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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
(and I had been wondering if you had a plan or were just totally winging it...:biggrin: Nothing really wrong with that approach- except if you want consistent results over a long term. Just get a soil or soilless mix and the nutes dialed in and you're pretty much good to go. I like just coir and perlite as a planting mix. You can treat it like soil or like hydro. )

Yeah, I'm almost completely winging it.
There's so damn much to know with growing that my head spins.

Then I grab on to a tidbit of information and get all carried away with it.
Like when I learned about trimming fan leaves and ended up giving her a Brazilian. Lol

Then I did this when I turned my cooler into a swamp.

It was 3 months old, a month into flower and it only 8" tall, so I said fuck it and pulled it out of the ground to start over.

I almost threw it out but decided to stick it in a jar and cure it.

It ended up being the best weed I ever had!!

I use a dry herb vape pipe and I normally get all the flavor on the first haul and the next five hauls don't taste as great then the bowl is done.
But this stuff had Awesome taste all the way through.

The sad part is I don't want to spend 3-5 months growing 14 grams and I don't know what the hell I did to get it anyway. Other than to completely brutalize my plant. Lol
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Well-known member
Just google - or better yet use startpage dot com for anonymous searches - "nutrient ph chart" and you will find the info you need.

Yeah, I have that chart on my old phone.
I haven't referred to it in a while.

It's the fancy color version too!!

I guess I should check out what iron and manganese deficiency look like but I don't want to end up throwing rusty nails, drill bits and battery acid into my cooler. Lol


Well-known member
Well, I came up with this.

And iron.


It does look a lot like what I've got but all the deficiencies look the same to me.
The plant is looking much better now since I watered it and the new growth is ok, except for maybe a bit of nute burn?

I dunno?
I do have some PH down.
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Well-known member
I just bought this.

It apparently "works, but is cheaply made" and I might have to wait until December to get it but that's fine. I can wait and I won't be using it much.


Well-known member
The runoff PH looks to be dead on and doesn't smell of rot or anything funky.

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/y8NKWJDv/20191005-172956.jpg]View Image[/url]

After I checked the chart I realized I was off on what the PH is supposed to be so I checked the PH of my tap water and it is 7.0.

Then I mixed in the nutes and molasses and the PH dropped to about 6.25-6.50.

I remember reading that peat moss turns the soil acidic as it breaks down and I have only just started watering until I get runoff so I figure I just need to flush out the soil.

I flushed out the cooler with 6 liters of solution and got 2 1/2 liters of runoff that is now reading 6.5 so I think I'm okay.


Well-known member
I thought I'd update my outdoor grow.

This is how they looked on August 24th.

They had some weird purple leaves that I was concerned about so I posted an inquiry in the infirmary thread.

There was mention of a disease that I was concerned about.

I suspect you have a case of phytoplasma, the purple tops would have me concerned. Phytoplasma is a nasty disease that I experienced for the first time this year. This is not your typical purpling from cold temperatures but a disease transmitted by bugs. I hope you don't have it and good luck.

But there was also this and my plant didn't look like this.

Need this pic on the first page of the thread so people understand its not just purple/black new growth...it eventually grows into blistered/mutated leaves.

I'm hoping people arent just killing naturally purple plants thinking its plant disease.



Well-known member
My plants didn't look like that and actually got better and the new growth was green again.

I almost chopped my plants.
It was a close call. Lol.

Can someone clue me in as to what the problem is? I don't see any brown. The purpling seems normal for a lot of strains. Especially cool nights.


Damn, he almost cut the buds off...

Unfortunately, I caught someone creeping my backyard around Sept. 16th and decided to harvest before I lost everything.

I decided to leave some of the lowest branches on the plants just to see if they might reach maturity.

The plants were nowhere near ready. They had a lot of trichomes but they were all clear.

I gave half of it away and just stuffed the rest in a ziplock bag.
I didn't want to bother trimming and or even wasting a Mason jar on it. Lol


Well-known member
My indoor plant wasn't looking too healthy.

I trimmed a bunch of leaves off that we're looking like they were dying.

Then I flushed it with PH down and this showed up the next day.
But just on one cola. The plant's Ok everywhere else.

I'm gonna leave it alone before I kill it.


Active member
A nice looking plant for sure, good work. Bottom right corner looks kind of like mold? Just thought i would give you a heads up.


Well-known member
It's lights out time right now but I went and took a quick look with a flashlight. (I think it's too late to make a hermi now)

It's just the buds frosting up.
The picture was a tiny bit blurry making the sugar look like mold.

I'll take some more pictures when the lights turn on. I have a hard time holding my camera still, then all my buds look like mold or spider mite webs. Lol


Well-known member
How much would it cost for the strips and a driver?? Maybe $50?

The strips ended up totaling $39 Canadian dollars.

And my "driver" costs $40.
I went with a 24 Volt 500 Watt power supply but I need to do something with it to turn down the voltage and current.

The strips were tested at 350 mA and have a maximum current of 1400 mA at 85°C.

That's 1.4 X 24 = 33.6 Watts per two-foot strip max.

At the test current.
0.350A X 24V = 0.84 Watts per strip.

That's 134 Watts at max for four strips.

The Meanwell is a quality adjustable driver but they are quite expensive.

This is what I ordered.

Set up a gofundme or use one of the sciencey donations sites. :tiphat:

I have no consistency with my grows.

I've grown a 3 1/2" plant followed by an 8" plant all while trying to grow it the same.

I won't be able to provide any objective results but subjectively I'm liking them already !! Lol

I used to spend ~$300 a month buying weed, so I don't mind spending on lighting and other grow equipment.

I'm trying to be more cost-conscious with less drunken spending. Lol