ago. It was said a chainsaw was needed to bring this plant down eventually and that was quite large.
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Dr. Narrowleaf
They state that it's a "deciduous herbaceous perennial strain". This doesn't leave any room for misinterpretation.

Either they don't know as much about botanical terms as they want us to think, or they are trying to mislead us on purpose.


The strains really are deciduous herbaceous perennials, which imo is very unlikely.

Probably they just used some wild populations in breeding and the produced seeds are adapted to surviving cold winters thus giving rise to a new generation next spring which has nothing to do with the strain being perennial.

The Dank

Haha, crazy...someone keep us updated if it works or not. Cool idea, but I still don't understand if they are saying it comes back by the root system, or if it herms and then tosses seeds out somehow.

AnatomiclySound, cool story, my uncle grew some beans he brought back from fighting vietnam from his favorite smokes, and some of them grew over 20 ft. tall. His kids would climb in them beside the barn, and they would live through winters due to the shade of the barn, and mild southern USA winters...


A perennial plant means the plant itself will come back,of course seeds left in the wild will sprout,but making seed doesnt make a perennial.If I am not mistaken,decidous just means it loses its leaves right?I may be wrong!!


Those old hazes could survive mild winters, I've seen some take a frost like a champ with no damage to the floral cycle. In Mazar-I-Sharif, the highest quality hash comes from plants which finish in mid-late december flowering for 16 weeks or more. Mazar-I-Sharif is surprisingly mild considering its 36.5 N latitude and high altitude and I don't think Mazar frequently gets below -4 C, but the plants do frequently go have to be able to handle a freeze to be able to handle the temps in mid december year after year.

Now a deciduous perennial is a different story. I have seen wild seeds from northern latitudes that won't germinate unless frozen for 3-4 months as a natural response to keep plants from germinating at a time when they couldn't complete the life cycle. Also, I have seen plants sprout up after harvest when no leaves or visible shoots were left on it, but that is still a long way from waiting throughout the winter to start producing new growth. I wouldnt completely refuse that a deciduous perennial did exist. I do have some serious doubts though.

I have seen a myriad of traits that are extremely unusual, and not the


Yes Red, a perennial means the plant stays alive for more than two years, either by regrowing from the root stock every year, or by retaining the above ground growth and flowering every year like coniferous tree.

Deciduous means that it loses its leaves, so a deciduous perennial is a plant that loses all of its leaves in the fall or after it completes its reproductive cycle, and either regrows from the adding on to the existing above ground structure, like a hardwood tree such as an oak or a deciduous shrubs such as most rose species. In it can refer to plants which arise from root stock, bulbs or a rhizome like a ginger plant daffodils, or tulips.

Herbaceous perennials lose all of the aerial growth every year regrowing from the root stock or rhizomes, and adding the word deciduous is just redundant because it is a given. There non-woody plants which are perennials that grow for multiple years in the tropics without dying off every year, but I believe these technically aren't herbaceous perennials.
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Active member
if u think these are gonna be any good you might aswell buy the feminised g13 cross too for 230 quid im sure its the 'doggies nuts' literally , search google for mugs who actually splashed out and grew seeds from pukka


ICMag Donor
Check out the high prices from Esoteric hydroponics as they are the same people.
They profit from peoples stupidity and lack of research.


Active member
Mr Celsius said:
Skepticism is wise. Disbelief without proof is foolish. To those that may reap the rewards and to those that may be kicking their asses. :D

Mr. Celcius,
Disbelief without proof is pretty much the definition of skepticism. Furthermore, BELIEF without proof (AKA: Faith) could much more accurately be described as 'foolish'. I respect the fact that you want to believe the best in people, but you have some wising up to do, and quickly.

Any industry is going to have companies that make their profits off the uninformed. Industries have developed whose sole purpose is to con people out of their money... See: Magnet therapy, Scientology, Fortune-Telling, et al. The internet has created the perfect venue for buyer research, but it is also a scam-artists heaven/haven.

Bottom line? Caveat Emptor. Especially where the internet is concerned. And I shouldn't have to tell you how much more important it becomes when you are dealing with a product that is illegal in most places. Seed vendors know that unsatisfied customers aren't going to be filing any reports with the BBB. What they will often do, is post their opinions on one or more of these sites. An uninformed buyer (most first time buyers) won't know where to find this, and if the scam company has laid it on think enough, they'll bite. See: Ricky Seeds, BC BUD DEPOT, ELITE GENETICS, et al. So how do you get informed?

START WITH AN EXTRA HELPING OF SKEPTICISM. No one has anything to risk here but you. And that risk could very well include losing your freedom. IF IT LOOKS/SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY IS. From scanning this company's website, it is clear that they are without a doubt scam material. I'm sure some people have received seeds, maybe some even got the ones they sent for. That's how you know when they are a long-term scam company. (Again, see BCBUDDEPOT)

Dude(s)- Please think before buying stuff, ok? I mean, just think for a second. How cheap and easy is it to maintain a website? How about a few more, maybe running Vbulletin, that promote those other sites and/or products? That's why I don't trust boards run by seed companies. That's just me. Its like fishing. Once you buy all the gear, it doesn't cost all that much to keep baited hooks in the water; the internet is like a stocked pond.

Stay Safe,


[EDIT: Oh, and there is a site that reviews all of the seedbanks, I'm sure someone here has the link. Check out Pukka Seeds for us, and report back. I gotta go cook dinner.]
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Wooah!Don't plant it near London please!

Wooah!Don't plant it near London please!

"In plain English this variety can grow wild and colonise - if left will come back with a vengeance every season there after!"

Doesn't that worry you guy's?
I live in the UK and it bothers me a lot.I'm sure most weed lovers in UK have dreamed of lovely wild Cannabis Acclimatising and spreading across the land.But when u stop to think about it: What if it's Crappy,Hermie,Tasteless Bunk,do we really want that all over the place spittin' out dodgy pollen on all our gardens and into our windows or vents?I know I don't.I like to do my own breeding and I dont need that kind of help. Just a thought 4 ya! J


Active member
Oh, I forgot to mention that even IF these plants could do this (they can't), there is no such thing as potent, 'wild' cannabis. Cannabis, when left to its own breeding devices, will revert to its weediest, least potent self. Humans select for potency, nature selects for weeds...


Perrinial cannabis. Hmmmm.... true cannabis experimentation.

Its my view that breakthroughs in cannabis farming wont come from DJ short or shanti, they will come from those with connections to other types of growing where more non traditional breakthroughs will come from. If true experimentation were allowed, Chromosomes that affect potency and flower production will be manipulated to produce a plant that is perinnial, ever flowering, ( constantly produces flowers from germimation on), is pest and disease proof and produces a pound of flowers with a level of thc exceeding 30%, every 90 days. 50 million dollars worth of research per year and the entire nature of cannabis would be dramatically different .

As an avid flower gardener who regularly uses genetically modified garden cultivars, I realize that cannabis farming is truly in its infancy. Extremely primitive.
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silverback said:
Perrinial cannabis. Hmmmm.... true cannabis experimentation.

Its my view that breakthroughs in cannabis farming wont come from DJ short or shanti, .
To be fair though, Shantibaba is one of the few breeders who actually travel the world and search for his own genetics. He has a masters degree in Biology and holds a genuine interest in all things cannabis related. Not long ago apparently he was trecking through the remote jungles of Indonesia and came across some specimens which were later planted on one of the thousands of islands off the coast.

So in summary, Shanti is one of the few guys who talks the talk and walks the walk.


Doesn't that worry you guy's?

No it doesn't mate-in sarf LDN you are close to Esoterics world HQ-drop in and share you're concerns with them if it's bothering you;)

who is this genius breeder at Pukka/DoggieNutz anyway?


Active member
Mr. Celcius,
I gotta tell ya, your post is REALLY rubbing me the wrong way. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you didn't intend to come off as a complete asshole. I fail to see how I misinterpreted your post, despite your helpful dictionary.com definitions. I am going to assume that the words you bolded are an attempt to show me where I went wrong.

It seems like you're trying to say that 'disbelief' is a refusal to believe something that has been proven to be true.
dis·be·lief /ˌdɪsbɪˈlif/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dis-bi-leef] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the inability or refusal to believe or to accept something as true.

I think YOU misunderstood the English language. Note that the definition does not read "the refusal to believe or accept something that is true, as truth." More plainly, I can choose to not believe, or disbelieve, whatever I want, irrespective of its factuality. To disbelieve [that] Boston is the capital of Mass. would be 'foolish' as you put it. However, I fail to see how you could tell someone they were foolish for disbelieving in Santa Claus. The key here, is the absence or presence of 'proof'.

Fuck dictionary.com. Skepticism can easily be defined as disbelief when there is an absence of proof. Faith, then, would be belief in the absence of proof. [EDIT: So, I just checked dictionary.com, and despite your crafty editing, I can see they would agree with me.
skep·ti·cism [skep-tuh-siz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. skeptical attitude or temper; doubt.
2. doubt or unbelief with regard to a religion, esp. Christianity.

dis·be·lief [dis-bi-leef] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the inability or refusal to believe or to accept something as true.
2. amazement; astonishment: We stared at the Taj Mahal in disbelief.

I have no proof that these seeds will do what they say they will, so IMHO, to believe them, or to not be skeptical, or have no doubts seems to be the foolish route.

Bottom line? You are trying to make a clear delineation between two words that are currently used almost interchangeably, or synonymously. I am not sure why, but given your selective editing of the dictionary.com entry, I suspect it's because you know you're wrong and tried to keep yourself from looking like a fucking idiot that doesn't know his asshole from his earhole. Whoops. Too late for that, I guess.

Oh, and if you wanna start posting definitions like you're Merriam or Webster, then maybe you should spell check your own shit first. The correct spelling of the word under your name is actually connoisseur; from the Latin verb 'cogno, cognare' meaning 'to know'. But I'm sure you were already cognizant of that. Oh, and dictionary.com should really know better than to use the word they are defining in the definition of said word.

There, now I feel better. Sorry if this was off topic, but I really hate it when retarded asshats want to try to play smart with me. Especially after I have devoted more than a few minutes of my time and tried to share my knowledge with them, in hopes of setting them straight. In the future, if anybody wants to try me, would you at least have enough respect to try making your own arguments, and base them on thought, rather than cutting and pasting shit that doesn't really apply? I'd GREATLY appreciate it.

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