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people on dole to be forced into work



personally think is a gd think i had misfortune of being on benefits this year after loosing my job never been on before was living on beans on toast trying to save however i could the jobcentre where no help got 120 a fortnight still had to pay council tax and the rest wheras if i was a fuckin scally with 3 kids who never worked day in my life would be on easy street asked them to help me find work bout as much use as a fart in a spacesuit, i would go in begging for work doing almost anything all they wanted me to do was sign the form saying that i attended to get my money ffs, until one day got into a punch up with some scumbag in there because i called him a waste of oxygen that was last time ever went to jobcentre haha

terry the trich

Active member
Makes me laugh. Those retarded pratts in government want to make people work for their dole money, whilst spending who knows what on our army, navy and r.a.f occupying afghanistan and iraq. Why dont they stop wasting our money on their fake wars in those countries before they start hitting the people of the uk? I feel that if the government starts doing this 'making people work for their dole', people will be bullied by the services in question. Funny how they fill our country with people over the years to try to keep a strong economy, and now its starting to collapse they are fucked. There isnt going to be enough money to go around amont the poor people, yet they will always still have money to waste on their weapons, armies and fake wars.

The government are full of shit.

However i think national service would be a good idea and would make for a better people in the future. Only if we leave iraq and afghanistan first though.

Peace, Tel...:wave:


Active member
It's those ****s with 10 kids who get every benefit there is, living in a big house watching 50" plasmas and eating themselves to death, all paid for by our tax. They need to be shot.


yeh i see your side of things but these people need to be bullied thats the point either get to work or your fucked the army,navy and r.af are actually worst hit at moment army have practicly no kit the navy are having to scrap destroyers and harriers because theyre falling apart and the r.af only have a very small role in afghanistan theres only about 800 r.af in afghanistan

i don't agree with the war its gotton out of hand but i think people have got to comfortable with this jeremy kyle lifestyle

one of my best freinds had his legs blown of by a i.e.d he was on disability then they asked him at a review "can you stand unasisted" he said yes but can only walk about 30 ft before need a rest (coming from a guy who was told he would never walk again, balls like british steel) so they cut off his disability this makes me sick to my core

why should our tax go to them so they can keep procreating and spending our money down the boozer
the money saved could go to our severly underfunded nhs

terry the trich

Active member
I'm more worried about new immigrants who come here, and instantly get benefits, although they have never paid in a penny towards tax or national insurance. At least with the fat sl*gs with 10 kids, their parents most probably paid in money to the system and more than likely their ancestors fought ww2 (another fake war). I resent also that grants of £30,000 get given to certain immigrants to buy houses outside of london, whilst our own people get nothing. Yeah ponces are wrong, but those people are getting less than what johnny foreigner gets..


i know immigrant system is fucked in same way makes it hard for hardworking immigrants who just want a better life how often you see a homless indian/chinese person v rarely because there work ethic is second to none think if you have two arms and two legs theres a job out there i heard about those housing grants is awfull there should be a system of what you put in you get out if you bust your balls working even for a year you should get something out of it like i dont know a cleaner for 6 months or gardener etc then kill 2 birds with one stone i.e you get something extra for working and new jobs are created


I thnk it's a good idea to get people to do something for their money but find it a bit hard to understand where all these jobs are going to come from.500,000 public sector jobs going,most probably the same amount from private sector through loss of government contracts.Should of been done when there was plenty of jobs about, then there wouldn't of been the need for all the immigrants.


if they can find jobs for people to do placements then why not give them
full pay and if they jack the job in then stop benifits for a while?

its like they are saying there are no jobs but we have found some you can
do for nothing.

at my work they have a govrnment scheme they have to take on so many
Polish/Latvian workers per year to recive benifits from the government.
and they have just started another sceme for uk citizens on the dole
where they get there dole money for doing the same job and travel expences.
so why do they not just give them a full paid job in the first place?


Yeah what a coincedence they just got rid of loads of refuse collectors and workmen at local councils and now they are going to get people on the dole picking up litter ! that's handy is'nt it.

The government has got no chance of doing this really because of the minimum wage laws . they are saying that you will be working for your benefits so that been the case doing a 35 hour week the average person would be getting about £1.85 per hour ! , i think that could easily be described as slave labour, no way i'd be doing any kind of work for that amount of money .


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
IMHO being on the dole is a real bad move for growers, a] Ramius will probably hunt you down and shoot you, nice one feller ;-) and b] if you get caught, you are so very f****** more likely/almost certain to go to prison for it. Jacking the 'Leki will make that very certain BTW. My first ever buddy [and IIRC only..] to get sent down for growing was on the dole, had a tray of cuttings and an expensive 3 light setup, he had never even flowered a cutting, yet got 2 or 3 years, ...then someone else who is a respectable self employed ******* got caught with 40 flowering in 4m2, 700g bud, a few grand cash, got a slap on the wrists, money returned, is back at it again, in the same house.

I if you support a family / run a business and best of all, employ people, you are pretty fireproof unless very stupid/greedy.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Same thing happens here in Australia, glad I'm working. Use it to your advantage.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i think what they're saying is that long term unemployed may be asked to so a week or two work. As long as there are some proper jobs for them to have then i think its a good idea.
plenty of people who sign on also do cash jobs on the side or indeed just choose benefits as a lifestyle and it will discourage these people.
i can remember years back when i was claiming and had to go to 'back to work' type course for a week. half the people there were clearly dealers and the other half walked out moaning about the amount of money they had lost by having to attend for the week.


Active member
Yea, i say get them off there arse's, lazy fucks...

it blows my head off when there are people out there who have never worked a day in there lives, you go out for a pint after work,
and they have been in there all afternoon!!! and the rest of the day!! bastard's!

I would give them fuck all!!! n' tell em to sort there fucking lives out..
or at least get a grow on, so you wont have to scrounge off the state!



i can remember years back when i was claiming and had to go to 'back to work' type course for a week. half the people there were clearly dealers and the other half walked out moaning about the amount of money they had lost by having to attend for the week.

mate same i went to one and they where telling us stuff like how to write a c.v how to dress for an interview i was like ffs people have some self respect have some pride, they where all just dirty layabouts. dunno bout anyone else bout im happiest when i get home after bustin my balls just sitting down for an hour with a cold one and a doob and knowing ive done a gd days work its satisfying


ICMag Donor
Yeah,, we agree,, as tax-payers something needs to change. Personally if we didnt graft,, then we'd sooner sell erbs than sign-on .. that doll checks long,, and little

Signing-on is for waste-man,, and people that need it!

We may be poor,, but at least that poverty's our own....

peace peace peace
dLeaf :joint:

"See I got a couple words to say,,, to every body in this world today,,, working in a job that aint worth the pay!
They're crazy over taxing me, everything is over-priced,, turn the television on, they're asking ME for charity?"

[Chester P]


ICMag Donor
My buddy has MS and a young family to support,,, the job centre told him to ****-off! So another buddy gave him a job... told him he can medicate whenever he wants.

Does anyone know anyone that actually got a job from the job centre.. lol :biglaugh:



Active member
my daughter

my daughter

My daughter went and worked in majorca from may till end of september,.
Her and her boyfriend work where ever they can .
I left 5 yrs ago now .
It seriously looks like the uk will collapse.A


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
My buddy has MS and a young family to support,,, the job centre told him to ****-off! So another buddy gave him a job... told him he can medicate whenever he wants.

Does anyone know anyone that actually got a job from the job centre.. lol :biglaugh:


My Dad did, ...Seriously, in the 60's, he walked into Victoria Job Center, spotted a card just getting put in the slot, saw that it was for a "rather interesting position" at one of the UK's few Strip Clubs, somehow he "lost" the card ;) .....Went straight to the place and blagged the job. Also managed to convince my mum "you get bored of looking at naked women all day long".


Active member
There's gypsy familys living in my town that are no-longer travellers as they like to be called.
The local council re-firbished the gypsy site(undissclosed 6-7 figure amount) too but alot have moved into local housing, one house is 5 bedroom, was built brand new, there are 2 cars in the drive(ones top of the range & new) & a braand new tranny van, they have 7 kids & looks like they'll be keeping the house. There all on the sick & scamming the state, makes me sick, they never get asked to go for job interviews ever, permanetly sick, what a joke, a 5 bed house, brand new, & where do they get the money for brand new trannie vans & BMW's, there is something truly wrong with the system in this vile country.! makes me spew!

Me i lost my job because i injured my arm badly & because i owed NI(tax stamp-class 2) a little money i got NOTHING! not even JSA. what a joke, give fk all to the people that really need it & give a large majority of it to immigrants & gypsys!! thats typical UK bullshit for you!

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the job center sucks big time ..

after having health problems 2 yrs ago and having to give up my job i had to go on the sick for 9 months .
when i was better i went and signed on . were i live you have to travel if you want a job .
3 months ago the jobcenter put me on a job club program i have to go to a place for 6 hours a week to do job searchs on the internet , over the 3 months i have gone for around 15 jobs all were 15 miles plus away .
1 of the jobs i was offered , 14 hours aweek shop work i was over the moon becasue i thought no more jobcenter or job club .
when i went in to the jobcenter to sign off and tell them ive got a job they told me becasue the job was only 14h a week i would still have to sign every 2 weeks and still go too job club . the women at the jobcenter said the job isnt worth taking as its low hours . THATS RIGHT JOBCENTER SAYING NOT TO TAKE A JOB
so i didnt take the job i was offered bloody mad i think .

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