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Pennsylvania votes to legalize Cannabis for the sick

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Pennsylvania votes 3 to 1 to legalize Cannabis for medical use, keep up writing to your legislators demanding that they legalize Cannabis and if they don't retire them out of office. Make Cannabis like the 2nd Amendment protected, the law has to be changed, this will not be countenanced any longer, no more money to the DEA for suppression, the DEA is out of control, look what they did with "Fast and Furious", 250 Police Officers murdered because of them, now Mexican Heroin is taking over the United States and its the same Cartel that the guns were given to; the Sinaloa Narcotics Cartel of Shorty Guzman.

Pennsylvania Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill
Written by admin, Apr 17, 2016, Comments Off

An overwhelming majority of the state’s House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to support legislation permiting the controlled use of medical marijuana/cannabis in Pennsylvania.The House voted 149-46 in favor of legislation that traveled a long road: from the Senate, where it passed earlier this year, to the House, back to the Senate and finally back to the House.Overall, other than the lack of smokable marijuana (which, considering the number of other ways to ingest THC, including vaporizing, isn’t entirely a loss, especially for a legislature implemented medical program) the program looks solid so far and includes a total of 17 qualifying conditions including cancer, HIV/AIDS, glaucoma, Parkinson’s, Crohn’s, Huntington’s, chronic pain, PTSD and even autism.He added that patients won’t get a medical marijuana card as they do in other states. Briggs, of Export, Pennsylvania, is holding a photo of her son Ryan, 15, who suffers daily seizures, and can not walk or talk. However, it went to the House where it almost tripled in size thanks to amendments and changes, such as barring dispensaries from operating within 1,000 feet of a school and differing language on whether “license” or “registration” was the appropriate regulation for marijuana growers.Christine Brann said every day without a medical marijuana law in Pennsylvania is a risk for people who believe their suffering child may not survive another seizure.Gov. Tom Wolf said he will sign the bill into law on Sunday.”After hearing from patients, their families, and advocates, I knew we were missing an opportunity to help people who are suffering”. Backers said they expect a final Senate vote Tuesday, followed by a final House vote on Wednesday. Patients could take marijuana in pill, oil, vapor or liquid form but would not be able to legally obtain marijuana to smoke or to grow their own.Wolf supports making Pennsylvania the 24th state to enact a comprehensive public medical marijuana programs.She said she’s seen the positive effects it has made in the lives of sick members in her congregation with illnesses such as cancer and neuropathy. Nothing has worked, including pharmaceuticals, stem cell therapy, diet or electrical nerve stimulation therapy, Briggs said.S.B. 3, a.k.a. the Medical Marijuana Act, charges the Pennsylvania Department of Health with regulating up to 25 grower/processors and up to 50 dispenaries, each of which can have up to three locations, meaning there could be as many as 150 outlets. “We’ll definitely do what we need to do”. Republican Representative Kirk Schuring says the bill creates a nine-member medical marijuana control commission and lays out other specifics of how a medical marijuana plan would work in Ohio.”At one time, I was opposed to the idea of allowing doctors to prescribe medical marijuana”, said Reed, echoing a once-widely held Republican position.”Legal access to medical marijuana is going to benefit tens of thousands of seriously ill patients in Pennsylvania”, Becky Dansky, a legislative analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project, told HIGH TIMES in an emailed statement “For some, it’s the best treatment option”.

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