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I have a disease which is covered in California for medicinal use. However I live in the bible belt which does not yet recognize the benefit of MJ.

My question is what are the typical penalties for a 1st time offender caught growing?

Is there a difference in penalty based on a certian amount of plants?

Is there any way to protect assets legally from police seizure ie house, car etc.?

What is the very best way to cover odors which is my biggest worry of a cause of suspicion?

Thanks alot everyone for your help and time!!!


cover orders: fan pulling through a carbon scrubber.
but its not so simple i suggest lurk around here read up on the growroom design section. some real ingenuity in there. hope this place and this plant can help ya.
One penalty for a first time offender would be for an anonymous tip to come in from a neighbor, and at 5am a SWAT team swarms your house shooting first and asking questions later. That is still a real possibility anywhere in America. In addition to potential penalties, start regularly looking at your local paper for the arrests and convictions. That'll tell you what your local prosecutor is doling out to people to like you.

But yeah, norml is good or type INSERT STATE marijuana laws or penalties into google.


Thank you guys!!

Thank you guys!!

I found a DIY on the carbon scrubber on here that is very well put together and I'm currently rounding up the materials to give that a shot.

Thanks for the heads up to check NORML- I'll be looking into that as well. Is there any place to look where people have written bout getting caught or anything like that?:joint:


Active member
ICMag Donor
I think the best advice for you is to keep the grow small and keep real quiet about it. A single off hand remark about your grow to the wrong person and the next thing you're the weed baron of the south.

You may also consider talking to a lawyer or keeping one on retainer. That way if the police do pay you a visit you will be well prepared ahead of time and will know your rights.


Really a lawyer?

Really a lawyer?

do you mean just get him on retainer or what exactly should I share with a lawyer?



I hate to suggest a fellow Medical person isolate themselves but for your grow you need to.

Yes Carbon scrubber and a good fan just for it.

Low odor strains to start with.. Since I haven't grown it yet I believe Northern lights is a low odor one yes?

Anyway this topic is better suited to the other forums.. So have a look around.. You are not alone.

The number one rule is tell no one.. Not even your priest.


Active member
ICMag Donor
do you mean just get him on retainer or what exactly should I share with a lawyer?


I would be as upfront as possible without actually revealing that you are growing. Talk to a criminal lawyer that specializes in drug law. Ask for a consultation and explain that you are concerned about possible criminal charges as a result of personal consumption and possession of medical marijuana. Be prepared to hand over a deposit for future legal representation, basically if the police ever come knocking he/she would be the first person you call.

It would also help if your grow was small, noone will buy that your 200 plant multi-kilowatt grow is for personal use.

If you're lucky you will never need to use a lawyer, but it helps to have one. Keep in mind I am only recomending this because you stated "bible belt" which to me implies very strict enforcement of drug laws. If your state has a more relaxed attitude towards MJ (Ohio for instant has up to 10 plants decriminalized) then I wouldn't bother with a lawyer.

my 2 cents.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^my fail safe, is a gun with one bullet in it, for me. No lawyer can help any one with even one plant in texas, pretty much.


Thank you guys

Thank you guys

Will be keeping it under 20plants veg,flower-don't know if there's any threshhold 10 vs 20 plants =?harsher penalty... Thanks for the suggestions

Is Texas really that bad??:joint:


New member

dont know what the penalties are over in your area or how they class canabis plant but in the uk, you get the stuff confiscated off you and i think it a caution first then a few years plus locked up for keeping the stuff, as its classed as a class a drug , was class be but parliment decided that it should be class a. Great!!
alot of pple get a place to grow it other then their own yard! another house or factory base.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I have a disease which is covered in California for medicinal use. However I live in the bible belt which does not yet recognize the benefit of MJ.

My question is what are the typical penalties for a 1st time offender caught growing?

Is there a difference in penalty based on a certian amount of plants?
Is there any way to protect assets legally from police seizure ie house, car etc.?

What is the very best way to cover odors which is my biggest worry of a cause of suspicion?

Thanks alot everyone for your help and time!!!
Hi and welcome, hope you live comfortably with your disease.
That being said, you asked so many questions that are covered in threads here.
Check out the search button and do some studying at NORML, ASA, start an initiative to legalize in your state. Best of luck


NORML is a good place o start but going to see an attorney is much better.. Also look online for court documents of busted ghrows in your state... This will give you the closest guess to what you could be charged with..

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