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Pecky Cypress.


High ya Ol"Stoners:)..

Not sure where to >>put this thread,,,or how to begin..There was a day when YOU would only see me in the outdoor forums. only because >I'm slow,and had NO time..

PECKY CYPRESS, is A cypress tree that grows in the low lands of swampy areas..>ALOT of stuff on internet about P.C.,so I'm not gonna get into wat knots of it..

Just put it this way..They can live to be A thousand yrs or even older.
Say a Cypress tree fell 800 yrs ago,and that tree never ROTTED just WEATHERD away slowly over time. That's MY form of Pecky.I would say, my pecky is well over a thousand yrs old...its NOT plained or ever touch by mans hands until mine>>>well maybe Native Fl"s along time ago..lol cant speak for them.

I'm gonna be sharing these pictures I been taking here.Any True wood/tree lover will know right away:).That said: I cant get or figure out how to get a frigging picture to insert:laughing:....

Yall old schoolers can HAVE a lil piece of this wood..
There is A story behind it all..You see this particular swamp is A VERY old one and I will be sharing {If I can} not sure yet.. the story behind it with the IC world..But I promise LOTS of pictures of wonderful PECKY cypress with any wood lovers..

Just bare with me...Gonne get a 12 yr old to help me..ha,ha
Peace..<<ws>>:thank you:




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Well-known member
you can save that tree

make something outta it

maybe even a garden sculpture ??

let not its time go to fade



It worked!!

It worked!!

These 2 pieces are very hard to find..There is more like these,,Alot comes back once your back in y zone to trmember where they were..

This is ALL that is left of a tree that fell prolly over a thousand yrs ago..Time has worn down to what you now see..


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For double posting and crap but I'm rusty as hell..

A,,, Yes this is VERY old growth pecky swamp..I been watching it for well over 30 yrs...Wait until you see some of this stuff..I will post more pics asap.I got ALOT of them..
I have ALOT of SMALL pieces and for being the first to stop by,,I will PERSONALLY send A small piece of pecky to ANY addy of your choosing...

I don't sell it..I COLLECT it.Over the last several months I been slowly gettem home from where thay have laid for MANY moons...Well I got 2 to upload some how..sorry bout the double pic,,Im old and VERY stoned.:biggrin:


trying again

trying again

Sorry once again...This tree shelterd me,hid me from FLIR more times that I can count..As you can see I have pulled the top back so you can see down the hollow of the this VERY old cypress,,,Note: This is NOT pecky,,Just very old growth cypress that fell when the rest of these Ancient trees went down..prolly bad ass hurricane cat 7 lol id say between 500-1000 yrs ago..Im trying to figure out this rotation thing..

Yes I have burned it bak wen I had to build small fire to cook/coffee with...I have literally dis mantled that tree and brought home.Part of it I'm making head Board for my bed..
I know it sucks looking sideways..<ws>


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Rotate propper?

Rotate propper?

Man!! this is getting flusterating...

Edit: well getting better. I like documenting as I retrieve .So I DL ed all the pics from my phone to this NEW PC..I was just getting pretty good w my smart phone in taking pics and video..But that's why I'm here at IC to practice my PC skills..Only 2 web sites I ever been on more than once {just Looking}..This one...and the other is no more..

The picture you see is the way I get this stuff..Most times its UNDER water,,but as the years have gone by and the swamps are drying up. . Was no major hurricanes in decade,so I took advantage of it and put some time bringing this stuff to my home..Just in time!!!! We got a lil piece of that last storm. Enough to re fill the swamp and hide my RETIREMENT.

Note:..I keep coming back to try and edit to try and keep these pics all together,but I get lost trying to upload while in edit option. Prolly something I cant do or figure out..
All those years I lived in this swamp I was sad bc at that time I didn't think I had much of a future that I couldn't do anything with this beautiful ancient wood..
Some how I'm here now , and things are different .. I once hung out ONLY in the outdoor section and very rarely posted in SL/tokers den..I knew Guerrila growing pretty well/average I guess,and myself and a few other Very good GGs could CONTRIBUTE to MJ growing>>out door stealth style..Now.I really CANT contribute mainly bc there is NO need bc of the advances in strains,,technology and laws ect..


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this is the end of a 35 ft half weatherd tree..it weighs aprox 2 tons..

As you see the end of this tree will with "TIME" look like the 2 above.
This is the prettiest PECKY tree I have ever seen I photos of how she sat in the swamp..I sat on this a MANY day/night..I showed a so called friend this log and a month later I noticed it was MOVED 60 feet!!! lol,,gotta give em props for moving it that far..That PISSED me off and had to take drastic actions {forth coming } If you love PECKY cypress/wood then ya gonna love these pictures I have..
<<ws>>..Edit::Gotta figure this rotation thing out


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Gonna try again

This is A small piece that I put poly urethane on..


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EDit: Okay I had about all I can stand..I roted that before I DL'ed.Still side ways..I will figure this out tomorrow .<ws>

This is the prettiest Pecky LOG I have ever seen..Im sorry that its side ways..Its 35ft long about 2 tons..

Note:..This is the log that one of MY socalled friends tried to out rite steal!!!! lol I gavem "A" for effort though...
They moved this log 60 ft!!!!


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Trying for 3rd time

Trying for 3rd time

Well lets see what way they turn..

I see one is right and one is wrong..hmmm.When I Dl"ed them they were Both both facing up..

Anyway..CANT grow and PARTICIPATE in forums ACTIVELY right now and be a productive member here at IC..

LOl,,,all I can do is talk about this wood..I wished I could get MY old overgrow gallery..There is A picture somewhere in there of a hollowed out cypress tree where "I" found A COMPLETE human skeleton curled up>>>Native..prolly atleast 800 yrs old..There {and the only time} I ever found 6 of the prettiest arrow heads I ever laid eyes on!!!
I just happened to know where {one} of the places they stayed at..Bc ALL high ridges on this slough I grew Mucho Plenty herb..After years as a younger man I started to figure out how,what and where they traveled>>any frigging way I'm stoned and ranting now..{sorry}

These pics..One on the right is a natural plank that come off the tree above..Me and this tree shared MANY lonely days/nights bout 20 yrs ago.

The one that's sideways{sorry}..Is A log>>TIMBER log..that was FORGOT/left by some loggers bout a 100 yrs ago..You all see that log???
That's <ws>'s LOG!!!! LOl...just had to say that..Gonna share photo's ..I showed a SO called friend what I was gonna do with ALL this stuff I been watching for many years..about a month later I was out looking for old spots before my old brain gets too far gone and NOTICED someone had ATTEMPTED to move MY huge pecky log!!!
WS ....Got REAL pissed and HAD to take drastic actions!!!


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Well-known member
ive been looking at a couple of homes in the woods made of pecky cypress or cypress. maybe ill be in one someday soon.

on the pics...when you see the window that has your pics in it look at the TOP RIGHT corner and the drop down menu you can choose original size, no thum to get larger pics.

cant help on rotating them as im too comp. illiterate.



Thanks MOR...
Wow!!..You get a chance to buy home w/ PC .Do it if ya can. This wood I have has "soul"...
Its the "ONLY" thing that gives me that passion..The very same passion I have on mj and growing...

Now on to My drastic measures I had to take::
Well Im just a stoner or I should try harder I guess...Anyway..

the picture below is me pulling "my" pecky log home...After I saw that "MY" friend had went right to this log and steal it..Well I aint figured that out..rubs head..yet.
Oh I took pics of the area..Looked like>>BOB cat? Or Big ATV..ropes and pulley ect evidence left behind.Will get bak to that..
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Edit#3.Gonna try to upload again

Now that I'm a real UP standing member of My fine community,,,PPl around here know its REALLY bad mojo to be up to NO good in my swamp..
Weather was right,,water was WAY down in the swamp and everything was perfect for what I did........

I was in total shock!!!! Funny story..I told my GF,,After showing her my swamp,i came to where my log was supposed to be and freaked out when it was gone!!!
I told her " it was right here!!!!!" Of course we had just smoked a phatty..One of the FIRST times I was glad that my daughter hooked me up with these damn smart phones upon my arrival home..... I calmly tooked out my phone stood back and said see that tree right there? I took a picture of it..And played w my phone and found old picture of log by same tree!!!...

I have some good OLD friends,,,,One of my oldest friends just so happens to own bout 40 tractors/trucks ect...>>BIG money friend who actually thrived and MADE a good life for him self..But still same man he was yrs ago.... I picked up that lil smart phone and hit one button...2 hrs later I had a semi loaded with this 4 wheel drive extend back hoe you see here...If yall could have seen just to the right of this picture the TIMBER company was clearing 21 yr old pines. As i was passing I remember when they was planted.
They just stared at me in AWE as I went by 5mph...lol I basically Dared a soul to ASK me what the hell I was doing driving this huge thing down my dry creek bed..
I basically drove damn near up to it ,and with ropes and other trees and pure power I pulled this huge log home!!!!...It now sits in my yard. Smiling in content as I now puff and look out my window at it...I also Got my OTHER log!!! Will be showing in the future....Gotta get better though..Peace!! <<ws>>



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Take #4?

Getting a lil better..{sorry} I now know what I have to do..I have to get my pics right on this PC...

My daughter gave this phone to me when I came home>>>nice one...But I went picture crazy for awhile and I now have to SORT thru these pics and figure out this >PC...
as I DONT let No one touch this PC..thats jus me..I don't trust shit,but what I know>and that's nothing!!

As to the pics below..The snake??? lol...say hello to my lil friend!!!That's the BOSS of the swamp right there!!! After a decade my swamp thrives!!
The other is where my log USE to be,,Im still trying to find the pic of it when it was there..Mite be a min though.

I have a lot of pics I'm gonna share..Some new..Some old from Overgrow days..You see my avatar? ..look real close..thats a sony digital mounted there..lol. that's about 2003/2004?...The ONLY thing in my life that wasn't seized,confiscated,or out right stole from me... Who is laughing now?? <ws> had this stuff tucked away in safe spot..
I had to literally SUE>>>I'm real good Pro se :winK: To get a lot of my stuff back.I got some,,,but no where near what was taken ...ie....artifacts ,Hand written stories..Pictures undeveloped cameras ect,,bla,bla bla..I did pretty damn good at what I did get back though..


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