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pen that detects cannabis?


Active member
Today can use your speakers as microphones to listen to you fuck your girlfriend...

So you are saying that gay men have no worries?

Sonofabitch... I wish I would have known this when I was negotiating this 'Earth Contract' with <insertyourgodhere>.

Oh well, next life? Wait, cannabis might be legal by then.


Active member

maybe they can detect big grows more easily now, but that just means more and more people will grow for themselves.

what they gonna do then?

they would have to build a shitload more of prisons and raise the prison sentences on smaller grows. (not that that would do anything..)

but imagine at least 10 times the numbers of growers.

its like trying to scoop up the ocean with a spoon, trying to stop this.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I've never heard of a pen detector but I have seen them use similar devices to detect drugs at airports but they have to rub the 'pen' against material first,

"A helicopter that can sniff out cannabis is flying over the skies of the Netherlands.

Anton de Ronde from the North Gelderland police force says: "... We already had a special torch that can 'smell' henna plants, ... We put these on board the helicopter ..." "

Well he just described a handheld pen like device. Torch is British for flashlight.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Bumping this thread because this is important. :wave:

Law enforcement now has the technology to sniff out grows.

I've bolded the critical passages in the article posted by Hundred Gram Oz.

I've never heard of a pen detector but I have seen them use similar devices to detect drugs at airports but they have to rub the 'pen' against material first,

I don't know if any of you are aware of what the Dutch have developed, they have got a 'drug sniffer' that is extremely sensitive, they have attached it to a helicopter/UAV with FLIR to detect grow houses, how effective it is? I don't know.

Here's a news article and video of it in action.

"A helicopter that can sniff out cannabis is flying over the skies of the Netherlands.

The device, which has been nicknamed the Canna Chopper, has both odour and video sensors, which allow it to find fields of cannabis from the air. According to Gizmodo, the device is remote controlled, powered by petrol and able to stay in the air for hours.

The helicopter is being deployed in an area called De Achterhoek, in the east of the country, where the Dutch Daily News reports that it found a cannabis factory and a cannabis farm. The website adds that seven suspects were arrested and several kilos of hemp were intercepted.

The helicopter was built for the Dutch Organised Crime Task Force. Anton de Ronde from the North Gelderland police force says: "The Canna Chopper is a small chopper without a pilot. It is a new invention for, and partly invented by, the Dutch police. We already had a special torch that can 'smell' henna plants, as well as normal cameras that can see warm spots. These last cameras are also used by the fire brigade. We put these on board the helicopter which uses GPS to navigate itelf and is controlled by one person on the ground."

De Ronde says that the Canna Chopper costs one tenth of the price of a full-sized helicopter. he adds: "The Canna Chopper we are using now is a test chopper and we want to try it out to see if it achieves what we need it to. At the end of the year we will take the decision, whether or not to deploy them."

The Dutch Daily News says that its implementation has been applauded by police authorities in Germany, the country for which “most of the illicit cannabis and hashish produced in the Netherlands is actually destined.”

The news site adds that profits from the cultivation of cannabis were estimated to have reached over €2 billion (£1.75 billion) in 2008, and says that only about 10 per cent of this crop is sold legally in Holland. Exporting the drug is illegal."

Video of it in action (Dutch)

FLIR in action over the UK


A "torch" is a flashlight.

"We already had a special torch that can 'smell' henna plants"

The guy is saying that they have, and have been using, a flashlight sized and shaped device which can detect and alert on trace amounts of aerosols drifting in the air from pot plants.

If this is real then the future is here. Law enforcement now has a handheld device to sniff out your grow operation. If access is difficult they can fly a drone over your location to take a whiff. Does a carbon filter matter squat with this technology? :kos:


Active member
as much technology as they get we will find a way to make it useless. only the huge grows and lazy growers will get caught


Active member
i agree. but i aint very scientific and have no way to know for sure.we need a few rc controlled japanese zeros to take out a chopper


Tropical Outcast
well in my state they need a warrant to use flir, so hopefully that is it. that or high power use. he said the house was filled.

And you seriously believe they get a warrant to do that!?

How many other things do we all know of they do & lie about, warrant or not?

There's absolutely nothing keeping a cop from using a FLIR device and if he did that w/o a warrant bust the grower using one of the other many available ways.

Guess who the judge is going to believe once the cop is claiming probable cause due to smell or other things indicated!

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
In the case of sniffer technology they wouldn't be looking into your private space like using a flir. They'd just be standing on public property sampling the air downwind from your private space.