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Penn remarks on presidents hypocrisy on drug use


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
He absolutely is a hypocrite.
He acts like it wasn't a big deal, and has no plans to change the way we deal with drugs.

He could remove marijuana from schedule one if he wanted to, but has no plans to do so. That would make his bosses mad.

He said the feds would not go after dispensaries. The pharmaceutical people that gave him all those millions told him he can't say that. So he sent out another memo saying every one is subject to raids.

That is hypocritical.

His cavalier attitude about his own drug use is hypocritical. It is like saying it was fine, no big deal, but don't you do it, or you will be subject to arrest. He has the power, allegedly, to affect change. He has no plans to do so.

It is hypocritical and was an asshole move.
"I got away with it, ha ha."

He did not say he wouldn't go after dispensaries, what he said was he wouldn't go after dispensaries on the Federal Level as long as they were compliant with state laws. What that really means is that he wasn't going to change the laws but where possible he'd allow the states to decide who was breaking them.

Also the memo you refer to him was not sent out by him. The people that are responsible have come out publically on record that they acted on thier own accord with no prior approval or involvement from the White House. Unfortunately that doesn't fit your fantasy story that it's all Obama's fault. So you just make shit up to make things fit your fantasy. If Obama really wanted to go after dispensaries he would just do it, across the board, no warning, no giving a chance for them to just close shop and walk away. The fact of the matter is one of two things. Either the people behind the dispensaries untouched are in collusion with the government to take control of the market or the dispensaries that were targeted were not as compliant as everyone wants to believe. The claim of the US Attornies of California was that the dispensaries targeted were using the relaxed position of the Federal Government to move marijuana across state lines. This would be something that most if not all users of the dispensaries would be totally unaware of and it would make the dispensaries in question clearly non compliant.

Finally you have no way of knowing he had the attitude of "Haha I got away with it" that's you making up what he thought to support your position against him. It's far more likely that he thought something more like "Well, this shit is kind of fun and all but if I want to go to harvad and have a future in law and/or politics, I better stop messing with this stuff before I get busted." Him not doing anything to legalize it when given the theoretical opportunity is in no way hypocritical to his decision to not keep using marijuana. In fact legalizing it would be more hypocritical to what his thoughts on the matter were when he stopped using then not legalizing it is. You're just mad because you convinced yourself, based on typical political doublespeak (saying things that allows people to believe what they want to believe without really commiting yourself one way or another), that he was going to legalize marijuana.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
“Attorney General Eric Holder was a guest of The Huffington Post at the correspondents’ dinner. Before it began, a HuffPost reporter noted to Holder that Obama’s reference to “congressional law” was misleading because the executive branch could simply remove marijuana from its “schedule one” designation, thereby recognizing its medical use. ”That’s right,” Holder said.

Wow a politician being misleading who would have thunk? :rolleyes:

Maybe had he promised to reschedule it you might have a point but he didn't. Clearly anyone paying attention to Obama's statements and interviews on the topic would recognize that Obama has no problem with marijuana being used for proven medical need but he's against relaxing things such that it becomes a legal recreational drug or creating a system where people use medical marijuana as a loophole for legal recreational use.


Active member
I do not know how anyone can defend his actions.

Clearly anyone paying attention to Obama's statements and interviews on the topic would recognize that Obama is just as full of shit as Bush, Clinton...

If he doesn't have a problem with medical marijuana why doesn't he remove it from schedule one? He has the power to do so. Admitting that marijuana has medical benefits and leaving it on schedule one is hypocritical.

So the memos that the president's employee sent out were not authorized by the president? Then why did it take him so long to clarify his position and send out the second memo? Fantasy? Sounds like you are making shit up.

Fact is, Obama's minions sent out a memo. If it was sent out without Obama's permission, he should have immediately clarified his position. Colorado went from 24 dispensaries to over 400 in a matter of months. Then two years later he sent out another memo that contradicted the first. He created an industry here and then later said it is subject to federal raids.

You can spin that how ever you want, like a politician, but you can not deny it happened.

Obama’s Justice Department authorized a series of letters from U.S. attorneys across the country threatening to “vigorously” prosecute individuals acting in compliance with state medical marijuana laws. In some cases the U.S. attorneys suggested that government employees who help regulate their states’ medical marijuana systems could be prosecuted for “facilitating” a crime. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opini...ministration/2012/05/04/gIQA80GK2T_story.html

The IRS has cracked down on dispensaries and has issued threats to banks that deal with them. Dispensaries have a very difficult time getting credit card services. Obama is not honoring his promises and is very harsh on medical marijuana.


Active member
here's a intresting article,this is hypocritical of our whole government considering public support of leaglization.


U.S. Government owns the patent on cannabis cures...
Submitted by Geeksneek on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 23:10
in Daily Paul Liberty Forum

For those of you who still have any doubts as to the miraculous healing powers of cannabis and THC Oil or do not believe that there is an ongoing international effort dead set on keeping this free and 100% organic medicine, along with all organic foods, supplements, and natural medicines from a diseased and dying global population... I am about to BLOW YOUR MINDS......

On October 7, 2003 The United States Government as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services was granted a U.S. Patent (#6630507) on any and all uses and applications of: Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.


In other words, THE GOVERNMENT ALREADY OWNS THE ORGANIC THC OIL BY FORCE... and now THEY OWN THE SYNTHETIC THC OIL BY PATENT... along with any and all combinations of the beneficial compounds found in cannabinoids. As you read through this document you will discover beyond any doubt whatsoever that cannabis has a tremendous variety of medicinal values and applications specific and provable enough to be granted a U.S. Patent, yet the Judicial Branch of our government continues to classify cannabis as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance


How can they possibly say that cannabis has no medicinal qualities while at the same time they hold a patent that describes in great detail so many of the proven medicinal qualities that actually DO exist in cannabis?

There has been an ongoing effort to eliminate this ridiculous classification by a wide variety of activists and organizations for decades now but to date... the government holds all the cards and rules with a closed mind and an iron fist.


The Abstract of the patent reads as follows:

Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism.
(The NMDA receptor is one of two kinds of receptors activated by glutimates).

This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of a wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and auto-immune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia.

Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil (mis-spelled in document - should read cannabidiol), are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. A particular disclosed class of cannbinoids useful as neuroprotective antioxidants is formula (1) wherein the R group is independently selected from the group consisting of H, CH.sub3, and COCH.sub3. ##STR1##

In other words, it is useful to separate the natural components and use higher concentrations of the beneficial compounds found in cannabis (the R group) to act as antioxidants and neuroprotectants within the human body. Cannabidiol is designed and being engineered to provide all the benefits of organic cannabis without the psychoactive "high" associated with the drug. This will allow them to continue patenting their product while demonizing cannabis in the media and courts and keeping this pure and natural medicine illegal and unavailable.

Be sure to take the time to scroll down and read through this patent and you will discover what a miracle plant cannabis really is. You will be asking yourself... "What can't it do?" as application after application is described in great detail about the medicinal properties and natural treatment potentials of cannabis. Ask yourselves "Why are multinational corporations allowed to continually market dangerous and untested poisons, toxins and industrial waste products described as food additives and incorporate them into our processed food supply while you and I face arrest and incarceration for simply growing and selling organic foods and medicines?"

I have been healing people and their pets for over two years now using organic nutrients combined with THC Oil and the results are miraculous. Screw the FDA... CANNABIS CURES CANCER!

Run from the cure:


Vitamin Cannabis:

Assorted videos (select play all)

Cannabinoid Research:

quick references from wiki i added ,

>"Cannabis could be rescheduled either legislatively, through Congress, or through the executive branch. Congress has so far rejected all bills to reschedule cannabis. However, it is not unheard of for Congress to intervene in the drug scheduling process; in February 2000, for instance, the 105th Congress, in its second official session, passed Public Law 106-172, also known as the Hillory J. Farias and Samantha Reed Date-Rape Drug Prohibition Act of 2000,[14] adding GHB to Schedule I.[15] On June 23, 2011, Rep. Barney Frank and Rep. Ron Paul introduced H.R. 2306,[16] legislation that would completely remove cannabis from the federal schedules, limiting the federal government's role to policing cross-border or interstate transfers into states where it remains illegal.

The Controlled Substances Act also provides for a rulemaking process by which the United States Attorney General can reschedule cannabis administratively. These proceedings represent the only means of legalizing medical cannabis without an act of Congress. Rescheduling supporters have often cited the lengthy petition review process as a reason why cannabis is still illegal.[3] The first petition took 22 years to review, and the second took 7 years. In 2002, the Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis filed a third petition."

The United States Code, under Section 811 of Title 21,[17] sets out a process by which cannabis could be administratively transferred to a less-restrictive category or removed from Controlled Substances Act regulation altogether. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) evaluates petitions to reschedule cannabis. However, the Controlled Substances Act gives the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as successor agency of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, great power over rescheduling decisions.

After the DEA accepts the filing of a petition, the agency must request from the HHS Secretary "a scientific and medical evaluation, and his recommendations, as to whether such drug or other substance should be so controlled or removed as a controlled substance." The Secretary's findings on scientific and medical issues are binding on the DEA. The HHS Secretary can even unilaterally legalize cannabis: "f the Secretary recommends that a drug or other substance not be controlled, the Attorney General shall not control the drug or other substance." "

>"The United States federal executive departments are among the oldest primary units of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States—the Departments of State, War, and the Treasury all having been established within a few weeks of each other in 1789.

Federal executive departments are analogous to ministries common in parliamentary or semi-presidential systems but, with the United States being a presidential system, their heads otherwise equivalent to ministers, do not form a government (in a parliamentary sense) nor are they led by a head of government separate from the head of state. The heads of the federal executive departments, known as secretaries of their respective department, form the traditional Cabinet, an executive organ that serves at the disposal of the president and normally act as an advisory body to the presidency.

Since 1792, by statutory specification, the cabinet constituted a line of succession, after the Speaker of the House and the president pro tempore of the Senate to the presidency in the event of a vacancy in both that office and the vice presidency. The Constitution refers to these officials when it authorizes the President, in Article II, section 2, to "require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices." In brief, they and their organizations are the administrative arms of the President"


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I do not know how anyone can defend his actions.

Clearly anyone paying attention to Obama's statements and interviews on the topic would recognize that Obama is just as full of shit as Bush, Clinton...

If he doesn't have a problem with medical marijuana why doesn't he remove it from schedule one? He has the power to do so. Admitting that marijuana has medical benefits and leaving it on schedule one is hypocritical.

So the memos that the president's employee sent out were not authorized by the president? Then why did it take him so long to clarify his position and send out the second memo? Fantasy? Sounds like you are making shit up.

Fact is, Obama's minions sent out a memo. If it was sent out without Obama's permission, he should have immediately clarified his position. Colorado went from 24 dispensaries to over 400 in a matter of months. Then two years later he sent out another memo that contradicted the first. He created an industry here and then later said it is subject to federal raids.

You can spin that how ever you want, like a politician, but you can not deny it happened.

The IRS has cracked down on dispensaries and has issued threats to banks that deal with them. Dispensaries have a very difficult time getting credit card services. Obama is not honoring his promises and is very harsh on medical marijuana.

Sounds like you're just going on hearsay and never read anything about what is actually happening.


Notice the part where the US Attorny in Los Angeles was saying

“This is not what the California voters intended or authorized,” said André Birotte Jr., the United States attorney in Los Angeles. “It is illegal under California law.”

So much easier to blame it all on Obama rather then admit the dispensaries brought it on themselves.

I could find you links to stories explaining the US Attornies operated at their own discretion on the matter or links to stories detailing how the dispensaries in question were not compliant with state laws but you would just ignore them or find some excuse to deny them because your mind is closed and you think you have it all figured out. So I'm not going to waste my time. Others have posted some of the links I would likely post, here already months ago so you don't even really need to search off site to find proof I'm not making it up but go ahead keep your head buried in the sand and continue to refuse the truth in favor of your fantasies. I don't care and it's not going to change anything one way or another.


... but he's against relaxing things such that it becomes a legal recreational drug or creating a system where people use medical marijuana as a loophole for legal recreational use.

Like pills, you mean?


Active member
Considering that Obama can cause the oceans to recede and the Earth to heal, you would think that having control of the Justice Dept. might not be too big a deal for him to handle.
On the other hand...Maybe the former occurred just because he showed up.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Like pills, you mean?

No I was refering to an interview from 2008 when he spoke about medical marijuana. What he said was seen by many as him being in support of medical marijuana. Mainly because he said that he didn't see a problem with doctors prescribing it. The statement is taken out of context though because if you watch the interview he goes on to specify that he only sees it okay for people who truely need it such as cancer patients but that he would be against people being prescribed it for just any old ailment so they could have legal access for something they really are using recreationally. In other words he never gave a rubber stamp of approval for medical marijuana even though quite a few people believe that he did.

Here's the video if you want to check it out for yourself. Anyone actually listening to what he is saying can easily tell he doesn't really support the way medical marijuana is handled in California and since this is from back when he was running for office clearly it's not a change in his position.



Lammen Gorthaur
You have to be a pretty gullible ans fucking retarded stoner if you think Democrats are going to emancipate your ass off of Obama's plantation. Get real! As long as they keep it illegal they keep your blind vote in their pocket. The minute we are emancipated they have no hold over your vote, so you have the same odds of getting what you want from the Democrat Party as I do of growing a third testicle. You holding your breath STILL?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You have to be a pretty gullible ans fucking retarded stoner if you think Democrats are going to emancipate your ass off of Obama's plantation. Get real! As long as they keep it illegal they keep your blind vote in their pocket. The minute we are emancipated they have no hold over your vote, so you have the same odds of getting what you want from the Democrat Party as I do of growing a third testicle. You holding your breath STILL?

I have to agree, anyone thinking that any political party or any one politician is going to change things is living a pipe dream. There is just way too many big money interests that will be trampled on if they ever free the weed. If it's going to happen it's going to take an unprecedented demand from the public and I'm not talking just random polls and surveys.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Actually his point is 100% irrelevent since Obama never promised to do anything about the anti marijuana laws. It's also true for anyone, if anyone was busted and convicted as a felon that record would affect the entirety of thier life. I can say this because I was convicted and do have a felony record that has prevented me from fullfilling my potential. His point is also speculative because at the time Obama used things were not the same, me and him are approximately the same age and I can recall a time round when Obama was likely toking, where a cop pulled me over for something else and found a half ounce a friend riding with me had stupidly left on the dashboard that I didn't notice until too late. What did the cop do? He dumped the bag out on the ground, crushed it into the ground with his heel and sent me off with a warning for driving on temporary tags. I also got busted roughly around the time Obama smoked some pot and maybe used a little blow but that time was for dealing. As far as I know Obama never dealt weed. Had he done so then maybe Penn might have had a point.

I think Penn's point is relevent because his over all point is that anti pot laws are a travesty to freedom.

addressing the "timees." It all depends where you were and the color of your skin. my father had a friend go to prison for almost decade for 2 joints. original sentence was 20 years. He was jewish, this was in texas, and it was in 1974.

Obama is Black and named Obama . If was busted with a weed seed in the 70's in my home town he would still be in fucking jail. I can not speak for Hawaii, but I know that it is a class c felony there to be busted with a weed pipe that has been used. my friend got caught with one and they arrested him, but never filed charges because they didn't want to give a kid with no priors a felony over something so lame.

I have to agree, anyone thinking that any political party or any one politician is going to change things is living a pipe dream. There is just way too many big money interests that will be trampled on if they ever free the weed. If it's going to happen it's going to take an unprecedented demand from the public and I'm not talking just random polls and surveys.

I think this is dead on. as far as politicians that have a little federal influence go, only Ron Paul would try to help, but he would still have to have cooperation from all the other corrupt government.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think Penn's point is relevent because his over all point is that anti pot laws are a travesty to freedom.

Well yeah put that way completely takes the charge of hypocracy out of the equation. Which is all I'm objecting to. From the very little bit any of us know of Obama's drug use or his inner most feelings on the topic of marijuana we can't conclude that. Now if we knew for sure him and Biden were doing bong hits in the Oval Office then fuck yeah the title of hypocrite would fit nicely. Just because he tried weed long before he ever thought about being President but didn't legalize it when he became President doesn't make him a hypocrite.

If you really listen to everything he's gone on record about as President towards medical marijuana he has not done anything hypocritical. The reason many object though is because for some reason they fail to recognize that their state's implementation of dispensaries and access to medical marijuana was poorly managed allowing many of the dispensaries to operate in ways beyond thier state's compliance. Given that the vast majority tucked tail and ran it's hard to fairly judge if the Feds would only g after dispensaries that were abusing the system. Then again maybe all the dispensaries that did just close and run knew they were doing things they shouldn't have and would have definately been busted?

Of course you can also look at it as the whole system is hypocritical and has been since as far back as Obama's first toke. I mean the government has classified marijuana as having no medical value. Yet there are a handful of people (most noteably Montel Williams) who gets a regular supply of marijuana in the form of joints for treatment of his symptoms of MS. If the government feels there is no medical value to marijuana then how is it possible for the federal government to give a few people legal prescriptions for the treatment of real illnesses?

Obama is Black and named Obama . If was busted with a weed seed in the 70's in my home town he would still be in fucking jail. I can not speak for Hawaii, but I know that it is a class c felony there to be busted with a weed pipe that has been used. my friend got caught with one and they arrested him, but never filed charges because they didn't want to give a kid with no priors a felony over something so lame.

Well the location of where my black friend had his half ounce dumped out in front of him and then sent on his way with no fine or ticket or anything was in one of the more affluent counties in the suburbs of DC. I do recall stories back in the day though of people getting serious time for things like roaches or seeds found in thier car. All of those were way down south though in places like Georgia and Alabama. At the time Obama inhaled, he was most likely living in Illinois, I'm not sure how the attitudes were there in the 70's towards marijuana but generally speaking of that time I notice states more to the north tended to be more lenient. Not so much because they were more pro marijuan but rather more because most people didn't see it as a big deal one way or another. They were more worried about IV drug users as they posed a real threat to the public.

I think this is dead on. as far as politicians that have a little federal influence go, only Ron Paul would try to help, but he would still have to have cooperation from all the other corrupt government.

Exactly, all the President can really do is try to promote new laws but ultimately Congress is what really has control of what laws get made and what don't. Beyond that the President can only change how laws are enforced thru executive order but those change can be and usually are undone the moment a new President takes office. One of Obama's earliest actions as President was to undo a bunch of Bush's executive orders such as the one that restricted stem cell research.