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Peaceful Greetings from Cali!

Patient 957

Hey everyone,

My name is Jim. I've been using cannabis medicinally for about 5 years now; I smoked recreationally when I was younger.

I recently relocated from a state with no laws on the books, and got tired of the anxiety the whole underground situation creates...so I'm more than happy to have made this move.

I'm a typical newbie to growing - bookworm over the last year and a half reading a lot of books. I'm now piecing together my garden - slow moving when you're laid off...so it's more patience than anything at this point. hehe

Eventually I'd like to have a veg and flower rooms; the walk-in closet in my bedroom is where I'm starting. It's eventually going to be the veg room for my mothers and fathers, and I will be grabbing a Homebox L to grow larger, multi-branch grows. But that won't happen til I'm working again, so I am only assembling the walk-in closet right now.

I will be running a Sunleaves Pioneer T5, 8-bulb HO lighting system, under which I have 8 3-gallon nursery containers. I'm not sure if for my first grow I'm going to grow 3 or 1 seeds per pot...finances will determine this more than anything.

I'm a vegetable gardener, and I always prefer growing from seed, so until I can get my flower tent set up, I'll be doing a dwarfed-plant SOG style of grow using Soma's techniques and recipes; most likely going to trigger 12/12 once the plants reach either 6" tall or 4 sets of leaves...whichever occurs first.

First genetics that I'll be growing will be Soma's "Somango" and DNA Genetic's "Chocolope." Most likely 1 seed per container...but again...this could make it up to 3 per pot if money will allow...

I'm keeping a private patient's blog and won't take up server space here, but as I get into the actual growing process, I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions. hehe

I was recommended to check this site out by another patient I recently met in the bay area, and I hope to learn a lot as well as hopefully contributing at appropriate times as well. :)

Thanks for reading!

Peace & Light,

Patient 957 / Jim

PS - The screen name is homage to my favorite comedy group. :)




Hey everyone,

I'm keeping a private patient's blog and won't take up server space here, but as I get into the actual growing process, I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions. hehe

Thanks for reading!

Peace & Light,

Patient 957 / Jim

PS - The screen name is homage to my favorite comedy group. :)

:dueling: WELCOME To IC MAG, Im sure you'll find ALL your answers here.:yummy: