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people on dole to be forced into work

rocket high

Active member
Did you see the news the student's are rioting over tuition fee's and rightly so .. so when do we start this action.

ive been one the dole and it aint no picnic, i work now but i was better off on the dole ....when will that change ? ..so i see both sides in this argument


Active member
Im on the dole. Im not happy on the dole, I go out and look for work weekly, I live in a town. There are a cupple of jobs I realy wouldnt want. Forcing me to work for my dole isnt going to make look harder for a job, If anything it might make me sign off for 5 weeks then sign back on and start a new claim.

How any1 can call been on the dole a "lifestyle" Like its somthing ive chose to do, Its utter bollox, It sucks been on the dole, Its a just a word the govenment has used to make people who do work think "yeah the dossers why should I pay my money pay for them" If anything a few years back when there wasnt so many forigners in ower country it was easy to find work. Fair enough maybe there is a few scroungers out there, Id say a small % of dole dossers, Mainly fat chavvy slags bangging out kids.
If you have a drinking problem they give you an extra 50 pounds on your giro to get pissed on

Ower gevenment is a pile of wank and they can suck my hairy balls


The Tri Guy
lol student riots. The uni bar for cheap ale to get pissed, then to the gates of the uni to shout a few marxist slogans, then off to bed, to wake up the next morning to phone mummy to send some more cash. Got to laugh at students.

rocket high

Active member
Im on the dole. Im not happy on the dole, I go out and look for work weekly, I live in a town. There are a cupple of jobs I realy wouldnt want. Forcing me to work for my dole isnt going to make look harder for a job, If anything it might make me sign off for 5 weeks then sign back on and start a new claim.

How any1 can call been on the dole a "lifestyle" Like its somthing ive chose to do, Its utter bollox, It sucks been on the dole, Its a just a word the govenment has used to make people who do work think "yeah the dossers why should I pay my money pay for them" If anything a few years back when there wasnt so many forigners in ower country it was easy to find work. Fair enough maybe there is a few scroungers out there, Id say a small % of dole dossers, Mainly fat chavvy slags bangging out kids.
If you have a drinking problem they give you an extra 50 pounds on your giro to get pissed on

Ower gevenment is a pile of wank and they can suck my hairy balls

couldnt agree more phil ... what gets me is the people that have worked all their lives slag people on the dole and say their getting too much money but if they lost their job tomorrow they would be right up to the dole for a claim ...then they will feel the pain of £45 a week .


Serious Note ,, the very last thing you wannabe doin if/when you're growing loads of ganja commercially ,, is registering with a government agency every 2 weeks..!! That's just stupid!

Doc Leaf, you stress this point in bold, but what difference does it make if they don't come around to your house?

It's just paranoia to think that by signing on for 65 quid a week is somehow putting you on the radar....maybe if you were claiming 100's in incapacity benefit every week, but not for basic JSA/dole.

I read a post where you recommended a shop in Nottingham, a city I have a few mates in, so if you're from around there then you'll know that the city is full of doleys and no-one gives a shit.

It's easily possible to claim dole, full housing benefits and grow full-time commercially....best not to, but it can be done.



Active member
The probs with not signing n not paying tax is it comes under the criminal lifestyle act.cops used that to take my house ,lying to the judge whilst i was locked up n unable to organise counter evidence.A

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Where I am in SEAsia there is no dole.....so no dole-ease.....

....if people want something then they have to work....and if they can't find work here then they go oversea's to find work to support their families...


ICMag Donor
Indeed Gypsy,, ppl overseas will be looking at this thread thinking "wtf" free money... and jump on the next boat to Blighty.

If you have a drinking problem they give you an extra 50 pounds on your giro to get pissed on

If I tell them i have a nagging drug problem.. and that i smoke weed to keep me off class-As ,, will they buy me 1/2oz a week? or even a quarter?
Now that would be neat. Then I'd consider signing on... lol

They should just place a BIG vat of cheap cider in the local park and tell piss-heads they can swim in it... it would be much cheaper on us tax-payers :D



ICMag Donor
The probs with not signing n not paying tax is it comes under the criminal lifestyle act.cops used that to take my house ,lying to the judge whilst i was locked up n unable to organise counter evidence.A

Not if you sign everything into someone else's name and never use your National Insurance Number. I lived like that for years,, there was no address to send bills to ,, no register of us on paper. It was like we vanished into thin air.. haha

When i returned into "the system" they asked me where i'd been,, what i'd been doing... i told them i'd been studying privately and living mobile with student friends.

Only when submitting details do they know you are active in society. And 9 times out of 10 its HM Customs and Excise which will find you first... cause they want a slice of your money... no other reason.


Elevator Man

Active member
Much of this is missing the point - the moral issue of whether it's 'right' to receive benefits is irrelevant - it's a necessity. Technology in countries like ours has specifically been developed to reduce or remove unpleasant, montonous or degrading labour - always has, always will be. That's why we invent things.

On BBC's 'Countryfile' recently, a report on asparagus farming demonstrated the most amazing, computer-controlled asparagus-sorting machine, which could sort the stems into an amazing array of sized bundles, in seconds. At the end of the report they causally mentioned that this machine did the work of 37 people. So 37 people (women in hairnets probably) would have stood there, day after day, sorting asparagus, for very little money, and complete psychological atrophy into the bargain. Some may feel that jobs like that are 'good' for people and develop character. I personally feel that humanity is better than that, and should be engaged in more intelligent pursuits.

All industries, from medieval times onwards have utliised technology to improve productivity and (usually) working conditions. Gunpowder in mines, for example. Robots in car-factories. All of these inventions necessarily involved redundancy, as that was precisely the point of the invention -a machine can do it as well or better/faster, feels no pain or emotional distress, and can run 24 hours a day. Great. But what to do with the workers?

Derek Simpson was whingeing last year on TV about car factories closing due to lack of demand for new cars, and insisting that his members be re-employed somewhere immediately to produce new cars, even though he admitted himself that the products they make were not necessary. If union leaders are that blind to reality, I don't see much point for a union.

The simple fact is that unemployment will usually rise from now on, as fewer and fewer jobs are available, as we've effectively abolished many sectors of work for humans, either because they're not needed, or we can't afford to subsidise the industry they work in. If people are going to be 'unemployed', that's not necessarily a bad thing, as long as they're doing something. But why does it have to be 'a job'? People have to spend money to keep the economy going, and if they don't have any they can't, or will have to commit crime to keep going.

Governments like ours need to understand quickly that paying people more is the way to get out of trouble, both for the employed and the unemployed. Paying people £100 a week on the dole would allow them to participate better in society, and ideally give them a chance to develop another, more productive career. What's wrong with self-employment? Developing a research project in partnerships with businesses or centres of learning?

Unless a completely new industry is developed that utilises high technology, mass manual labour, high wages, long-term returns and a stable platform for future development, this argument will just dribble on and on, and the real issue will continue to be ignored - we're abolishing jobs without a replacement activity for most people to do. Won't work. Give people something interesting to do with enough money to do it, and they'll drop 'jobs' like a shot.

BTW, there is one new industry that would create millions of jobs, both manual and high-tech, create vast wealth and future security, and propel humanity far further in the direction we should be heading, had our limp, useless politicians not spent the last 30 years picking fluff out of their navels - and that's mining the moon:




If we (that's the developed nations co-operating) had got that issue sorted out 20 years ago (like we could have), people would be fighting to get 'up there' and drill and scrape for titanium or Helium 3, on a £10K a month salary, all the booze and drugs you can get your hands on, and (obviously) the best brothels for miles around. Just like we always have done. Just needs a bit of get-up-and-go, something sadly lacking across most of the Western world at the moment. May seem far-fetched, but someone come up with a better idea for employing five million, strong, fit and rather bored adults...?

It's the fat, lazy employed that piss me off, with their jobs-for-life attitude, their dull cars and houses, their shitty TV and their lovely Cheryl Coles weeping her tiny tears of joy and/or despair down their stupid gullets. And then moaning about some non-specific 'scrounger' (it's never them) appropriating their 'wealth'? Get Real. This whole country is bone-idle, and the ones with jobs can be far worse than the ones without.

'"Because we're totally worth it..."
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Elevator Man

Active member
It's all there for the taking - more titanium than we can ever use (there's not that much here), magnesium, manganese, aluminium, iron - the list goes on. Never mind the rarer isotopes of all kinds of elements, which are abundant up there. And apart from anything else, it's what we do best. Explore, accumulate, disseminate and move forwards. If the environmentalists got their heads screwed down and realised all earth-based mining and minerals exploitation could be quickly phased out with a shift to lunar, they'd finally get the pollution-free nirvana they always dreamed of.

Renewable energy sources are another industry that could create new jobs, but many are effectively 'free' to run, and only require minimal maintenance crews to keep them active. The Severn Barrage was one idea that would create thousands of jobs, but also have a large environmental impact, and cost a lot to build:


Whether it's good or bad is irrelevant now, but siting heavy industry and power-generation off the planet altogether would be a huge achievement. Naturally though, there will then be the arguments raised about the cost of space-travel compared to our lovable old NHS, etc., and off we go again wasting another five years.

So for those ultra-luddites, here's free, unlimited power, with almost zero-pollution, available right now, if only (again) a small amount of development cash were available:


Of course, free power industries mean no utility bills for consumers, and therefore many energy companies are understandably reluctant to implement them, despite the advances to humanity they would provide. No dividend? No chance.

Incidentally, many countries don't have 'dole' or other benefits because their economies are not sufficiently developed to accomodate those costs. Ours is. We maintain a higher standard of living for all because it's desirable and intelligent to do so. We don't have cholera either, nor live amongst open sewers (although we did until we were 'saved' by heavy industry), nor, indeed chop each other's limbs off with rusty implements (there's Buddhism for you) until we invented technology and systems for preventing those problems. And created and exported stainless steel, for cleaner, safer amputations...

All countries that reach our standard of development, using a democratic capitalist system, will be required to pay their citizens to exist - simply because we cannot afford to not have them participate. Wealth in the modern age (not just cash, but total tangible and intangible assets - i.e. hardware and software) is created by fully-functioning, able and intelligent people spending money, time and most importantly motivation, on research and development and solving complex problems, and many jobs do not fulfil that purpose.

Paying people to study or work in the field of their choice as opposed to forcing them into a life of proscribed drudgery could vastly increase the 'wealth' of this country. But it's a risk. Many people, especially those with a job, are risk-averse. That's why most great discoveries were not made by people with jobs.

My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition.
Indira Gandhi


New member
British Space Programme.

British Space Programme.

I think this will happen, but for the very reasons you've outlined above, the push into space will be by privateers. Governments now, inhibited by short term electoral ambitions and slaves to conflicting vested interests, are unable to act with either the weight or the speed to make this happen.

You've seen the Danish manned space programme, Ariane and Soyuz offer good launch capability, there's a wealth of choice when it comes to hefting stuff and people into space. All it takes is money.

I think if you adopted a suitable geometric design, you could design cheap modular vessels and initial habitats that could be sent to the moon in advance of the manned landing.

Or send the parts into orbit, and assemble them there.

With a launch into space only costing a few tens of millions of dollars (500 million for something like the now-obsolete shuttle), you can send up quite a bit of stuff to the moon for the kind of sums that were used to bail out the banks.

The thing that surprises me is that given the almost invincible business position that would come from being the first commercial company exploiting the moon, no one has tried it yet.

But I don't think governments (nowadays) have the nous, wherewithal, gumption, vision or intelligence to do it.
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Active member
Indeed Gypsy,, ppl overseas will be looking at this thread thinking "wtf" free money... and jump on the next boat to Blighty.

If I tell them i have a nagging drug problem.. and that i smoke weed to keep me off class-As ,, will they buy me 1/2oz a week? or even a quarter?
Now that would be neat. Then I'd consider signing on... lol

They should just place a BIG vat of cheap cider in the local park and tell piss-heads they can swim in it... it would be much cheaper on us tax-payers :D


When Im next signing on Ill see if I can get them to throw in half Oz on top of my giro haha

rocket high

Active member
The new one from Ian Duncan Smith is if you refuse a offer of work 1-2-3 times they will cancel your dole money for up to three years.. now that will hurt people and children .

Its the old "lets bash the poor from Torys again " we need to get rid of some immagrints to free some jobs up so the shirkers wont have an excuse anymore.



Its the old "lets bash the poor from Torys again " we need to get rid of some immagrints to free some jobs up so the shirkers wont have an excuse anymore.

the state the countries in we shouldn't be allowing any immigrants in at all ,no matter what they're circumstances,,

the previous goverment tried to stop the immigrants at calais by offering them £3000 not to come in ,how fucked is that

rocket high

Active member
the state the countries in we shouldn't be allowing any immigrants in at all ,no matter what they're circumstances,,

the previous goverment tried to stop the immigrants at calais by offering them £3000 not to come in ,how fucked is that

I agree hazy ...i was talking to some eastern european's at work and they got £4000 to get set up ..now that made me mad and they drive BMW's and pay for a house in their homeland... its totaly unforgivable imo.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
lets face it though, its easy to point the finger, but most british people wouldnt be prepared to do the shitty low paid jobs that most immigrants do.