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peep out my diary yo



zeus-wattaya talkin about yo takin care of these chikas is work! LOL !
hmmm how did i get a cut of the White?i believe theres a song that says it best,something like...(in my best country drawl) "i got friends in low places,slipped on down to the oasis...";)
most definetly keepin moms of everthing! might have to build another room for moms,i got idears,in the mean time i veg in 1 gallon pots anyways so i can get alot of them in there and all the 5 gallon buckets with the moms.still itll be easier to build somethin after the pull.peace -Y-

sirsmoke-thanks man yup sensi star,i just ran her for the first time a few pulls ago and i was pissed i only ran one to see how she was.i had took mad clones off her though and started another mom just in case i liked her.so now im happy there will be more around finaly wooohaaaa!
yeah i been lookin at that plant like hmm that looks like a Y for a while.then CD had told me he had one that looked like one i figured i'd show mine.i know my man c-dubbers will too.

peace fellaz -Y-


Registered Pothead

Gotta pull out the big guns to battle the mites man. What type of pesticide do you use? I am all about the avid and floramite. I found that neem doesnt really kill shit just slows em down. It is sad but i found that only hardcore sprays will truly keep the mites in check. Good Luck in your battle against the borg.


ok ok Im gonna go take a pic now, but it doesnt even compare to yours..
I think I know where you got the white from, no I know where you got that white from and your a lucky man. You can add that to my list of things I want to grow out! theres some other white crosses on a different site, but 10 beans are up to 200 bucks! screww that! I'll be back to edit this post with a pic in a bit!

edit: heres some pics for ya bro!
This is the one Im workin on for you..doesnt look nearly as good as yours, but Im tryin..plus your like so far ahead of me and I only gots 550 watts.. :bashhead:

heres your fav, #2

a better closeup of those left cola's

here's my fav,#8

and a closeup of that left cola again..

I think she might throw a couple of zips all by herself.

Unfortuneately, I picked a nanner this morning. Offa # 6. It was way high up in the main cola. Weird. there were no more to be found after a good scrutinizing.
peace brudda..
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poppin in bro... bout to roll one and get teh day started right.. thought id check in here and see how you rockin.....

quite well i see... my ears are bleeeding!

looks top notch bro.... and this time... i DID remember to tell blazeoneup you said hello. lol.



Wow those are looking great. Thanks to you and Cellar I have a good idea of what to expect as long as I don't fuck them up too bad, and I am damn excited. Here are my KC's with a few Jock Horrors mixed in, I think they're about a week behind Cellar's.



chubb-hell yeah brotha,i hadda hittem with some avid,the neem was not doin it.im with you,killem,dont play around.thanx for the good vibes.peace

C-Town-wattup pimp.thanx brotha.

c-dubbers-nice pics brotha,i like the 1st one the best,i think its gonna fill in.
idk how much farther along that lil hashberry of mine is(thats what the Y plant is a hb)
it was flipped on 7/5 im pretty sure.she came in a few days after the group that was flipped on 6/30 aka the ogre patch.sometmes i think they be taxxin for beans too bro then i think

"it cost 200 for a half oz of some of this bud i can grow all i want for 200...good deal"
hehehe its easier to pay it if ya break it dowm like that LOL.

i been lookin over mine for nanners too yo i havnt spotted any,now you just made me gonna go over them with a fine tooth comb!
peace brother.-Y-

NZ-wattup my man! sheeeaat where you been in a pu coma??!!good to see ya always yo.aww you know how i do yo,keep the bass up and the woofers beatin,"party like a rock star" LOL

cool bro glad you finaly remebered to tell'em wattup for me.honestly i kinda learned how to start the perpetual grow off his thread bro,i knew what i needed to do but watchin his thread put it in perspective.im still tagged to his thread till this day but he hardly ever posts up any more.
there use to be another dude i would try to model my ethics after and learn from too , but he switched handles or somethin and idk where he dissapeared to,it was starcrash,remember his bad ass grows?peace -Y-

hey starcrash if you see this get at me in a pm id love to see what you got goin now pimp!!!

socrates-hehe i always say ur name like them dudes on the bill and ted movie
so-crates,LOL i know what it is it reminds me of that flik though yo.
you have some beauties there bro,when were they flipped?wich phenos you got?
i got a short one and two tall ones the tall ones smell lemony/gassy and the short one is the same with a skunky undertone thats gettin stronger.peace brotha keep up the A+ work.-Y-


What's up chief. I just wanted to chime and defend my good friend Mr. Neem, and mention that neem is more of a preventative product more than a kill them off product. It is a systemic product that is best introduced while in vegatative cycle and fed every watering for up to three weeks(My neeming usually transfers over into the first week of flowering as I like to neem for like three weeks). Detering pest issues from presenting before an infection occurs rather than control and erratication after the fact(As said previoiusly "it only slows them down"). Also everything is looking great in here. Everybody's plants look awesome you guys should drop more of your pics in my thread too so I don't have to hunt around IC and find them in a neglected thread of one of my boys(Sorry Y). O.k I'm done Peace ~SB~


Hey Y, thanks for the encouragement man. My grow is nowhere close to yours but it means a lot to me, so thanks. I have 5 KC's (out of 9 germed), but I don't think I have any "short" phenos...they were thrown into flower on 7/7 after a month of veg. This is what they looked like then, and now a month later:

Talk about stretch, huh? Two of them have that strong lemon-fuel smell right now, and another two look pretty much the same but have a more kind of earthy/spicy smell mixed in - maybe those will get skunkier as they mature. The fifth one is taller than the rest, with more indica-looking leaves and a thicker stem, and it smells more fruity, almost like grape kool-aid - it smells bomb as hell. It also looks to be the heaviest yielder so far, but they all have a long way to go.

Thanks again man, I really hope they turn out something like yours... its been inspiring to watch.
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wattup just,i know bro i used neem last time and it helped out alot but i wanted these fuckers gone asap pyririum bombs are in the flower room next and thats hould be that.
i havnt seen much activty in there so its more of a prevenative thing too.
alsobro wattaya mean you water with neem?i just spray them with a mixture in a bottle sprayer...tell me you know i want to learn brotha!!
a couple quick questions yo,where do i buy cheese cloth at?
and is that what its really called? ok and since my trims been frozen should i double the amount of trim per butter? and i got a gang of trim bro,how long is the butter gonna stay good for in the fridge or freezer bro?
reason why i wanna know so bad is im gonna make some asap yo,tonight...i made me a bowl of oatmeal at like 9:00pm yo,i put my last chunk of gifted cannabutter(a pretty big chunk in there(turned my oatmeal green:),and man im soooo fuckin lifted roght now it aint even fuckin funny.....LOL yes it is!!!i keep realizin that i havnt smoked a J in like almost 4 hrs and im feelin like i just put one out!the buzz is great,way different then smokin yo.but it sux knowin its all gone yo! so i wanna stock up on a load like a couple lbs. or so atleast,keep some of that shit around;)
peace yo-Y-

sublime-wattuppers thanx man,imma try yo,imma try...

socrates-whattitdo pimpin,those aresome nice ass plants my man,be proud yo ur doin a good job with them!!the mandala site says 63-68 days so you got alot of beefin up to go before all is done bro, im hopin theyre right on time!i cant wait to taste mine,i been growin these babies for along time bro seems like forever!!!!!
my indy lookin one is the shortest yo with some big ass chunke dense buds on her,the taller more sativa leaning ones,the buds are like medium density,they are all startin to get really sticky too.do you have a thread yo?whats the name?if not you should start one my man if for nothin else to keep track of ur progress.
peace -Y-

.....and yup fam the buzz is still gettin stronger its takin me atleas 25-30 minutes to post this LOL peace.


Active member
Y you got some nice looking sensi star going.
SS makes beautiful buds that really give your garden that something extra.

lots of good stuff in there, all looking dank.
Yeah, yeah, build a new mom room, fill it with the good stuff. You'll have a mom genetics bank.

edit: oh yeah man, nice avvy.


Socrates said:
fruity, almost like grape kool-aid - it smells bomb as hell. It also looks to be the heaviest yielder so far, but they all have a long way to go.

its been inspiring to watch.
Koolaid? really? IwouldntGeussed it! :laughing:
but I have to agree...bomb as all hell..
my shorter ones will yeild though..
What kinda lamp you usin Socrates?

again with the inspiration... :bashhead: :laughing: :laughing: :violin:


Y - thanks again. And no I don't have a thread, my grow is pretty thrown together and I didn't think it'd be worth it, but maybe I will so I can stop hijacking your thread. :pimp3:

CD - Haha sorry man, maybe I get a little carried away, I don't mean to be all :bow: but really it is nice to have something to aspire to, you guys make me want to take it to the next level. And to answer your question its a 400 watt HPS I got on ebay with an inline fan pulling some air from under the hood, albeit not very well. And I dunno about kool-aid exactly, it reminds me a little of grape skittles too, but I have a very limited range as far as describing smell (that's what I thought my grape krush smelled like also, but the kali smells different somehow too). I'm excited to see how it translates into the final product.


Yo man what I mean by it being systemic is that it is best absorbed by the root system. After being ingested by the plants roots for a period of time the plants become resistant(not immune) to pests making it less likely to become infected. I don't mix it into spray ever really, I just add it to the feed bucket and water normally with the exception of additional mixing throughout as it's oil and will seperate, but mixed properly should make the water a milky color.

Now for the cheese cloth its real name is cheese cloth. You can find it in the baking section of almost any super market where you find flour and sugar and such.

You shouldn't have to use any more or less trim from it being frozen. For me it lasts until I use it up as I keep my fridge cool enough to make ice crystals in milk, but refridgerated it should last a couple months before getting some mold on it. I'm not sure about frozen though, but it should be for a good while. Hope that helps


ah shit man now its skittles..
jest messin ya man, my main light is a 400. for now.
also got a 150w hps and a bank of 4- 4' 40w blue floro's
doin the shinedown. cant wait for the next3-4 weeks!


wattup fam,hope everyone is good and enjoyin this day...

just-how much neem do you use per gallon of water yo?
thanks for the info im gonna make me some tonight.im gonna make it kinda strong since my trim been sittin for a while i want some booyukka!!!! no need in makin it if it aint fire yo.

wattup C-dubbers!!!!

well fam,today i went and got me some cheesecloth and 2 lbs of butter.im gonna make my first batch tonight.im gonna make 2 lbs.that should last for a while.
i'll try to take some pics along the way.wish me luck...

peace fam-Y-


Grinding extra.
Let me know your method Y, I'm about to make some budder myself.
Can't part with that bread for bubblebags right now, that would have been my preference.
Plus, I gotta start making MAD butter for my cuzin who's gonna come of prescription pain meds and stick with the cannabis.

Anyway, let me know. Miss O makes some NASTY budder (I've tried it) so I might ask her too, but I think she uses a pressure cooker and thats $ as well. Oh well, I gotta do what I gotta do.

I was thinking about building another space for my moms too. I like to know that there is a special area just for them where they can thrive. It's a like a flavor library. That's the shit!

Stay safe mang. Sick grow, and good luck with your battle with the mites!